《The other Swan》Chapter 21


Since the day Angela found out the secret of the Quilete tribe of wolves+ immortal demigods/banshee(Lydia) /wolf shifter (Allison) she has been hanging out with the pack a lot more often and was often found hanging around Embry.

The two started dating a few weeks after the initial imprint bond took form and Embry has asked that Allison and Lydia looked out for his imprint at school in case the Cullen's decided to attack the poor innocent girl.

Allison had managed to keep Angela's mind safe whenever she thought about the wolves, her boyfriend, or the pack.


It was getting closer and closer to graduation for Bella Swan who was excited to graduate and become a vampire. Others didn't share her enthusiasm.

Infact Rosalie Hale was cursing the fact that Bella even wanted to be a vampire in the first place never wanting this to happen. She was happy that Edward found his mate, she was but, at the expense of putting so much pain onto the family, did it really even out all the odds.


Everything was going alright, until Alice had a vision during the middle of lunch. Allison, Lydia, and Angela had been sitting at Allison and Lydia's usual table with the added addition of the newest member of the pack Angela when it had happened.

Alice's eyes glazed over and she let out a near silent gasp while Mike tried to ask her if he should bring anything to the party that Alice was planning on throwing for graduation.

The three girls looked at each other and they knew something big was going down. They decided to go straight to the pack house as soon as school was over to tell S about Alice having a vision.

So Sam doubled patrol. It was on one of these nights that Allison was with Paul, Embry, and Leah patrolling near the Cullen's boarder when they smelt the sickly sweet scent of the vampire that they had been tracking.


Leah growled when she smelt the vampire, she was angry that the redhead had hurt her soul bonded and father, she wanted revenge.

Leah ran alongside the cliff side with Allison right beside her. The two were the fastest of the pack so Paul and Embry were trailing behind a little bit. "She's going to get away!" A melodic voice said.

"No she won't." Another voice said. That's when Allison and Leah broke the treeline with Paul and Embry a second behind them.

Victoria jumped over towards the wolf territory. "She's in their territory." Carlisle called out to his family.

Leah and Allison almost caught her but, she jumped towards Cullen land.

This continued on for awhile. Victoria switching back and forth between land, it made it annoying to both the Cullen's and the pack.

It seemed as if they were finally going to get her as Allison lunged towards the redhead right as she was in the middle of No Man's land. It seemed as if Emmett jumped as well and in mid air Rosalie looked at her mate and caught sight of the wolf who seemed to have red eyes which was unusual.

When their eyes met everything changed for the both of them. Allison had finally imprinted and Rosalie had found a piece of her heart she didn't even know she was missing.

Allison's split second freezing seemed to cost her as she lost focus of Victoria. She had managed to get some of Victoria's hip before Emmett smashed into her wolf form and she had to let go as Allison went crashing into the river.

When Emmett smashed into the wolf both of their eyes met in surprise as another imprint bond and mate bond clicked in place as the two Cullen/Hale vampires fate was locked with the immortal Swan.


The silver wolf crashed into the cliff side and down into the water shocking both of her imprints and Paul growled at Emmett as soon as he tried to help Allison's fallen wolf.

Leah seemed to be able to tell that Allison had imprinted on the two vampires and she wasn't going to lie. She felt very possessive of her soul bonded. So she bared her incisors at the two vampires as she growled possessively. Leah helped Allison out of the water and up the cliff back into Quilete land.

Allison's eyes went from the Red they were and faded from red to gold, to silver. This made the Cullen's finally realize that this wolf was Allison Swan.

It also explained why they could never tell what the girl was. She didn't smell like a wolf did though.

Rosalie and Emmett held a face of pain and mild shock as they saw their third mate hurt and they didn't even know they had a third mate!

It was like a missing puzzle piece that Emmett and Rosalie didn't even know they were missing but, it felt right for the piece to be with them.

Though they were a bit jealous when they saw the silver-ish grey wolf with sandy brown spots cozy up to their mate.

It got a little hiss out of both of them. Embry came back from where he had tried to chase the redhead even with all the commotion of a pack mate hurt and an imprint bond to two Cullen's.

The wolves all helped Allison walk away, though she did catch a glimpse of her imprints staring at her longingly from their side of the boundary.

Leah nudged her to keep her walking and she followed the lead of the older wolf as they got back to the pack house.

When everyone changed back they saw that a giant fading purplish black bruise was on Allison's back from where she crashed into the cliffs.

Leah helped her soul bonded into the pack house and settled the co-alpha down on the couch where the rest of the pack was.

"What happened?" Sam asked once he saw his fellow alpha down for the count.

"We caught the redhead leeches scent and followed it. She was running away from the other leeches" Paul was saying before a warning growl came from Allison shocking everyone in the pack besides the four wolves who knew about the imprints.

"Sorry! I meant the Cullen's, she was running away from the Cullen's when we came in. She kept jumping over the border like she knew it was there frustrating us all. Allison had the redhead in her jaws but, the brawny vampire jumped at the same time into no man's land trying to grab her and the two clashed sending Allison crashing into the cliffside." Paul finished the report dutifully.

"Not to mention the double imprint!" Embry helpfully chided in catching the attention of the whole pack. "What?" Sam said looking between Allison, Leah, and Paul who hasn't imprinted.

"I may have imprinted on Emmett and Rosalie." Allison said, officially dropping the bomb.

This left the pack in complete shock, none knowing what to say.

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