《The other Swan》Chapter 6


Allison and Lydia rode the airplane to Washington and then boarded a smaller plane to Port Angeles. When that plane ended Allison took her ring she got from her mother.

Then she twisted it and it became a car.

It was a lovely 1967 Impala in silver. They immediately got in after putting their suitcases in the back and drove off to Allison's dad's house.

As soon as they got there they saw a rusted orange/red truck and they also saw a long haired teenager, a long haired man in a wheelchair, Allison's dad Charlie, and surprisingly Bella Swan.

The engine revved as it came down the street and Charlie looked up seeing the silver car. He only knew one person who loves silver that much and he grinned. Bella looked an saw a fancy old classical car come down the street. She was confused at who it was.

The car parked right next to her house and out stepped her sister. Bella had last seen Allison when she was 12 and Allison was 10. Sure she saw her in pictures but the pictures stopped coming when she turned 15 and Allison was 13.

Allison was 5'10 in height she had dark brown almost black locks and the prettiest silver eyes that glow like the moon. She was like a goddess or something compared to Bella.

Instead of greeting them Allison walked to the other side of the car and opened the door. Another girl that looked like a goddess stepped out. She had strawberry blond hair and green eyes but she was short only 5'3 at most.

Allison wrapped her arm around the girls shoulder as they walked up towards Bella and Charlie. Jacob saw a very pretty girl maybe not as pretty as Bella in his opinion but still very gorgeous the other girl was pretty too but he already had a crush on Bella Swan.


Charlie smiled at the two girls. He knows all about Lydia from when Allison comes home every other month to talk to him. He doesn't know that she recently died though he can't tell something is different about her.

She walks with more confidence and grace than she normally does. "Dad!" Allison called out. Charlie smiled. At least one of his kids called him dad without any awkwardness.

Charlie smiled at his youngest daughter. "Alli." He smiled. "Hey Lydia." Lydia beamed at the older man. "Hey Charlie."

"Bella you remember Allison." Bella smiles and nods. "Hey." She says awkwardly not having seen Allison in over 3 years. "Hey sis." Allison nods her head at Bella making no move to hug her as she knows Bella doesn't like physical contact because it makes her feel awkward.

This only makes Allison hold Lydia tighter than before. Lydia leans further into Allison. Allison turns to the two other people in her driveway. "Hey uncle Billy it's been awhile." Allison says.

Billy looks at the girl. She's not average height for a girl. She's very muscular like a wolf and her eyes are piercing his.

Her eyes flash red for a split second and Billy knows that she's a wolf. He can sense it. But he can't smell wolf on her. He smiled at the girl. "Hello Allison. It's been awhile, I agree but hopefully you still look like the same girl that visited a year ago." Billy says. He did this as a test to see if she'd be able to hide what she is from her family.

Allison smiled. "Yeah still the same girl just had a major growth spurt." Allison says. She looks perfectly put together except the only give away she had was the tightening of her arm around the other girl Lydia.


He can see Lydia's hand tighten around Allison's waisted as if to assure her everything was going to be alright. So Lydia knows, Billy deduced.

"You remember my son Jake." Billy asked. Allison smiled a bit "a yes. I remember he used to follow Bella around making mud pies." Allison said. Jake blushed a bit at the reminder of his crush on Bella.

"Hey." Jake said. Allison nodded in his direction. "Well we have to go unpack it was a long trip from New York." Allison said. Charlie smiled a knowing smile at his daughter.

"Your room is still the same from your last visit. I put some new sheets in though. Allison smiled at her father. "Alright. Thanks dad." Allison then goes to the car lifting two silver suitcases out and walks in.

She comes back a minute later and then grabs 5 pink suitcases. Lydia follows her in with the suitcases and Billy watches knowingly. She's stronger than a human.

Those suitcases were large. Almost 4 feet tall each. He knows he needs to ask her. Sam is the only one that has phased so far. Jared looks like he'll phase soon though. As does Paul.

I walked upstairs to my room and opened the door.

I smiled at the room. It was perfect like always. I pushed the door open further so that Lydia could get in and then we started to unpack. I filled my side of the closet with my clothes. Most of it was black, or white. Some silver is in there. She did have her favourite silver jacket with her.

I watched as Lydia organized the closet on her side and most of her outfits were sexy and something only an Aphrodite child would wear.

As soon as that was done they both laid down on the bed. It was an eventful day. So much traveling and then unpacking. Allison laid down first and then Lydia laid down with her head on Allison's chest.

Lydia snuggled into the warmth of Allison's skin. Allison had a temperature of 108°. She mostly wore skirts or shorts and a sports bra to keep cool.

The thing about Allison was that she had full control of her temper unless it came to Lydia. Anyone mess with Lydia and it was over with.

They aren't imprints but they've been best friends since they were 11 and they've been super clingy since Allison died.

That's how Charlie found them hours later asleep cuddled into each other. He knew his daughter was pansexual and loved people for who they are and not their gender.

He also knew Allison had a soulmate out there and that nothing was going on between the two. They just let everyone think that they're dating so that people will stay away from them.

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