《Red: Butterfly (Twilight Fanfic) (Complete)》Chapter 7- Staying


It's better to stay

With those who loves you

The most-Author

I thought it was all a joke, but apparently it isn't to these boys. They actually stayed with me, but of course they have to get their clothes from their home before coming back. There's good news and bad news about this situation. Good news: there's 3 rooms in this house and I occupy one. Bad news: this house has one bathroom which means I have to share with these boys.

Jeez, what did I put myself into? I sat in the living room reading my novel when I hear footsteps walk towards my way causing for me to look to see Edward. He flashed me a smile before leaning against the head of the couch.

"About to make dinner, do you want anything to eat?" He asked as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Anything is fine by me thank you." I smiled up at him before looking back down on my book. I heard him mumble okay before walking away towards the kitchen. Not even a few moments later, I hear footsteps and felt the space next to me dip slightly.

"What are you reading, Darling?" Jasper asked his accent showing slightly as I flipped a page and tap my finger on the cover for him to see the title.

"The Devil's lover. Huh, sounds interesting." He tells me as I shrugged my shoulders while I continue to read. I felt Jasper lean next to my shoulder and I looked over at him to see him reading my book as well.

"You know you won't understand the novel without actually reading the very start." I told him as he looks up at me before giving a cheeky smile and pulling back.

"It seems so. The book seems to be very rare for any book store to have. Where did you get it?" He asked softly out of curiosity and I placed a marker on the page I'm at before gently closing the book and placing it on the coffee table.


"My mother gave it to me when she was in the hospital. She reads me the book every time when I was a child." I explained to him making me look at him to see that his smiling softly.

"She sounds like a great mother." He mutters and I smiled nodding my head as I looked back towards the novel.

"She is, we were best friends too. Our family was whole, happy, alive, and full of smiles. Even though my mother fought for cancer and in serious pain...she still smiles happily." I sighed remembering the memories of her. I felt some of my hair being pulled backwards to my ear which made me glance towards Jasper who was smiling softly.

"Ahem, Jasper." A voice behind us called making both of us looked to see Edward looking at Jasper with an annoyed expression.

"Mind helping me with dinner." He asked and Jasper gave me a quick smile before standing up and walking towards the kitchen as Edward disappears to the corner. I sighed as I take out my headphones and placing them on my head. I grabbed the novel and opened to the current page I was at before starting my music. I continue reading as I lay vertical on the couch.


"What do you need help with?" Jasper asked Edward who was clutching a knife on his hand before he starts chopping vegetables again.

"Make food." He said blankly and Jasper did so. He was confused on why Edward was acting this way. He was never the type to get angry or...jealous. Jasper stops for a moments as he looked at Edward who was chopping the vegetables rather hard.

"You might cut your fingers off." Jasper warns as he opens the cupboard to look for anything to make. He hears a loud slam of the wooden chopping board break causing for Jasper to look at Edward. He can feel anger radiating off of him and he was confused why.


"What's wrong? You've been acting weirdly today. In the cafeteria, on the way home, and right now. Is there something wrong Edward?" Jasper asked him a little annoyed and pissed at Edward's behavior. He shouldn't act like this inside of Blake's house with her around. Blake doesn't even know about their secret and Jasper doesn't want to let her know sooner with Edward's attitude.

"Nothing. Just that...whenever I see you and Blake together. It makes me want to...ugh it makes me angry and jealous! I shouldn't be since I'm dating Bella. I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me." Edward looks down clutching the counter with his hands. Jasper was confused about the situation and wondered why Edward is acting this way.

Jasper already knew that Blake was his mate ever since he saw her fight those 3 girls in the cafeteria without fear at all. Edward hasn't been himself and he can't be Blake's mate too. A vampire only gets one mate that they'll stay forever. He told Alice about this and she was completely fine with it, well, thrilled actually and couldn't shut up about it being Blake. Everyone in his family knew about Blake being his mate including Edward.

"Edward, you know she's my mate. Why would you feel jealous about that?" Jasper asked and Edward shook his head not knowing what to say.

"I-I don't know. I just...lets just make her food." Edward mumbles and fixes the board before continuing his chopping. Jasper felt confused, but protective of Blake. He starts taking some ingredients out before cooking.


Blake fell asleep on the couch and was woken up by a tap on the shoulder. She opens her eyes yawning softly to get rid of her drowsiness.

"What time is it?" She asked looking around the living room making Edward chuckle.

"6:13 it's time for dinner." He smiles towards her before helping her up the couch. She mumbles incoherent words under her breath as they both walked towards the dining room. Edward sat her down and he sits next to her.

Jasper comes out with three plates of food and places it on front of Blake first before him then Edward. Jasper sat next to Blake by sitting across Edward making Edward look slightly annoyed. Jasper gave Blake a smile as they start to eat in silence. The air in the room is thick and too many tension that Blake could feel crawling on her skin.

She glances both at Edward and Jasper as she took a bite of her meal. They were looking down on their own food with a blank expression as they ate. She could feel the tension was coming from the two and she couldn't stand it anymore.

"Okay, the tension in this room is 85% thick and I want to know what is going on between you two?" She asked breaking the tension as the two looked up at her before flashing a smile at her.

"Nothing, Blake/Darling." They both sais at the same time before glaring at each other. Blake raised an eyebrow at them before rolling her eyes and standing up loosing her appetite which caused the boys to look at her.

"Where are you going?" Jasper asked only to be ignored as Blake disappeared up the stairs. Jasper sighed angrily before dropping his spoon on the plate. Edward stands up grabbing Blake's and his plate before walking back to the kitchen leaving Jasper.

"What is wrong with those two?" Blake mumbles as she closed the door behind her and sat on her bed. She grabbed her father's shirt that's on her bed before folding it softly and placing it under her pillow.

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