《Boyfriend's sister》19


"First hair" Alice declared,smiling.

"And,what is wrong with my hair?"

"Nothing,babe,it"s beautiful. We are just doing a full makeover. Including your closet." I opened my mouth to object but "you can't say no. I already burned all your clothes."

"Wh-" "While you were getting ready. Now,come,come. Let us get to work." I let her drag me to the nearest hair salon. Layers. That's what Alice told the stylist. I have to admit,after he was done I looked halfway...pretty. I look pretty. "Lets go get some outfits. We'll shop here in Seattle then we'll hit Port Angeles." She smiled at me and I couldn't even protest. "Okay."

"So,we'll be getting dresses,too. No more mom jeans or baggy tees. I was thinking bright colors because it's what you look best in. Oh! And dark green like the dress you wore for your with birthday." I wanted to groan so bad but I settled for rolling my eyes. Whatever makes her happy.

She found a store and pulled me inside. "Alice,I don't think I can afford anything in here." "Lucky for you,I'm paying. Don't protest or I won't even let you have veto power on any clothes." I rolled my eyes again but kept my mouth shut.

"Go to the dressing room I'll-" she stopped and got a vacant look in her eyes meaning she was having a vision.I just stood there and watched,not disturbing her,until it was done.

"What'd you see,babe."

"I'll tell you when we get to your house. Now get to the dressing room. I'll bring the clothes." She a good me off then and I allow her too. I'll make sure she tells me later.

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