《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 14


My mate's a wolf?

I'm in shock, there hasn't been a female werewolf since our origin.

Back when the first wolves emerged, there was a single female werewolf. Her name was Clarissa and she mated with a powerful werewolf. She gave birth to seven young boys leading to a lineage of male wolves all becoming Alphas. The fact that my mate's a werewolf...I can't wrap my head around it.

And not just that, but she has wolf instinct embedded into her.

When she attacked Kaylen it was with such accuracy that even some of my warriors can't perfect. Only the most powerful of each pack are born with wolf instinct.

Another question that floods my mind is why was she so determined to attack Kaylen. She didn't even glance at any of the other pack members just went straight to him.

What is going on?

After she had taken off into the woods, I immediately followed along with Andrew and Carter. Her slim body maneuvered the trees with such precision, even I couldn't catch up.

I tried reaching out to her with mind-link, but that was cut off. How she managed to block the Alpha, I'm not sure. The best we could do was follow her scent.

*She went South* Andrew's voice says in my head.

We follow her scent all the way to a river. I see prints along the bank and hurry over to them. We follow them upstream for maybe a mile before they suddenly grow faint almost disappearing entirely. Her scent has also disappeared, almost as if she was never here.

Andrew and Carter step away from me, sensing my anger. I lean forward and howl, my chest heaving.

Where is my mate?

*Alpha, I can't trace her anymore. Should we head back?*

As much as I want to stay and continue to search for my mate, I take Carter's advice and decide it's better to head back to the pack house.


*Alright, but as soon as we get back I want to establish another team. We will find my mate at whatever cost*

As soon as I get back, I'm going to have a little talk with Kaylen. Whatever happened between him and Eden was strong enough to push her into her wolf form.

If he's still alive, I'm going to kill him.


I run as fast as my body can, the city smell becoming more and more prominent.

My body's dripping wet because I had waded so long in the river, trying to leave no footprints. It seems to have worked because I have not been caught...yet.

C'mon Eden, you need to get to safety.

I run on, never tiring. My body feels amazing, it's like I'm charged with energy.

Run Eden

A constant pressure tries to enter my head but I push it out, not letting it in. It's almost like someone's prying open my thoughts and the pain gives me a minor headache.

Run Eden

I think of my family, friends and old life. I hate the werewolves.

Run Eden

I have become a monster, I have become what killed my family. I am one of them.

My anger pushes me forward and I continue on, never stopping.

The sky grows darker as I run, the scent of the city growing. The slim moon provides little light, but my wolf eyes adjust and I begin seeing things clearer than when I was in the light.

I reach the end of the woods and my body slows, seeing the dark city. I recognize the building in front of me as the old mall.

Thank goodness.

The most recent safe house we stayed at is nearby. I'm hoping I can find my friends there.

I am about to take off towards the house when I remember what I am.


I can't go in there as a wolf, they'll kill me.

I lay down in the dirt willing myself back into a human. Surprisingly I shift rather easy and only gag a little instead of actually throwing up this time.

Using a nearby tree as support, I stand up slowly, feeling a lot less powerful than I just was.

Peering down at myself, I realize what a mess I am. My body is covered in mud and it looks like I just emerged from a swamp. Thankfully the mud does come in handy because my clothes are gone, leaving me completely naked. The mud covering the majority of my body will have to do.

I walk slowly through the dark streets, feeling completely exhausted and tired. My body fights me on every step and I barely make it up towards the safe-house.

I pound on the metal door, "It's Eden, is anyone there?"

no reply

I pound harder kicking at the door. "Is anyone there?!"

A moment later the door is thrown open and I see the faces of Finley, Zeke, James, and Isaiah.

Thank God, I mutter before completely collapsing into a sobbing puddle.


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