《Boyfriend's sister》21


"So,the vision...?" I prompted Alice when we were in my room.

"Right. Just don't freak out." I nodded "Edwards coming back and he wants you. If he can't have you he wants to kill you." All the little bit of color I have drained from my face.

"Then you have to Change me,Alice. He'll kill me. He's not getting me back so he'll kill me!"

"Bella,we will,at Graduation. We can protect you." I sighed. "Alice,you can't. It's not James or Victoria. Its Edward. Your brother. You can't hurt him." "I can,I will. You are mine. My everything. My future." She laughs"I've seen it." I nodded. Maybe Alice could. She loves me more than anything. That,I know.

"Ok. Maybe you can but,Carlisle,Esme,Rose,Emmett. They won't. They'd rather me gone then him." She was shaking her head before I finished.

"No,Bella. Nobody wants Edward anymore. He hurt you. A fragile human he said he loved. We would rather fight him than have him in our family again." "Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded. "Come here,my beautiful Bella. Don't worry." I went over and lied my head in her lap letting her play with my hair. "When will he be here." Alice sighed. "Monday. But,don't worry." One more day,then. Tomorrow is Sunday. Alice started singing to me. 'One Thousand years' by Christina Perrie. She's trying to make me go to sleep. It worked. I fell asleep in her lap.

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