《Boyfriend's sister》23


"Bella!" Jacob exclaims as I get out of my truck. He runs to me and captures me in a bone crushing hug. "Jake...can't...breath." He puts me down and laughs. "So,you almost killing me is funny?" I ask,being sarcastic obviously. "Yeah. Yeah,it is." He laughs. "So what do you want to do?" He ask. "Actually,I need to talk to you. I might need your protection again." He growls. "A leach is after you again?!" 'Filthy bloodsuckers' he mutters. I nod. Well,one is. Just not one he would be thinking of. "Can't Edward take care of it? It is just,one,right?" I nodded. I forgot how long it's been since I've seen Jake. "Well,about that Jake....well,we aren't dating anymore. Can I get you caught up?" I ask "yeah. Lets go to the garage." We did and walked in silence. When we got their I sat down on the ground and he sat in front of me. I let out a breath of air. "I'll give it to you short version. Edward was hitting me,not hard to him but,really hard to me. The Cullens found out,we broke up,he left. Alice and I got together. She saw Edward comming back to kill me tomorrow.Alice broke up with me" I shivered. My ex lover,coming to kill me. Jacob growled again. "He won't touch you ever again,Bella." Jacob said pulling me to him. "Does physcic know why he wants to hurt you?" "He's coming to take me back but if he can't he will kill me. " "I'll keep you safe,Bella. I will. I promise. He won't touch you."

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