
The sun rays awakens me from my deep slumber it is again morning the sky visible in my windows is at peace contrary on how I feel right now. How I suppose to find jobs when I know the man I came to face is the most powerful man here in my country not to mention that his also a well known man across the globe. A knock on my door awakens me from my deep thoughts. My sister ask me why I’m still at home sensing the truth she really knows me a lot and she knows if her sister got a problem instead of consulting her with lies I tell her that I’ve got fired from my job. But I don’t tell her the treat that maybe I will never get a good job after all that was happen. This day I will find a job I really hope I will get even if the salary is low. I wear formal to looks presentable my sister will go to school she kiss me on my cheeks before going to school cheering me that I can find a better one.

I’ve been walking for almost an hour my feet is killing me but this is nothing compare to what I’ve been through. This is all nothing I smile looking at the sky hoping that everything will be fine. I still can’t get any jobs I know that I am qualified but I think there is someone who’s sabotaging me. He’s really serious in sending me to hell goshhh this make me furious a lot.

Suddenly my visions got blurry all I see is darkness I can’t move anymore my hands tied up and my feet there is scarf in my eyes and mouth preventing me to speak and to see. What the actual f*ck is happening right now I been fired from my job then now I am kidnap. I can’t even fight back before I ended up like this the last time I remember I am on my deep thoughts then someone spray something in my face. When I woke up I don’t really know where I am now the only thing that is clear is this is really a kidnapped. It looks like I am on a bed this is so soft and comfy this is also smells to good that speaks luxury.


The sound of the door opening averted my attention the foot step indicating that they where going in my direction that makes my heart pump out of my chest. I can’t even able to fight for my scape with this situation. Ohh I forgot your still tied up I’m glad you got some rest with that situation someone said.

Someone please untied her oppsss not you let Lisa untie her coz you’re a man I just don’t like it when she’s behind a man. The moment they remove my tie and scarf I got a better view of my surroundings.

Well I don’t know you what makes me puzzle is what comes into your mind bringing me here? Who have the intentions of bringing me here? What do I did wrong now? I bombarded them with questions looking frustrated at all.

Ohhh honey you don’t have any wrong doing in fact you did a very great job you got me anyway she replied smiling like she won from a competitions.

She looks young but it looks like she is at her old age based on her skin. She looks kind but I wonder what really wrong with her. Madam with due all of my respect I really don’t know you, can you please mind telling me what really happening I don’t know you ma’am why I ended up here when I don’t even know you.

Honey I am Kate Timberners you are Xenia Lee from the looks of you I am right that you are her. I cant never be wrong since I can’t even forgot how you look like. I am the mother of your so called boss.

Goshhhh you are his mother how come? you look like your not that bad but he is like a man who come from hell that was amazing maybe he is adopted. Am I right madam.


Hahah honey you really have a lot of fun in you no his not adopted. Look at me half of his features resembles mine. You know what upon hearing you he will never be happy from what you have said but thanks god his not here.

Madam I don’t really know what the purpose of me being here? Upon saying that she said that she see all the things happen in my boss office since she watch the cctv without my boss knowing. She laugh like she’s the happiest person alive she even tells me that she really likes me and she wants me to be her daughter. I just don’t know what really gotten into her. She says that no one ever dare to talk back to his son like what I did and by now I regret talking back on him seeing his mother right now like she’s a fund of me speaks trouble.

Suddenly she looks at my eyes seriously and all of the laugh and smile will never be visible in her eyes and face. Marry my son honey I will assure you he can’t never sabotage you again I will also want to know you more including your sister she smile genuinely on me.

Madam maybe your mistaken of choosing me but you know there are a lot of woman across the world just please not me. But then she said that what she said is final but I always refuse all the word she says.

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