《Out of my league》The partyyyyyy!! Pt. 1


Third person P.O.V.

Test tube stared nervously at her reflection in the mirror. Did she okay? Maybe she should've gotten contacts instead of glasses.. she sighed, and smoothed out the baggy, oversized turtleneck she was wearing. Bright red and green, were the colors she has to follow by.

"Test tube, for the last time—you look great!"fan said looking up from his phone. Test tube sighed, pushing up her glasses a bit. "I-I'm not sure fan..about that." Fan shrugged."I'm sure lightbulb will like you just fine—just-"

Test tube felt her face burn once again. "Fan—stop-you're making it worse.." Fan smiled.

"Aww, cmon chill a bit, and I think those two are done already." Fan jumped up from his seat and opened the door of the dressing room. "Hey guys!" Lightbulb finger-guned. She wearing fake reindeer antlers, along with an oversized gray shirt, that spelled 'Happy Holidays' incorrectly.

Paintbrush smiled and gave a little wave. They were wearing the t-shirt lightbulb made for them yesterday, with a long sleeved shirt underneath. "You guys ready to rock this night?" Lightbulb said before running out the door. "Hey wait!" Fan laughed following her from behind. Test tube and painty were not far behind the two shorter objects.

The four friends showed up at the party room, red and green lights shone from inside the room and onto on their faces, and Christmas music was loudly playing in the background. Lightbulb and fan both rushed towards the snack table. Paintbrush smiled and rolled their eyes, walking towards the same direction. Test tube had no choice but to join, she definitely did not want to get lost in this large sea of people she barely knew at all.

After they all got bored of stuffing their faces with Christmas cookies, and milk. They all went to a more less crowded spot on the dance floor. Paintbrush and fan talked about some satisfying art channel they both watched on YouTube,while test tube and lightbulb just stared at each other. Both had big dorky smiles on their faces, and most surprisingly test tube started a conversation. "So..how do like the party?"


Lightbulb smiled, "y-yeah, it's pretty dope." They were both resented to silence again, this time both seemed to be slightly flustered. "Wanna talk about silence?" Lightbulb joked, test tube let a soft laugh. "Umm, yeah not really." Lightbulb snickered, "Heh, see what I did there??" Test tube smiled. "Yes, I did lightbulb." Little did the two know they were being watched, watched by two others.

Fan's P.O.V.

Aww, here we go again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ahhh! This is so cuteee!! Paintbrush smiled "they're cute aren't they?" I looked up at them weirdly. "Huhh? I thought you liked lightbulb?" I said, paintbrush looked down at me flustered. "How. Did you know that?"

I gave them a small nervous smile, "Umm it was kinda obvious to me.." I replied. They frowned and looked away, "whatever, I-I don't anymore.." I smiled, "aww sorry.." they shrugged. "Oh well at least she's happy"


Third person's P.O.V.

The four of them partied with all their might, listening to the crowd explode every time two people kissed under the mistletoe. Heh..mistletoes sure are stupid. Paintbrush thought. Test tube couldn't seem to get her eyes off of lightbulb, she listened to every word lightbulb spoke, with a dazed smile.

Lightbulb seemed like the dreamy, perfect kind of partner to test tube. Kind, caring, funny, reliable, and quite cute. Test tube at first, wasn't really into romance, she thought it was quite silly to be in a relationship, nobody really liked her in the romantic way anyway. That is until she met fan, fan was probably the first ever crush she ever had, but fan was gay, and after all the drama the two went through together, they weren't really interested in each other.


So now here she was daydreaming about her other good friend. She was so into it she didn't even realize lightbulb pulled her onto the dance floor again. Lightbulb was so busy dancing that she didn't realize she had pulled the two of them right under the mistletoe...

Lol this is only part one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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