《Red: Butterfly (Twilight Fanfic) (Complete)》Chapter 17: War


Battle the demons

Battle the angels

But battle those who

are against you- Author

I stayed inside the tent with Jacob and Bella. I stared at the ground thinking about Blake when Jacob asked. Bella needed warmth and cuddled with Jacob causing for her to fall asleep, but I knew she wasn't sleeping at all.

"You alright? You look like a train fucked you over." He tells me and I looked at him before sighing as I punch my hand a little.

"It's about Jasper and my mate. According Alice that Victoria turned her and now she is against us." I mumbled as I looked at my fist.

"Wait, hold on. Jasper is your mate?" He asked.

"What? No! The hell is wrong with you. Jasper and I have the same mate. Her name is Blake, she has red beautiful hair, smooth skin and perfect personality." I told him.

"She sounds cool." He tells me and I nodded my head.

"She totally does. She is the best thing that happened to our family. We had a lot of fun and...when this happened, we just casted her aside like she was yesterday's trash or something and now she turned and got involved with this mess. I should have taken her somewhere safe." I sighed punching my fist more.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm sure she'll feel the same thing to you and Jasper. You are mates so it won't be a problem." He tells me and I nodded my head.


Alice stood trying to track the newborns as we waited for her cue. Edward is in the mountain with Jacob and Bella leaving me, Emmett, Rosalie, Carlisle, Esme, and Alice down here. I looked around the tree lines waiting.

"Any sign yet?" Emmett asked Alice.

"Not yet." She says and we stayed quiet. I scan the area for the distance to see if they were any close by.

"Now!" Alice shouted and newborns came flooding in as we all attacked them as much as we can. I saw pure blood red hair making me look at it as I made my way towards the target only to be tackled to the ground by three newborns.

I growled as I tried to get away when the one that was about to rip my head got tackled to the ground. Then the others that were holding me down. I sat up and looked as my eyes widen. I watched as the familiar red haired woman snapped and broke their heads off and throwing them aside. She wore a dark leather pants, black ankle boots and cropped black jacket under was a black shirt.


She glanced behind her causing me to her pure crimson eyes before she made her way towards me as I backed away a bit. She held her hand out and I looked at her for a moment before grabbing it as she took me up.

"Blake, I-" I was cut off when she disappeared from the blink of an eye.

"Jasper! Stop standing around and fight damnit!" Emmett shouted punching a vampire woman's head off. I growled and started fighting as well.


Victoria and Riley looked at Edward and Bella like a prey. Victoria smirked happily and devilishly towards them.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance Bella. It would have been a painful death." She tells her making Bella hide behind her more.

"Where is she?" Edward asked with a growl as Riley and Victoria looked at him confused until Victoria's mouth turn to a shaped o while Bella looked confused.

"You mean Blake? Probably down below finishing off your family. You should have seen how her beauty grew, but too bad. It may be too late to look." She chuckles and just in time Blake walked out from the forest causing everyone to look and Edward's eyes widen.

Victoria was right, she became more beautiful than any vampire or human he had seen. She was beautiful when she was human, but her beauty went beyond.

"My dear sister, you have joined the party." Victoria smiles as she held her hand out and Blake took it smirking showing her fangs before facing Edward who was admiring her and Bella who glared at her with jealousy.

"Edward, Bella. It is so nice to meet you again." She smirks as her eyes glow a little more than a usual vampire. Her eyes went towards Bella as her smirk went to a wide hungry smile.

"Bella, hiding behind people as always. Why don't you come out and show us your true colors hag." She hissed causing Victoria to giggle and hug Blake.

"Isn't she a feisty thing?" She smirks and moved Blake's hair aside.

"Blake, this isn't you. Don't turn into one of them." Edward reasons with her, but Blake couldn't break Victoria's trust. Not yet anyway.

"And you think you know the real me? The true me? You barely even take glance at me anymore and neither did your family. Left me in the dirt while you save your precious Bella who had a father and a mother while I have nothing. If it wasn't for Victoria and Riley, I wouldn't have a family let alone an army." Blake snarls making Edward feel regret as he steps forward only for Bella to grab him causing Blake to glare angrily.


"Blake, please, we didn't mean too. We know we did was wrong and we were worried sick about you. We even tried to look for you. Alice tried to see what was happening to you."

"But you stopped looking for me and went here. Isn't that right? You could have handed that Bella of yours to Victoria when you had the chance. You choose Bella over me. Victoria wanted Bella, not your family, but according to Victoria you did way more worst things." She tells him and Edward looked more guilty then ever. Not for Victoria, but for Blake. She was right, he and his family did choose Bella.

"Riley, you aren't Victoria's mate. You are just her pawn to her games." Edward tells Riley while Riley only growls.

"Your lying."

"I am not. Victoria had another mate and his name was James. She used to have a coven with him along with Laurent."

"Don't listen to him. His lying." Victoria tells Riley as Blake looks at Riley seeing how he is debating all this.

"That's enough! Let us end this!" Blake shouted as she ran towards Edward faster than any vampire as she hits his chest and sending blows. Edward would dodge some, but other times he would get hit.

Victoria and Riley took this distraction as they ran towards Bella. Edward saw this and threw Blake away before grabbing Riley and Victoria throwing them both back to a tree causing them to land on their feet.

Blake looks up from the ground growling towards Edward as she quickly ran and disappeared quickly making Edward look around for her. Just then he hears Victoria and Riley growling as he looked to see Blake punching Riley and Victoria hard to their faces and body.

"Traitor!" Victoria shouted in anger as she went to launch at Blake only to be dodged and get hit to her gut sending her to a tree as Victoria's back crashed to it. Riley went to punch Blake only for her to grab it break his arm before throwing him to the forest were Seth appears and bit him.

"Victoria!" Riley shouted towards Victoria as she stood up. Riley began to get dragged by Seth inside the forest while yelling for Victoria's name who only got ignored as she look at Blake snarling at her.

They walk in circles as Blake watches her with a calm expression. The calmest expression that could scare Medusa which would cause her to turn into stone.

"I trusted you." Victoria growls at her as Blake chuckled shaking her head.

"Which is a mistake that you made. Rule number one: never trust another red head who knows you fully well." Victoria roared and charged at Blake as she backflipped away hitting her face causing for Victoria to fly.

Edward ran and caught Victoria by her arms and made her kneel. Blake walked up towards Victoria as she looks up at Blake growling and tried to get free.

"Off with your head, you psychotic bitch." Blakes lifted her leg up and dropped it down hard on Victoria's head break it off like glass. She kicked it away as Edward let's Victoria's body go and looked at Blake smiling causing her to smile too.

She wrapped his arms around him and so did she as they both kissed each other. They pulled back as soon as they heard a howl causing for them to turn and look at Seth. Seth looked at them nodding his head before running off again.

Edward looks at Blake smirking down at her as he caress her smooth pale cheeks.

"Off with your head, you psychotic bitch?" He questions her making her roll her eyes and hit his chest.

"Shut up. I had to think of something before killing her off." She tells him causing for him to laugh and shake his head at her.

"I'm not judging, princess. It was hot." Edward chuckles.

"Ahem, I am right here." Bella interrupts them making Blake wave her hand at her.

"Yeah yeah yeah, like we give two shit." Blake tells her as they could feel how shock Bella was.

"Not only that you became sexy, hot, and beautiful. You also became feisty and a total badass." Edward tells her making her laugh and hum.

"I learned from the best."

"Who?" He asked.

"Rosalie and Emmett, of course. They're like my parents only that Rosalie as blonde hair and not red." She smiles making him smile back as they kissed again.

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