《Aula de la élite - Reacciones》Free time p1


Hunter: "Well it's been a while since the last time you ate so take a break" continue "I will give each group or couples their rooms so they can eat at ease and can discuss what they want, so just agree and they tell me"

kei: "Hey kiyotaka we can eat J-together"

kiyotaka: "are you sure about that?"

kei: "if I would like to spend time with you, I also want to talk to you about some issues"

kiyotaka: 'I guess you want to talk about that' "okay let me tell you"

kiyotaka: 'Hey put them in a separate room for kei and -'

haruka: "Hey Kiyopon come with us right airi, we will go to a room airi, akito and keise"

Kei who is next to me, he held back his laughter at my nickname, but why in an instant did her face turn serious?

airi: "y-yeah k-kiyotaka come with us"

kiyotaka: "I'm sorry but I'll go with someone else, it seems like it's something urgent"

akito: "so kiyotaka will go with someone else, will she be your girlfriend by any chance?"

Akito gave me a thumbs up, how strange

keise: "to think that kiyotaka is interested in those topics"

airi: "N-girlfriend d- of k-kiyotaka"

haruka: "Don't worry airi I'm sure it's not like that, right Kiyopon"

Boy is that smirk that I felt in an instant.

kiyotaka: 'in fact it is like that, but for the moment I will not say that' "it seems to you if once I finish speaking with that person, I will go with you"

haruka: 'why dodge the question' "okay, see ya"

Ayanokouji group: "take us to the room, it would be just the 4 of us"

Hunter: "alright, bon appetit"

in a second the ayanokouji group disappeared, it is still strange to call them that.

kushida: "We too would be all the girls in class C (D)"

hunter: "ok, but there is a problem there is one of her that will not go with you"

kushida: "ehh, who will she be"

Hunter: "sera karuizawa she will go to another room since horikita and other people have something to discuss"

kushida: "alright then only us" 'that bitch that takes care of them will be that she wants to tell them about me, damn it she only she dies'

Hunter: 'how rude'

Matsushita: "Karuizawa why don't you go with us?"

kei: "I have something to talk about with horikita"

well kei, it seems that she already learned to lie and get out of the situation.

Matsushita: 'That seems very suspicious to me but it hurts that I won't be able to see if it's true since we'll go first' "Okay, see ya"

Kushida and the girls are gone too.

the whole class B: "We only occupy one room"

ichinose: "yes so I can discuss as a group"

Hunter: "Okay, enjoy."

It seems that class B will be united as it is, class D (C) formed several groups, also the same as class A, Well it's time to go.


kiyotaka: 'Hey, you can already -'

horikita: "ayanokouji-kun and karuizawa I want you to come with me, hirata will also go"

Go it seems that hirata is sapho of the girls, well it's not that I mind going but I'm already busy.

kiyotaka: "I'm sorry but I already decided to go with my friends"

kei: "I also have to go with the girls to reach them"

Horikita: "Is that more urgent, ayanokouji-kun? You have to come, mine is more important"

kiyotaka: "I'm sorry but if it is more important, maybe then tell me what it is, if I apologize I have to go"

horikita: "Good"

kiyotaka: 'take me to the room first and then take kei'

Hunter: 'understood'


Wow, it's a very big room, but if we are only going to eat so there is a bed nearby?

Hunter: "enjoy it"

kiyotaka: "what do you mean?"

hunter: "soon you will know, I will send you to karuizawa"


Kei: 'Send me with kiyotaka'

hunter: 'Yes, I hope you enjoy I gave you a gift'

kei: 'ehhh'


kiyotaka: "kei, what did you want to talk about?"

kei: "first you have to eat, I want to spend time with you"

kiyotaka: "okay"

kei: "come here sit next to me"

I proceed to sit next to him and clasp our hands.

kei: "eh"

kiyotaka: "you said you wanted to spend time with me right?"

kei: "hmp yes, then let's eat"

pretty. We start eating without letting go of our hands, it is good that I get used to eating with either hand.

20 minutes later.

kiyotaka: "Okay kei tell me what did you want to talk about?"

kei: "You see kiyotaka remember that he was going to reveal our relationship right?"


kei: "I want us to reveal it soon, the damage it can cause to you would be less if they see that we are on very good terms, you know what I mean right?

You mean that monologue?

"Open your legs"

end of flashback

Well it is really as it says, if they see that we are together and that we get along the damage would be less, but that is not what worries me, actually the most important thing is "that".

kiyotaka: "Okay kei, it would be best if it was before the island exam"

kei "I guess that would be the best, by the way kiyotaka can you answer me this?"

kiyotaka: "if it's within my means I'll do it"

kei: "tell me kiyotaka did you say that monologue?"

so she wants to talk about "it" too

"You, ______ not all other people are just tools"

end of flashback

kiyotaka: "I think you imagined it, right?"

kei did not seem surprised by that revelation since she is partly the one who knows me best in actions of the present, while other people know me from the past, but in an instant kei lowered her head lost in thought and with a sad face .


kei: "so I was right, but the most important thing kiyotaka were the words you said to me ever true, you know" I love you "?"

so that was why, should be honest with that.

kiyotaka: "Do you remember the time you asked me that question? What if I have loved someone?" he nods, continued "I have never really loved and no, I don't really know how to love, even if I don't know this feeling, I can safely say that I like spending time with you "

Karuizawa only sees Kiyotaka again but with a smile, she no longer has a sad expression.

kei: "I understand, I will make you change that and you will love me, besides, I cannot judge you because they do not know what you experienced and what caused you not to love"

Ayanokouji was shocked by this, he actually thought that his girlfriend could end him because of that, but again he overcame his thoughts, actually not just a part of him, everything about him wanted Karuizawa to not finish him, one of the reasons why The one that chose her is that she knows him better than anyone, although she does not know about his past it is something that she cannot know if it is not told, unlike what she knows about him in the present, things that not even her close friends know, Another reason is that he thinks that she can teach him to love her.

kiyotaka: "Thank you for loving me, despite what I did to you, you are still by my side"

kei: "I will always be by your side kiyotaka, by the way do you think we can sleep a little together, you know this is the bed in front of you"

kiyotaka "if that's what you want it's fine"

They both lie on the bed and hug each other, Karuizawa on the other hand was blushing because it was the first time she slept next to Ayanokouji.

kei: "c-we can repeat what happened yesterday"

Ayanokouji who knows what he was referring to slowly approached her and kissed her, they both shared a sweet kiss.

kei: "what is this?" says blushing

Karuizawa just found condoms in a small move

kiyotaka: "you want to use them and go to the next stage" although he said it to joke with her, he did not expect her response.

kei: "y- if it's okay if it's kiyotaka" she said blushing

with that they both approached and ...

horikita: "seriously what is ayanokouji-kun doing, why is he not coming?"

if he knew what he was doing he would be surprised

hirata: "calm down horikita, can you start with us"

soduo: "yes suzune"

horikita: "well, then what do you think of the videos, some are afraid of something that can be shown?"

They both kept wondering, until one of them turned pale, if she is the best hirata girl.

hirata: "mmnn .... I think we all don't want him to show our stuff"

soduo: "eh why not me -"

at that moment he comes to mind when they tried to spy on the girls, he starts sweating like crazy.

soduo: "I agree with hirata, but we will not be able to do something, after all it is difficult for that person to listen to us"

horikita: "I understand that is why I speak to you here, I want you to be prepared in case something is shown that may affect the class or one as a person, hirata take care of that I do not want anyone to be affected"

hirata: "yes understood"

horikita thinks again why ayanokouji does not arrive, if she knew that she is experiencing new adventures.

In addition, there is an important reason why he wanted to see him and that is to ask him if there is a monologue that involves him, after all so far they are all his videos.

There is a group of girls asking what they thought of this, they are also afraid that one of them is the next one, but among all of them one in particular is more shocked than the others, if I mean the two-faced bitch is thinking if reveal their secret and "that" threat.

In this room is the leader of class D (C), along with his subordinates, here is ishizakibro and Albertbro are exchanging words about their friend Ayanokoji, while the leader just laughs like crazy and wondering if he will discover something else from him, on the other hand ibuki looked at Ryuen with a disgusted face.

mako: "Homani what do you think of these videos"

This is the most united class, it can be confirmed since the whole class is gathered in one room.

ichinose: "it seems to me that they are taking away people's privacy, there are things they may want that others do not know"

amikura '"yes yes, also all the videos are from your next boyfriend"

Ichinose was embarrassed, not because of the mockery but because of the last comment.

ichinose: "N- No nonono leave those comments amikura"

amikura: "why honami, if he is perfect for you, also even though he has that poker face, he can see that he likes you"

If only Amikura knew that those words not only made ichino show a sad face for a second that no one noticed, but that he would swallow those words in the future.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------

hunter: "well it's time to call them now"

There will be a second part of this, I do this so that the characters coexist and not only have dialogues like each fanfiction.

by the way if someone noticed leave a very remarkable clue of what is coming, "that" thing will already have an idea of ​​what it will be and in the future you will decide if you want the ***** of ***** or if you **** in the ***** D

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