《The other Swan》Chapter 11


Throughout the whole day everyone stared at the two new kids. People were enraptured with their beauty and trying to figure out whether or not they were a couple.

For the next few months everything was difficult for the Scooby gang. They realized that maybe they judged the new kids too quickly because they haven't done anything.

Allison and Lydia were investigating the murders on the down low and have come to the conclusion that vampires were the cause of death.

The Mikaelson family have watched on as Rebekah made two new friends and obviously was very flirty with the brunette girl with unique silver eyes.

Damon Salvatore was known to be very impulsive and so when the two new girls moved into town he became curious.

So he stalked them. He didn't see anything incriminating besides the fact that the two girls were obviously very close because they sleep in the same bed.

His impulse control was already low which made him snap Kol's neck at the Mikaelson ball.

It's an ordinary day when Allison and Lydia get up and start their morning routine. They take a shower, get dressed, put on their make up (Lydia wears make up Allison doesn't care for make up much so she puts a bit of lip gloss on), then they eat breakfast (which Allison cooked) and then brushed their teeth.

After their morning routine was finished they got into Allison's car and drove to school.

School was an average affair. Nothing interesting happened.

Everything was going okay until the Scooby gang and the Mikaelson family decided to fight.

Allison and Lydia had been going for a jog in the woods like they did everyday when they heard sounds of fighting.

Lydia being her normal self decided to go see what's happening. She ran ahead of Allison in a full sprint.


"Hey what's going on here?" Allison heard Lydia shout. Allison rounded the corner to see Klaus Mikaelson in the face of Damon Salvatore.

The two were surrounded by their friends and family. On Damon's side he had Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline who looked like she didn't want to be on Damon's side by the way she was standing more towards the middle, Tyler, Jeremy, and surprisingly Matt.

On Klaus' side he had Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah. Damon was already worked up that he sped towards Lydia and back handed her across the field.

Allison in a moment of panic sped towards Lydia catching her safely. Now everyone was looking at Allison who was shaking rapidly.

Lydia's eyes widened. "Alli. I'm fine." Lydia tried. Damon scoffed. That finally was Allison's undoing.

"You're going to pay for that, Salvatore." Her voice was devoid of emotions, her tone was cold with malice. Allison sped towards Damon and jumped into the air.

There was a ripping sound before to everyone's shock a 6'5 foot wolf that is silver with silver eyes was standing before everyone in broad daylight.

The wolf was packed with muscles, and built like a tank, though it was also slim as if it was a fast runner. The wolf also had huge incisors that had to be at least 6 inches long.

The wolf took a menacing step forward. "What the hell. It's not even a full moon and this doesn't look like a werewolf." Damon yelled.

Klaus looked on in awe. Rebekah smirked as the wolf seemed to be trying to hurt Damon.

The wolf ran faster than what should be possible towards Damon. The wolf passed by Rebekah and then stood in front of her.

"Nice doggy." Damon tried to say. "Lupe." Lydia called to the wolf. The wolves big head turned towards Lydia. "I'm fine." Lydia tried again.


The wolf that was Allison but, is now known as Lupe growled before taking off towards the woods.

Bones quickly snapped back in place before Allison came back in a sports bra and jogging shorts.

"If you ever think about doing that again... I will rip you into a 1000 tiny little pieces and then light your ass on fire." Allison threatened.

Damon swallowed his retort and nodded. Klaus looked on at Allison seeing the many tattoos on her body. The main being a triskele tattoo on her collar bone. It was the pack symbol to her mother Artemis' pack.

Allison's eyes flickered from gold (which means she was finally calm to red which means she was pissed and her alpha instincts took over and finally back to Silver.)

"You're not a werewolf are you?" Klaus asked. "I'm a shifter. A spirit warrior that takes the form of a wolf." Allison told the group.

Rebekah smirked. Allison and Lydia left to go back to their house. It had been months since they left Forks. Allison's phone rang.

"Hello?" Allison said into her phone. "Allison, you need to come back home." Her father Charlie said. "Why? What happened?" Allison asked worriedly.

"Your sister is missing." Charlie said. Allison's eyes widened.

"Alright, we'll be there soon" Allison said. They got home and started packing. "I need to go pick up my jacket from the school. I'm taking the car." Lydia yelled.

Allison finished packing and then heard a knock on the door. She opened it and there was Rebekah. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" Rebekah asked.

"Come in?" Allison said but, it was more like a question. Rebekah walked in only to see suitcases packed up by the door. "Your leaving?" Rebekah pouted. "My sister is missing so I need to go home." Allison told Rebekah.

Rebekah nodded. "Well let me tell you goodbye." Rebekah said. Allison's head tilted until she was slammed against the wall and Rebekah's lips were on hers.

The two supernatural beings we're on Allison's bed completely naked after they had sex and are giving each other little pecks here and there.

Finally the two hear the sound of a car coming up the driveway before parking. "Goodbye Allison." Rebekah whispered as she gave one final kiss.

Rebekah used her speed to get dressed and leave. Allison used her speed to get dressed before going downstairs before Lydia opened the door.

"Are you ready to go?" Lydia asked. Allison nodded and picked up their suitcases. She then put them into the trunk of their car and then after both getting in and buckling their seat belts they were on the road.

It didn't take them long to get to Forks as they were traveling over 100 miles and hour.

When they got to the house it was already dark and people were just about gathered. Allison was looking into the woods when she saw a man come out of the woods.

He was carrying Bella with him and he was shirtless. Jake saw him next and voiced his opinion. "Charlie!" Jake said getting Allison's father's attention. Once Charlie had seen Bella he sprinted over towards the man and scooped Bella up into his own arms.

Then the man looked over at me in curiosity. I looked at him as well before my head tilted to the side. My eyes flashed red for a brief second before Lydia's familiar arms wrapped around my torso.

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