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So let's begin!!! 🤩

Ready with tissues and anger???



??? :-

Gulf felt like....... His phone will be slipped out of his hand. He was damm shocked to hear this voice after.... Five years.

(A/N :- Well, as you all know, Type is 4 years old right now and Gulf left Marky's house when he was pregnant so it's the calculation of five years. Don't consider too much for time. )















Gulf:- ..........





Marky:- *evil chuckle*





Gulf:- *took a deep breath*


Call disconnected.

Gulf was sweating so much in fear. He never expected that Marky will call him and threatened him. He know Marky can do anything to get what he want. Gulf decided to meet Marky and to clear up everything so that he will not gonna interfere anymore.

But destiny had decided something else.

Gulf went to Mew who was talking in phone. He don't know how to ask Mew permission to give him an early leave. He took a deep breathe.

" " Said Gulf with head hung. New finished his call and pulled Gulf into a hug.

" " Asked Mew. He was feeling there is something wrong with Gulf.

" " Said Gulf hesitately. Mew eyebrows rised up.

" " Said Mew with a pout.

" " Lied Gulf but deep inside he don't want to. Because, DEVIL IS BACK.

Mew can see and feel there is something wrong here. He was having a very bad vibe. But Mew can't stop Gulf because he know, Gulf really cares for his roommate.

" " Said Mew and Gulf nodded sullenly. He was regretting to lie but he have no choice. He still didn't told new about this.

" " Said Gulf and he immediately went to Mew and kissed him on his lips hungrily as if he was kissing him for the last time. Mew was stunned by this sudden action but he kissed him back.

" " said Gulf with a teary eye. Mew was shocked. Gulf never use to say this words oftenly. But he was surprised. Mew thought maybe Gulf became emotional.

" " Said Mew with a smile. Gulf look at that smile like he was looking at it for the last time.


" " Said Gulf and he left immediately before he bursted into tears. He knows that if Mew will see him like this.... Then he have to gave answers of a lot of questions.

Gulf immediately left the company in a hurry and took a cab you go to that park where Marky told him to come. Whole way, he was just looking at Mew's photo on his phone.

Mew..... I don't know what destiny wants.... I don't know tomorrow will destiny will allow me to even see you but.....

I love only you Mew. You made me realise the meaning of love....

But I have deal with my past first.

I know I should tell you about everything.... But this is my hell and I will suffer alone. I don't want you to suffer because of me *sobs*

Said Gulf to himself and he reached to that park.

Gulf went inside to that park and he was searching for Marky. He just want to end up things with him. He just want Mew and type.

Gulf was looking and searching for Marky. Suddenly, Gulf saw a familiar figure, sitting on a bench, have a cigarette on his fingers. Of course, MARKY.

Marky's eyes suddenly saw Gulf. His mouth left open when he saw Gulf. In these 5 years, a lot of change came in Gulf, according to Marky. Well, those changes were making him aroused and mesmerized.

" " Said Marky and went to Gulf to hug him but Gulf slapped his hand away and took a step back.

" " Said Gulf in a harsh tone. Marky chuckled.

" " Said Marky with a smirk. Gulf clenched his fist.

" " Shouted Gulf in anger. Gulf was looking so amazing in anger. Marky smiled.

" " Said Marky with a wink. Gulf was feeling so disgusting.

" " Said Gulf and hold his hands to his chest.

" " Said Marky in a deep dark tone. Gulf gulped but he was trying to keep himself strong in front of this devil.

" " Said Gulf confidently.

" " Said Marky and showed a video to Gulf. When Gulf saw that video, He. Was. Shocked!

It was an old video where Marky was raping Gulf brutally. It was a rape video of Gulf, where Gulf's face was clearly seen.

Gulf felt like his throat choked in fear and shock. He tried to snatch that phone but Marky was fast.

" " His sentence was hung when Gulf slapped him hard in his face.

" *slap* " Shouted Gulf while grabbing Marky's collar. He smirked.


" " Marky winked evilly. Gulf fell in the ground in his knees.


" Said Marky. Gulf eyes wide in shock.

" " Asked Gulf in horror.

" " Shouted Marky. Gulf was speechless.

He.... He lose this war.

If Mew will came to know about this in this way..... Mew will think, Gulf was a traitor and betrayer. He never want Mew to know about his past jn this way.

But he can't lose Mew. But, Marky has so much powerful weapons with him right now that, Gulf..... Gulf was helpless.

Marky pulled Gulf up and kissed him forcefully. Gulf didn't even kiss him back, because he was a dead body right now. Marky has crossed all the limits! Marky broke this kiss and look at Gulf.


" Marky started laughing evilly while Gulf was crying as hell. Marky saw Gulf like this, he immediately hugged him forcefully.


" Said Marky and he left the park laughing evilly. Gulf fell on the park bench and cried his lungs out!!!!!

Whyyyyyyyy????? Why always me??????????

Why always I have to suffer??????

Why you are doing this to me God? First you snatched my parents from me....

Then you snatched my childhood by giving such devils to me.....

Finally I was having a happy life but....... Now you are snatching everything from me again?????

You snatched Mew from me now!!!

Why God??? Whyyyyy!!!!!!?????

Gulf shouted in pain. He was crying his lungs out at that park. He has no other option... But to accept Marky's condition.

Marky threatened him with that video which he doesn't want to get leaked otherwise it will affect him, to Mild and Champ, to Type..... Last, to Mew.

He can't spoil so much lives because of him. He wiped his tears and with little strength left in his body, went back to him home.

When he came back, Mild was in kitchen, cooking food for everyone and humming some song. While Champ and Type was playing and repairing some toy cars. Type was looking so happy right now. But, from tomorrow, that little boy also have to face a hell.

They all look at Gulf. His eyes we're swelled. Gulf was looking so messed up. Champ got so worried when he saw Gulf like this.

" " Shouted champ in worriness. Mild hears this and came to Gulf.

" " Said Mild. Gulf didn't said a word. He was just looking at mild and champ with a teary eye and a sad smile in his face.

Gulf was feeling so blessed that they care for him like a family but tomorrow, he have to left them.

" " Shouted Champ in anger plus worry. Gulf just hugged him so tightly. They were shocked.

" " Said Mild with fear in his expression. They really care for Gulf.

" " Only this much said Gulf. He has so many things to tell them. Deep inside, Gulf was screaming for help! But he can't tell them about this, for the sake of type.

" " Asked Champ. Mild nodded. Gulf with a head hung, nodded and went to his room.

In the bathroom, he was crying so much. Gulf can't hurt Mild and Champ. But he have to leave them with Type for everyone sake. If that video will leak, mild and champ will get notorious and shameful in front of society and world, which Gulf don't want.

Gulf came back to living room where everyone was waiting for him. Gulf smiled. THIS WAS THE LAST TIME HE IS HAVING SUCH FAMILY LOVE.

Type as usual, leaving the veggies in the plate and mild was scolding him not to leave that but not harshly. Champ was enjoying this. But Gulf was spaced out.

Gulf was just looking at them like he was feeling like this family love will never be experienced from tomorrow. Gulf was silent but inside, he was screaming, shouting, in pain and tears!

After saying goodbyes, they all left to their rooms to sleep after giving good night hugs. Gulf hugged mild and champ so tightly because he know, from tomorrow he will not get this chance again.

Gulf hugged type while type was sleeping peacefully. This little boy have no idea what kind of hell is will be thrown with his papa.

Gulf can't hold back his tears. He was caressing Type's hairs.

I'm sorry type! But I have no options....

I'm not that strong to fight against marky. Because of me, you also have to face that devil now!

But I promise you baby, I will protect you from him! I will not gonna let me even touch you!

That's my promise. But the main is..... I have to handle mild, champ and Mew tomorrow.

Which will be difficult.

But, I can't let everyone around me shameful in front of this world because of me.

Better to choose hell over heaven right now!

Said Gulf to himself and he slept while wiping his tears.


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Stay safe and happy guys😃!! Take care of yourself my peeps😇💕

Keep smiling....

- chubby

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