《Bear trap (statehumans CalTex)》The End (for now)


(I realize it might not be seen as fair for only Texas to be America's son

to that I say HAH SUCK IT)

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" California screamed, carrying Texas's limp body to the center of town, where a large torch was lit in the center of a stage/platform thingy for aesthetic purposes.

"What happened?!" America exclaimed, taking his son from California.

"W-we were just in the garden! I-I didn't see anyone else there, b-but next thing I know h-he... he was shot...," California said shakily.

"Are you hurt?" Louisiana asked, taking California's hand.

"The arrow cut my chest a bit... but I don't care right now... I just want to know Texas will be ok," California said. France was trying to help Texas, but shook her head slightly and motioned for America to set him down.

"I-It's... It's too late...," France said, before grabbing the torch.

"NO! what are you doing!?" Mexico exclaimed, stopping France before she could set Texas on fire. France held her hand.

"Every bird has a little phoenix in them," France said. America held Mexico, and they watched in fear and confusion as France set the torch on Texas's chest. He went up in flames, and the whole empire was silent...

And suddenly, in a spectacle of light, something rose from the ashes. An eagle, colored the bright oranges and yellows of a burning flame, flew up from the fire, which disappeared beneath him. That bird morphed into Texas.

"What the fuuuuuu- uh... Hi," Texas said in confusion. Suddenly, California ran up to him and held him in a kiss. soon, he pulled away, and held him in a tight hug.

"God, I was so worried!" California exclaimed. Texas was very confused, but liked that he was immediately met with hugs and kisses after his sudden nap.


"Texas! You have wings!" Virginia exclaimed.

"I do!?" Texas exclaimed, looking back and seeing two wings. "SH*T I DO!!!" Texas exclaimed. Everyone was cheering, when suddenly...

"WAIT! who shot you?!" California exclaimed. A small child sheepishly walked up to them holding a bow and arrow.

"I overshot it.... a lot," The kid said guiltily. Everyone just laughed it off.

The end I suppose

perhaps a sequel may happen if I decide I want to

For now, let's do a Q&A

question me

question the characters

question anything

have fun

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