《Red: Butterfly (Twilight Fanfic) (Complete)》Chapter 1- Silent Girl


I see the darkness

With no light

It makes me stronger

To know that I can fight-Author

I sighed softly as my dad drove us to Forks since he found a new job there as well as school for me to go to so I could finish my senior year. The once blue sky turned grey, as the fog covers everything except the streets along with a car in front of us.

"Are you alright, Blake?" Dad asked, but I only stared outside the car window with a thought. I heard him sigh in defeat as we came to a stop at a red traffic light. The ride was silent and that was all I wanted until.

"Blake, please speak to me. We haven't communicated for years when-" I quickly looked at him waiting for him to finish his sentence. He looks at me for a moment before looking straight ahead towards the road in silence. I looked back outside the window as dad starts driving again passing stores, people who are walking buy and soon trees and houses before parking the car to the side. I popped the trunk of the car and grabbed my luggage. I dragged the luggage towards the house and walked inside. I moved my luggage against the wall and looked around. It wasn't much like the old house, but...I shouldn't judge. I grabbed my luggage again as I dragged it up the stairs.

"Pick a room." My dad shouts from downstairs as I keep walking. I entered a room and looked inside to see it a medium size empty room. I dragged my luggage inside and looked around sitting on top of my luggage.


The next day is my first day of school. I took a shower before getting dressed. I wore a grey bra along with matching panties, a black t-shirt that clings onto my skin, brown sweater, black pants, black socks, grey shoes and a red scarf. I may have liked antics, but my style is still in the 2000s. I grabbed my bag again that contains my notebook, pencil, binder, camera, and memory box. I grabbed a pair of reading glasses putting them on before walking outside my room passing my dad's room.


I walk downstairs and out the house as rain began to pour down. "Great." I sighed and hugged my bag before running towards the direction to school.

I entered the building soaking wet and walked passed people to go to the bathroom first. As I made my through the flood of crowded students, I made my way inside the bathroom and placed my bag down on the sink as I start taking my things out. And checked if they were soaking wet. I sighed in relief to find my camera dry along with my memory box, but my notebook was soaking wet and I threw it away.

I put everything back inside my bag and made my way outside the bathroom only to find the hallways half empty. I wonder around aimlessly down the almost empty hallway to look for the office. Soon, I found it and opened the door looking inside. I walked in and towards the front desk as an older woman looks up from the papers.

"Hello, May I help you?" She asked softly.

"My name is Blake Williams. The new student." I spoke up and she nods, standing up and walking to the filing cabinet. She opens the top row and searched inside as I look around the office space. It was small, but comfortable. She soon came back and placed a paper on the wooden counter along with a folded one.

"This is your for the school map and this is your schedule." She tells me and I nodded my head grabbing the two things.

"Have a good day sweetie." She smiles before sitting back down and going back to her papers. I got out of the office looking down to my paper seeing my first period, history. I looked into the map and followed my way towards history class. I stopped in front of the door and walked inside as I feel eyes on me.


"Yes?" The male teacher asked looking at me and I walked up to him handing my schedule. He takes it and looks down before handing the paper back to me.

"Sit next to Alice Cullen. Alice, please raise your hand." A woman with pale skin, dark brown eyes, short black hair raise her hand in the air. I walked towards the girl while eyes were on me. She gave me a warm smile before patting a seat next to her indicating for me to sit. I took a seat and placed my bag down on the floor as the teacher gets up from the table and started his lesson.

"Hello, my name is Alice. You must be Blake Williams. The new girl." Alice introduces herself as she held her hand out for me to shake. I looked at her then down at her hand hesitating as I stayed quiet. She lowers her hand seeing that I wasn't taking it.

"I guess you don't like shaking hands." She said before placing her hands on the table. I looked away and straight ahead as the teacher told us to open the textbook to page 116. I looked around as people took their textbook out and opened to the page. I felt a tap on my shoulder causing for me to look at Alice and she smiles placing the book at the middle of the table.

"Here, we can share." I smiled a little before nodding my head and looked. The teacher began reading as we follow along the text that is written inside the book.


The bell rang as everyone began packing. I took my bag up the floor and over my shoulder. I got up from the chair and start walking out of the classroom when I felt another tap on my shoulder making me turn to see Alice again.

"You forgot this." She hands me my schedule which I took from her hand.

"Thanks." I mumbled and walked away quickly to another direction. I just want this day to get over with.

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