

True love is hard to get, love is all about giving to other person without greed of gaining anything in return. Loving means forgiving and exploring different emotions staying even if everything seems too hard. Love will follow the same beat its heartbeat know each other.


One year had past Jeon can now walk and talk a little, his full of laughter but sometimes he looks like his father snobby and cold. His growing as a handsome man like his father I bring him whenever I go to my husband office we always bring him foods.

Sometimes I help him and sometimes I also go abroad to visit some branch and manage it. We are helping each other Dwight never fails to make an effort in every achievement that I got and every deals that I closed he always surprise me, he called it as a reward.

He makes an effort to make quality time for his family and I swear almost every week his in the headline. There is a lot of people who envy me and praised him because his a loving husband and father. But he never change he looks intimidating and fearful to others.

For almost one week Dwight where out of the country for a most important matter he meet a lot of beautiful woman there. I hate to look at every news seeing his face with some famous woman I know he will never cheat behind my back. I trust him so much because he already earned my trust he always makes me feel that I’m the only one and I am lucky to have him.

Mom call a while ago and her voice is full of life and she sound excited because this day is my birthday and she give all of her efforts to make it grand my birthdays venue will take place in my mom’s mansion. Mom already get Jeon early in the morning living a note that she will take care of him.

For almost an hour I finish taking bath and I already choose my dress. As I look at the mirror I smile contently my eye lashes looks so natural I have a smoky eye and my cheeks where highlighted and my cheek bones is highlighted, my lips is painted with red orange matte lipstick. Maroon soft material of the dress where look good emphasizing every curves that I have. A little slit on the dress showing my slender white soft legs. I also wore my husband gift the necklace, bracelet, earing and watch.

The girl in the mirror that I am seeing right now looks so different she looks tougher and unbreakable. I smile from my reflection contently before exiting the my room and make my way downstairs.

I used my new red Ferrari this will match my maroon dress as always itachi and Charles where at my back following my car even though all of the threats where gone a long time ago Dwight never agreed on the idea that I will go alone. I know that Dwight will come he can’t never disappoint me this is my birthday and I know that I am more important done anything I just hope I am.

As soon as I left my car and walk on the red carpet I laugh from this kind of entrance mom was really impossible. Flashes of cameras where blinding me and I just keep on walking and smiling on them. As soon as I see the whole mansion it really looks like a castle lights where gracing the outside and inside of the house. All of the tables shows elegance and all of the flowers tulips and the design of the venue where amazing. Their was a lot of people everywhere and all of them looks powerful and rich.


The lights suddenly turns off and all of the candles where the one that give the whole place a shimmering light this was all wonderful. I felt a pang of gratefulness in my heart I never imagine that this will happen in my life upon looking at the scenery in front of me I feel like crying this is relaxing. I did my best not to cry when all of them begun to sing happy birthday and all of the candles inside the sophisticated glass began to move rhythmitically. I am so happy and I can’t even wish for more I will cherish all of this moments and I can’t never forget this day, the best day of my life.

When they stop singing and sit on their chairs the place become silent like all of them where waiting for my reply, thank you so much to each of the people who was here and for those people behind all of this thankyou so much and I love you all I tell to them happily.

All of them started clapping their hands, different colors of lights will be see in front and all of the noise slowly stops the soft melody of different instruments where embracing all of us.

The voice that I know too well started to sing, there goes my heart beating cause you are the reason I’m loosing my sleep, please come back now there goes my mind racing and you are the reason that im still breathing I’m hopeless now. I climb every mountain swim every ocean just to be with you and fix what I’ve broken ohhh cause I need you to see that you are the reason. There goes my hand shaking that you are the reason my heart keeps bleeding I need you now.

He have a good voice that can make anyone fall in love just hearing him. My heart increasing into its normal phase it was beating uncontrollably I miss him so much and seeing him singing while carrying my son and hearing him right now delivers a different emotion in me.

This is totally too much in just a day he started to walk towards my direction and when the song stops he said happy birthday my woman this is your special day like the way how special you are for me. When I move towards him to hug him I didn’t make it since he kneel down in front of me.

My eyes become wide from the shock I didn’t expect this as I look at him he smile on me. Xenia L. Timberner I know I did a horrible things back then or maybe I must correct it I am literally a horrible person. But despite all of my attitude towards you, you still accept me. You are the best woman I ever have the only woman who shown me the beauty of the world. The woman who give me the whole world you teach me what really love is without you my life is nothing. Thank you for always be by my side thank you for loving me unconditionally and giving me this little angel Jeon I love you so much, your like a gravity on my life and without you I cant move. If there is a woman I want to be with it is always be you my wife please allow me to marry you again.

I want to see you again walking down the aisle while holding a flowers on your hands. Looking beautiful and loveable in your white dress I will always choose to be with you for eternity. My woman, my wife and the mother of my son Xenia L. timberners will you marry me again.


His looking at my eyes with full of happiness and love I nod on him, Yes Dwight I will always say yes because I love you too so much and I will always choose to be with you as well I laugh telling them my words while my tears slowly cascading on my face.

The moment he stand with jeon on his arms he embrace me and flowers started to fall like my tears of joy and happiness. Peoples voices started to echo in the whole place this is the best birthday I ever have in my whole life. Mom my sister and my whole family joined including all of the maids and body guards and soon party began.


3 days had past and we still have a lot of things to do like running the company and arranging all of the things that we need for our wedding. I have a lot of schedule like choosing my gown the kind of wedding and motif. But Dwight where always on my side and I am grateful for having him.

Today I will left jeon in mom since I need to go in the company. Dwight where out of the country for two days he left early in the morning after he pack a little of his belonging and preparing the clothes I will wear today as well as jeon clothes.

I wear my milky white cardigan with its tank top white soft material and white milky fitted pencil skirt with a little slit on the side. It wasn’t look showy but it look elegant and professional since Dwight didn’t like seeing me wearing a showy clothes without him to guard me.

I wear my black sandals and black LV bag I wear a simple make up high lighting my long lashes small eyes and small lips and check bones. I also wear the set of dangling accessories that Dwight gave me I scan my look for the last time and smile from my appearance.

I carry jeon my son look handsome like his father he was laughing while looking at me as soon as I carry him he hug me and rest his head in my shoulder while talking non stop. I just laugh at him because he cant still talk straight and he looks cute.

As soon as I reach my moms mansion she laugh seeing jeon and quickly carry him while giving me a quick kiss telling me to not drain myself too much and t keep safe I just smile at them and answer her yes mom I will. I kiss jeon and he wave his hand on me while smiling at me and hugging his grandma.

The moment I enter the company all of the people show respect like greeting me or bowing their heads a little I just smile at them sweetly and uttering thank you. As I enter the office I engrossed my self with paper works and reading proposals signing things that worth to be sign and need to be sign.

I stretch my body while answering the call the secretary is calling informing me that there is a famous woman he see in magazines who wants to go in my office and that woman is creating a scene. I just laugh sarcastically is that so, then let her in, he try to contradict and his voice speak a lot of concerns I laugh at him telling him to just let the woman in.

As she push the door she looks like a rebel she looks unbeatable and fiercer she rolled my eyes on me and sit on my husbands office chair like she own it. I just look at her with nothing what did you want woman I ask her.

She laugh at me, well I want anything Xenia your just come from a rag and you don’t even deserve any of this Dwight where eventually mine. Since I deserve him more I am famous I am rich and I swear I am one of the powerful woman in different country. I heard he propose to you turn it down and don’t dare to agree I will pay you what ever you want. Just leave us and bring your son I am a business woman xenia so lets talk about the price how much do you want she ask me while raising her other eyebrows.

I just laugh at her sarcastically, who the hell is the one who tell you that I’m going to follow what you said. Well I just thought of asking you woman how much do you want to left us and stops hallucinating that you can get what I have I ask her that make her looks like a dragon who’s ready to explode.

She shout out of her lungs how dare you and stand aiming to slap me but I caught her hand. Oppps I thought I come from a rag but your attitude looks like you know what I mean act like educated so that it wasn’t look like you’re the one who come from street. One more thing I am really came from a poor family and I’m proud with it I smile at him sweetly and she pull her hands from my hold.

She again aim to slap me but I hold it again and slap her face hardly I smile at her sarcastically you better left my place before I lost my patience. She look at me anger is written all over her face telling me that she will file a case against me I just smile at her ohhh I will be going to wait for it that’s sounds fun. How about I will also release the video of the cctv publicly I wonder where is your career goes you’re a model right then you come in here bragging that you own someones husband. That’s absorb do you even think that I don’t have any alliance I am also a business woman and my man have a very strong and hard empire as far as I know your belongings is nothing compare to what we have here.

Her face changes to its defeat state she walk out while she earned a sarcastic smile from me. I continue my work like nothing happen I am used to it since his not an ordinary man and no one can also break me unless its him.

I stand and look at the beautiful scenery from this office and smile contently before I get my belongings and exiting the office.

As soon as I am walking professionally some greet me and as I walk further some of their faces looks worried I wonder what gotten into some of them.

A woman shout where echoing in the workplace I quickly step hurriedly this woman is creating a trouble and havoc that can disturb all of the people who’s working in here. This will also create an issue in some of the news when someone get some opportunity to record the scene I tightened the security not to take any of shots but I still feel relief since I know that I can trust all of my employees.

The woman broke some vases while securities are dragging her out she’s literally a psycho fighting to be freed.

I know this woman too well the woman who once tried to kill my child while his in my womb I wonder why she’s not in jail. I tell them to freed her as she look at me she looks totally mad cursing me non stop and telling that I take away all of what she have. She also call me slut for getting Dwight away from her, I just laugh at her your also hallucinating what the goddamn thing happens to all of the woman nowadays.

I look at her intently you better go out of this building all alone I’m not on my mood to be kind I am tired so better leave I tell her. But instead of leaving she get the gun of the security quickly and point it on me, he damp me he even put me in jail and I lived in there for years while you have everything she said. You better die your just his wife in paper you slutty woman.

Her eyes is full of anger I quickly throw my bag on the gun that she was holding the gun slipped from her hands and throw on a different direction with my bag the guards quickly get it.

I smile at her sarcastically sorry I do that because based from your face your serious leaving a threat. She move to attack me but I did a defense and make her two arms be put on her back. I am now facing her back while I am holding her two arms I kick the back of her knee that makes her kneel on the ground.

and you better be scared of me because I will not make any mercy to drag you in hell. You better stop creating havoc and stop to ruin my peace of mind.

and anyone must show respect on me I am fiercer and unbreakable. I give her to the guards and call my attorney in front of her telling to file a case and put this woman in jail.

I make my own exit the moment I see the lights coming from the sunset of the sun, I smile contently. The ring of my phone caught me I quickly answer the video call, dwights handsome and loveable face appear on the screen. His smiling widely at me telling me how much he love me he also tell me that his going home now since he finish all of the things early.

He also tell me that he knows what happen and I look amazing that his always be proud of me. I just answer him that I am just his wife a biliionaires wife who try her best to be better and he must not take importance on everything that I do.

He smile sweetly on me, yes your just a billionaire wife the wife who will be marry me again the wife who worth anything who’s better than anything. The wife who gave me a real happiness you’re the only one I want to have.

As the call ended soft tears slipped from my eyes I quickly wipe it and look at the sky the view is so peaceful and mesmerizing.

and I am now holding a sword and that sword wasn’t bruising me anymore since it will become my own strength and weapon I keep my sword at the special place in my heart it found the same rhythm the same beat.

THANK YOU FOR EVERYONE who support my book and who read my book I hope you enjoy reading. I am grateful that I already finish this book I hope to see you soon in some of my books. Have a good day and a bless day everyone…☺☺☺😍😍😍💕💖💞

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