《The other Swan》Through the years


At the ripe age of 12 no monster were in Forks and Allison lived rather peacefully. But an ignorant monstrous hellhound attacked Allison and Artemis immediately demanded that Charlie sent her to camp half-blood all year round where she would be safe.

Charlie was upset that his daughter would be so far away but he understood that she was the only demigod of her kind and he knew monsters would attack her if they could.

He sent her on a plane to New York and gave her enough money to get a taxi to long island sound.

When she reached Camp Half-blood hill she ran through the barrier and sighed in relief when she passed through without catching any attention from monsters.

It was getting dark out almost 7 o'clock and she heard fighting coming from the woods. She sat down by the fire and waited. It was almost an hour later when everyone came out looking she'll shocked at a young boy her age.

He had sea green eyes and raven black wind swept hair. She looked at him and then at the centaur Chiron from what her mother told her he was a respectable trainer of the greatest heroes out there.

Everyone looked at the new girl curiously. She had brown almost black hair and silver eyes, not the grey eyes that the Athena children had by literal silver.

She looked athletic and built for running. Everyone was confused by the enigma that was this child. Chiron assessed the girl and even he was confused as he couldn't tell who her godly parent was.

"What's your name young one?" Chiron asked his new charge. "Allison Luna Swan." The girl's voice was mesmerizing. Like wind chimes performing a perfect harmony.

"We'll do you know who your..." Chiron didn't even finish that sentence for he just like everyone else was completely she'll shocked.

The symbol above Allison's head was completely silver. The same color of her eyes. Everyone bowed "All hail Allison Luna Swan daughter of A-Artemis." Chiron stuttered.

Allison smiled at the symbol and immediately put her suitcase in cabin 8 where her mother's cabin was.

Growing up at camp as the only daughter of Artemis was harder than she thought it would be. She did get along well with the Apollo cabin the best since they were all archers.

She got on well with most people but she did have a tendency to prefer girls as her friends. She did have a best friend. Her name is Lydia and they were best friends.


Lydia was a daughter of Aphrodite and she had quickly become Allison's best friend. She along with Selena had proved that Aphrodite children aren't all about make up as they were really good fighters.

They grew up from young children at the ages of 11 at the camp.

On the first year at camp Allison went along with Percy son of Poseidon who had quickly became a friend of hers along with Annabeth daughter of Athena and Grover who is a Satyr. Lydia came as well.

They had to find Zeus' lightning bolt before the summer solstice or Zeus would kill Percy and wage war on Poseidon.

The first step they took was getting on a bus. They took the bus until the three fury's got onto the bus and tried to kill them. Percy killed one of them and Annabeth killed another. Allison killed the last one before they all turned into gold dust. But with all the power the bus exploded.

So they then had to walk very far and they met a pink poodle who had escaped from his house. He allowed the demigods to return him to get the cash prize so that they could have some money to eat.

They then walked along the road until the came upon an old diner with statues out front but the food smelled heavenly. Most of the demigods and satyr on the trip fell for the smell but Allison and Lydia knew that it was a trap and tried to steer Percy, Annabeth, and Grover away.

The three didn't listen and walked inside of Auntie Em's Emporium. They walk d past a bunch of rats and statues all the way to a table. Auntie Em the owner came and took their order but only Percy, Annabeth, and Grover ordered food.

As soon as she brought the food out the three went to take a bite before Grover actually smelt the food. "Wait! Don't eat it." Annabeth said. Percy dropped his burger and looked on in confusion. "It's laced with a sleeping drug." She said.

They all dropped their food and brought their weapons out. Allison thought of her now and it appeared on her back. It was a beat trick her mom taught her. She also had several throwing knives and a sword which was stowed inside of her ring her mother had gotten her for her 9th birthday.

They went to find the owner of the building and when they did they were shocked. The owner of Auntie Em's Emporium turned out to be Medusa who lures her prey into her shop and then petrifies them with her snakes.


She tried to do the same but everyone closed their eyes. Allison used her hearing to her advantage. Artemis her mother had taught her that when one of your senses is not able to be used that your other senses will heighten.

Allison shot her bow when she heard a snap and she got a cry of pain in return. She didn't look but the smell of blood tells her she got a lung.

Annabeth drove a car into Medusa and then Percy sliced her head off. Everyone sighed in relief when that happened.

They then went to another cafe nearby and when they got there they settled down to eat real food. Halfway during their dinner they ran into Ares.

He tasked them with getting his shield back. When they got to the abandoned amusement park they quickly found the shield but then mechanical spiders attacked them. Annabeth screamed bloody murder because all Athena children are terrified of spiders.

They brought the Shield back to Ares and in return they got a backpack and a ride. They also got the shield Ares wanted back which was just stupid if you asked Allison.

They then went and got into the truck with Zoo animals in it and drove to a hotel called the lotus casino.

They then released the Zoo animals because that was just animal cruelty.

As soon as they got inside they were each handed unlimited money cards and given hotel rooms each.

This surprised everyone but Annabeth thought it was probably their parents doing. Allison wasn't so sure but she took her card and went to get some snacks from the vending machine.

She got a bunch of candy because she had a sweet tooth just like her mother did.

She then went to sleep because she was tired. She woke up to banging on her door and she answered the door to see Lydia and the whole gang at her door. "This place is a trap. Get dressed we're leaving." Percy said.

Allison quickly grabbed a few outfits that she really liked and shoved them into her back pack she bought at the casino store and put her candy in there to. She grabbed her unlimited money card because there was unlimited money on it and she could use it later.

They grabbed the three pearls they were here for and drove off in a car even though they were twelve. Grover drove.

They then went to the ocean because Percy's dad wanted to give him something. When they got there Ares was waiting and Allison decided she'd fight him. When she was Ares was mad he lost to an eleven year old and when her back was turned he tried to strike her with his sword.

Percy quickly stepped in and started to fight Ares too. He was on his home turf so anytime he was injured he'd step into the water which gave him strength.

They were at a tie when Hades came to get his helm back.

Ares was mad his plan was foiled and flashed away.

They found out it was freaking a week later when they thought it was only a few hours in the Lotus Casino.

They quickly went to find entrance of the Underworld and found it in DOA studios in Los Angeles.

They met Charon who gives rides into the underworld and then they passed through a bunch of security.

When they got through the fields of punishment and halfway through the fields of asphodel they met the cerebrus. A three headed dog that was huge like six-eight feet tall huge.

They played ball with the cerebrus enough to get it distracted so that they could pass him.

Then they finally made it to the doors of the palace they walked in and were met by Hades himself.

He explained that he though Percy had stolen his helm of darkness but they realized that he didn't have it. The lightning bolt was in the bag that Ares had given Percy and then Hades was angry at Area after they realized he was behind it.

He and Persephone gave them the pearls they needed along with his mother Sally Jackson and they quickly left trying to get to Olympus before midnight.

They were almost there when Luke attacked them. Percy along with Allison fought him off. The clock strikes 12 and they rode the elevator to the 600th floor.

As soon as they were there they banged the doors to the meeting room open and produced the lightning bolt to Zeus. They explained how Luke had stole it with the help of Ares.

Finally after debating Percy's life they walked away. Not before Poseidon talked with Percy.

When they got back to camp they found out Luke had left and they told Chiron of this new development.

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