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So let's begin!!! 🤩


Gulf came back early at home. He had to be ready for his first dinner date with Mew. He hugged everyone in a hurry and went to his room.

Mild and Champ was very confused that why Gulf is in so hurry today. They went to Gulf's room and saw Gulf was searching something at his cupboard. They were looking at Gulf suspiciously.

" " Asked Mild with an eyebrow up. Gulf startled with sudden question.

" " Said Gulf. He can't say to them that he is going in a date.

" " Said Champ and they both bursted into laughter. They were just pulling his leg.

" " Said Gulf and Mild shook his head. He bring a nice suit for Gulf.

" " Said mild and Gulf took that suit. After few minutes, Gulf came to the living room where mild champ and type was waiting for gulf look.

They were speechless when they saw Gulf. He was looking so handsome and amazing.

" " Said Champ.

" " Teased mild and Gulf hit him playfully.

" " Said Type. Gulf went silent. He has to say something convincing to Type.

" " Said Gulf. Type went silent. Nowadays, Gulf was not spending much time with type.

" " Said Gulf worriedly.

" " Gulf eyes widen on shock. Type was right. He is still a kid and he needs attention too. Gulf took type into his arms. Type pouted.

(A/N :- sometimes I think I really relate with type hahah!! 😂🙈)

" " Said Gulf with a pout. Type smiled happily.

" " Said type.

" " Said Gulf. Type gave a peck on Gulf 's cheeks.

Suddenly, Gulf saw his watch. He is getting late. He have to be there on time.

" " Said Gulf hurriedly and went outside. He already had booked a cab and he went to the location.

Mild and Champ can see Type face fell when Gulf left. Mild took type into his arms.

" " Asked mild.

" *ngaeeeeee*!! " Type sobbed. Mild kissed his forehead.

" " Said Mild excitedly.

" " Said Type and he ran to the kitchen before anyone else will reach. Nutella is one of his favourite.


" Said champ. Mild hugged him.

" " Said Mild and champ nodded.

Champ was being romantic so he leaned to kiss Mild on lips. Mild giggled and leaned to kiss but then, they realised someone naughty little devil is watching them.


" " Teased type and he ran. He is such a naughty boy.

Mild and champ laughed and ran behind type. They were trying to catch type. Type was saving himself.

Finally they succeed to catch type and started tickling him.

" " Said Type while laughing.

" " Said Mild and tickle Type more. They were having a beautiful moment. Type is really an angel! But they really missed Gulf here.

Where as, Gulf finally reached to the location place where Mew called him. Gulf took a deep breathe!! He was nervous. It was his first official date with someone.

When Gulf entered he saw it was a very lavish place. Very beautiful and soothing. Gulf became more nervous. Suddenly his eyes met the person he came to meet. Mew was looking so handsome and hot in his attire.

Gulf was lost in Mew's charm. He can't take his eye off. While, when Mew saw Gulf, he got speechless. Gulf was looking so adorable and hot at the same time.

Mew can't think straight tonight. Gulf is looking so delicious. His mind started thinking dirty but he controlled his thoughts and went to Gulf to welcome.

" " Said Mew with a handsome smile. Gulf got blushed.

" " Said Gulf shyly. Mew nodded and hugged Gulf. Everyone at that lavish hotel were looking at this beautiful couple.

Some girls were getting blushed and giggling on them. Gulf face had turned red. Mew chuckled.

" " Said Mew sarcastically. Gulf giggled. When Mew heard his soft giggles, he felt like his heart skipped a beat. It was adorable.

" " Gulf nodded to him and they sat in front of each other.

Mew has arranged everything there. The manager of that hotel was friend of Mew. Everything is set to start this date. A waiter came to them with a bottle of wine.

" " Asked the waiter. Mew and Gulf nodded to him and he poured some wine in their glasses.

" " Said waiter to Mew. He nodded and waiter left.

Gulf came to know that Mew had already had done some arrangements. Mew showed his glass to Gulf.

" " Gulf smiled and show his glass of wine and they cheersed their glasses.

" " Said Mew. Gulf chuckled.

" " Said Gulf with a smirk. Mew eyes widen in happiness, he chuckled.

They were drinking their wine while looking at each other. Mew was looking at Gulf as if he is looking at his prey.

After this, they ate some starters which Mew had already told them. Those starters were special dishes of there.


Gulf was enjoying this a lot..... Soothing music, beautiful environment, delicious dishes, and of course Mew, who has taking care of each and everything to make Gulf enjoy this evening.

They had a lot of talk about company, business, Mew told him some of his childhood memories. They laughed. Mew love to see Gulf laughing. He felt like every time, his heart skip a beat.

Finally they had their dinner. It was amazing. Well, Gulf didn't know much about dinner table attiques, but Mew helped him a lot so that Gulf should not feel embarrassed.

Gulf want to talk about his past to new but he didn't want to spoil this evening so he decided not to say anything about that but then...

" " Asked Mew but then he saw Gulf face fell.

" " Said Gulf. Mew felt bad and relieved. He was cursing himself to spoil the mood, but he was happy that his roommate is already taken.

" " Said Mew sadly. He was blaming himself for ruining the mood.

" " Gulf don't know what to say. Their environment became a but tensed and awkward. He wants to tell Mew about type and marky but..... He thought he should wait.

" " Gulf was looking at Mew confusingly.

Mew got up from his seat. Gulf wyes widen in shock and confuse. Mew went to Gulf kneel down while offering his hand.

" " Said Mew romantically. Gulf was blank. Everyone out their were making 'awwww' sounds. MewGulf were looking so adorable when Mew kneel down.

Gulf came into senses and nodded to Mew and put his hand on Mew's. Mew smiled they got up and started dancing slowly on the music which is played.

Mew slipped his hand on Gulf 's waist and Gulf place his hands in Mew's shoulder. People out there were clapping for them and joined them with their loved ones in this dance.

Gulf was feeling like his heart his beating crazily. His eyes is just stuck at Mew. While, Mew was feeling so beautiful at this moment. Something which he never felt before.

That is pure love!

Mew felt like..... He is complete now! Finally he is feeling complete with Gulf.

Gulf and Mew were doing a couple dance slowly. Their face were just far in inches. Gulf smiled when Mew was looking at him like he is lost.

" " Said Gulf.

" " Said Mew and pulled Gulf more close... Gulf gulped... They were looking at each other. But then, Gulf eyes wide when Mew said...

" " Confessed Mew. He can see some tears were rolling down from Gulf's eyes.

Mew wiped those tears and shook his head. Gulf was so shocked when he heard his confession.

" " Gulf was so overwhelmed that he was not even able to finish his confession. He can't take this anymore when he heard Mew's confession.

" " Said Mew romantically.

Gulf felt better. It's not like he didn't realised his feelings, but he can't confessed it right now. They took a seat but Mew can see Gulf was a bit lost in thoughts. Gulf was cursing himself as if he thought he hurted Mew.

" " Said Mew with so much care in his eyes.

" " Said Gulf but he can't stop smiling on what Mew just confessed.

" " Asked Mew suspiciously. Gulf shook his head.

" " Said Gulf to change the topic. Mew nodded and they were eating their dinner while looking at each other.

Mew was blessed to have Gulf tonight. He had gone many times on dinner with so many people, but this dinner was special!!

After finishing their dinner, Mew and Gulf went to the parking. They sat inside. Mew gave a eskimo kiss to Gulf.

" " Said Mew. Gulf smiled.

" " Said Gulf with a smile. Mew's heart skipped a beat.

" " Said Mew with a wink. Gulf got confused.

" " Asked Gulf confusingly. Mew said nothing just concern on driving with a proud smile on his face.

" " Said Mew with a wink.

Gulf nodded and called mild and told him that he can't come home tonight. Mild was in deep sleep with type beside him so he just said okay to him and cut the call.

After informing Mild, Gulf started thinking about where Mew is taking him.

" " Mew said nothing just gave a wink. Gulf gulped.

While, Mew was driving and he saw Gulf look nervous because he was biting his lips in nervousness. He chuckled.

Baby.... Why you are so sexy and cute at the same time?? I can't control myself now...!!

But don't worry.... Tonight, it's going to be beautiful.... Now let's just reach there...!!!

Mew said to himself while looking at Gulf while he was in deep thought.


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Stay safe and happy guys😃!! Take care of yourself my peeps😇💕

Keep smiling....

- chubby

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