《Boyfriend's sister》37


A/N: almost over. Probably second to last chapter

Alice's pov

Edward took off and I saw Bella tuck her head in his neck. Why? Why Bella? He's planning to ask her to be his girlfriend one last time and when she says 'no' he's going to try and kill her. But,he won't. I'll be waiting in the wings. I called out for Emment. "Do you think you could kill Edward?" I asked "maybe,for what?" "He's planning to kill Bella and I'll need help and I know she's a sister to you." "Fuck. Yes,if he's going to kill ,Bella,yes. Let's go" we took off and got to the media quick and just listened.

"How are you,Bella?" She fake laughed. I know her fake from her real. "I've been good. Honestly,I'm very happy." "Why?" "Alice.she's amazing." I would blush if I could. "She's annoying. She only likes you because I do." The monster laughed. Not true. "Not true" Bella said. Good girl. "How bout you break up with her" "and why would I do that?" "Come back to me ,Bella. I love you. I need you." "No. Never." And now it starts. He stands up. "Listen,Bella. You can date me or die. No in between." She gasp. "Alice warned me" she mumbled under her breath. "I'd rather die." She said rather confident,standing up. He threw her against the rocks and that's when I ran over,Emment behind me. I'll spare you the details (sorry,I can't write a fight scene) but Emment had fun tearing Edward a part but Bella got hurt. "Alice." Bellas voice called to me weakly. My arm BURNS!" She yelled. "My god,he bit you. Bella,you have to choices. I can suck the venom out or_" "I want to become a vampire." She said before passing out. I took her back to Carlisle and played her on my bed,after he cleaned her up. "Now,we wait."

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