《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 3


I wake up the next morning to Finley sharpening his knife against a small stone. He's dressed already in a black top and his worn out navy jeans.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks, not looking up from his work. I notice dark circles around his eyes, telling me that he didn't sleep much.

"I slept fine. What are you up to?"

"I thought hard about it last night and decided I need to go out and find the rest of the guys." I'm about to volunteer to join him, but before I can he's already continuing; "I know you want to come with, Eden, but you need to stay here in case the guys show up. We also can't both go out, it would be too risky."

I can only watch as he laces up his hiking boots followed by zipping up his dark wind breaker. I help pass him his pack but not before letting him pull out his gun, which he tucks in his waistband. Before leaving he places a quick kiss on my cheek, surprising us both I think.

"You stay here Eden. I'll be back before sunset, just promise me you will stay"

"I'll stay, I promise"

Finley gives a brief nod before heading out the door, leaving me behind. As soon as he leaves, though, I'm scampering up the stairs to get to my lookout spot. Last time we stayed here, I had created a hatch, with the help of Isaiah, so I could get to the roof easier. I push against the panel, it squealing from its rusty hinges.

I manage to get up just in time to watch Finley turn into the alley right down the street. Good, at least I have an idea of where he's going.


I make my way back down to the room shortly after. It was colder than yesterday, and if I was going to sit on the roof, I would need my jacket and something to eat.

When I open my pack I see a white roll of gauze. "How did this..?" Oh right, Finley must've put it in there before leaving. I had totally forgotten about my leg, it hadn't hurt all morning. I decided it was probably a good idea to change the gauze.

I'm surprised to see it scabbing over very quickly. There's some dry blood, but I flick off the crumbles and re-wrap my leg. I'm lucky I didn't sprain my ankle. That would have probably slowed me down for weeks. The gash I have may have hurt yesterday, but it's not even bothering me today.

I throw on my leather jacket and pull on leggings over my shorts. Finley had also been kind enough to leave me a water canteen and a some beef jerky he's had for a while.

I thank him silently, as I head up to the roof. He's helped me out a lot the last couple days and for that I am grateful.

The hours pass slowly as I sit on the roof, my quick eyes scanning for movement. I keep a vigilant watch, only stopping to take the occasional bathroom break out back. Each passing hour creates a deeper pit of worry in me, but I brush it off for the time being.

As the sky turns darker, though, I am no longer doubting that Finley is in danger, but instead hurrying to go after him. I grab my army knife and flashlight from my pack, sticking them in my two coat pockets. I pull my auburn hair into a low pony, then promptly cover my head with a knit hat which shields my ears from the cool night.


I barely look back before hurrying out the door, my combat boots providing me with steady traction on the rubble. I jog over to the alley I last saw Finley and pull out my flashlight. Shadows dance around as I run, my flashlight creating shapes against the smooth walls. I try to guess the route Finley would have taken and soon find myself making my way deeper into the city.


I freeze, hearing a groan down the street to my right.

"Finley is that you?"

I cautiously make my way down the street, following the beam of my flashlight. I spot a figure lying on the ground, their hand clutching the side of their abdomen. The figure seems to be in pain and keeps groaning.


His head snaps my way and I see the gleam of his blue eyes in the light of my flashlight.

"Eden? Oh god, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you of course!" At this point I'm running over to him, kneeling to examine his wounds. I gasp at the sight of the thick red substance that is all around the hand clutching his wound. Pulling off my pack I search frantically for the gauze. "What happened to you?"

"Eden, listen to me, you need to get out of here, now! They could be still around here, and if they find you..."

"Who Finley? Who hurt you?"

"Wolves Eden! Freaking Werewolves!"

"Finley," I try to make myself sound confident,"I'm not leaving you here"

"You have to..."

Finley and I both freeze at the sound of a growl right behind me.

"What do we have here?"

I whip around to come face to face with a tall man, his white teeth gleaming. I drop the flashlight in shock, but not before him getting a clear view of my face. He seems taken aback by my appearance.

"A female? I thought we had gotten.."

I take him by surprise as I dart to the left, sprinting away from the monster. I only make it a few steps before a sleek wolf jumps out in front of me, making me freeze in my spot. The wolf's brown coat is unmistakably tinged red with what I fear is blood.

I step back, right into the hands of the tall man. "Well look at you, trying to get away from us. I wouldn't be surprised if a young female such as yourself is a mate of one of our pack's. I guess we'll just have to take you back with us.."

"NO! Leave her alone!" Finley yells out, causing the wolf to growl lowly at him. The man holding onto me ignores him and instead proceeds to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder. I squirm and kick in his grasp, not letting up for a second. He only tightens his hold on me making in almost impossible to move.

"Please, don't take her! Do anything with me, just let her go!"

A growl erupts from below me and I watch in horror as the wolf lunges directly towards Finley.

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