《Boyfriend's sister》Chapter 12


"Oh my god,when do you think he'll come back?" I asked. I am so scared. Did I just break a family? Edward was Carlisle first 'son'. Then I hear Esme shouting "Alice! Alice! What'd you see?" I instantly turned to Alice as she turned to me.

"Never. My vision was of Carlisle talking to Edward. Him being torn as he has to tell us Edward will never come back." A tear slides down my cheek.

"Oh,Bella,why are you crying?" Alice asked "Edward" she looked shocked "He was hurting you,Bella." "I-I-I broke your family. I made him leave. I'm so s-sorry." I was full fledged crying now.

"Oh,Bella,It's not your fault."Esme says coming over to me taking me in her warm(not literally ),motherly embrace. Alice,Why don't you take her home now." We go to her car and she drives me home.

When we got to my room she asked me "Do you actually believe It's your fault?" I look down and whimpered out a yes. "Well,It's not. So lets get off of that topic and talk about our first date."

That got me to look up.

"What?" "Yeah,I love you,Bella. Always have but,you were Edwards girl." "I love you,too,Alice."

"Okay,Do you have any good clothes for a date?" "It depends on what we're doing." Alice gets up and walks to my closet and finally found my only Dress. It is a long sleeve red dress that looks really old fashioned to me. "This dress is vintage. Not for me,but... Maybe you do have some taste!" I laughed at her excitement "Sorry,My mom bought it." She sighed.


"I will be back at six tonight. You look like you need some sleep so,sleep. I'll pick you up later."

She left before I could say anything or ask were she's taking me. She's surprising me,apparently. I soooo hate surprises.

I change back into my sweats and go back to sleep. When I wake up I'm sure It'll be lunchtime.

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