《Boyfriend's sister》28


*Alice's POV*

I miss her. I miss her to much for words but....I don't want to get hurt again. You remember Jasper,yeah? You've been wondering where he is? He left me. Shattered my heart and left me and our family. If she's just going to go back to Edward,it's better a little pain now.

I look over to Edward who just snorted. I looked at him confused. "Little whore" who could he be talking about? "Bella. She launched herself on Angela." I look over at Angela Who just came in. She has a confused look on her face. I guess it's true. She was sure about not wanting Edward. She actually wants Angela. I sigh. "But,why do you care,Alice? She wasn't going to come back to you. She's mine." She might of. He laughed "No." And that was it. "HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?! YOU CANT READ HER MIND!" I whisper yelled so no one else heard. He laughs. "Alice,she doesn't love you and you know it." Yes,I know it. People can't love me. "No,they can't." He stands up with his image food and pats my head. He walks away laughing. Asshole. He WAS nice once upon a time. What happened?

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