《Sent To The Past (Interracial Romance)》Chapter 4 Strange
I found my self in those carry cabins that were use for royalty and that were pulled by the horses.
I sat next to King Tut while the old man sat in front of us, many things roam through my mind as I sat here.
How the Hell did this happen? Is this even possible? Did I knock my head when that tornado was following me? Or was I in the tornado and it is destroying the state I live in this moment?
I started to pinch my self to see if I was dreaming, after ten times of pinching my self. I realize, this wasn't a dream. I face my right where the man, who I just met, practically naked the very moment I met him, I stared at him as he sat next to me and I started to analyze him.
From the way he sat and held his head very high, You could tell he was royalty... or a cocky bastard.
A voice said in my mind and I smiled at that.
There was nothing but Silent, I look at the old man in front of me, wanting to analyze him and he was just looking out the window of the moving cabin. There was something that was bothering me and I wanted to ask it.
"Would you have brought me to her? Since you were here to get me. Would you have taken me to her?"
I asked the old man who look like he could be my grandfathers Identical twin, I wanted to know the answer. I wanted to know if he would have.
"I wasn't planning to make it out alive, so no I wouldn't have taken you to her." He said staring at me.
I was confused. He didn't plan to make it out alive but he still came.
"You mean to tell me that you didn't plan to make it out alive but you still came? Why was that? Why did you think you weren't able to even make it out alive?"
The old man stared down at his folded hands on his lap and didn't make eye contact with me and that very moment something strange came over me, I didn't like this feeling. People dying because of me and I don't even know why.
"He knew he might get killed, because I would have killed him or I would have had my man kill him" King Tut said next to me as simple as saying Good morning to someone you walk pass by.
I turned my head so quick and stared at him, but he wasn't looking at me like I thought he would, instead he was looking at the old man who was still staring at his folded hands.
Thats when I realized, that the old man knew he could have died, this was a suicidal mission to him and he was willing to take it. If he died and wasn't able to reach me and retrieve me. He would die and so would his family.
"Your family? They knew also didn't they?" I asked the old man he brought his head up and stared directly in my eyes and nodded.
"The whole family would have known it wouldn't work and so would have the woman who sent him." King tut said staring at the man.
"She was angry that she couldn't retrieve you, so she wanted to take her anger out on something. Leading people to their deaths must have been on top of her list." he said and stared at me "We shall find out what she wants with you soon, do not worry." he said and stared out the moving cabin cart window. I didn't understand what King Tut when he said leading people to their deaths must have been on top of her list but I had a strange feeling that this Queen was a bitch.
"Why didn't you do it? You could have killed him, but you didn't? Was it because you knew the Queen had sent him?" I asked wondering if he was concern of the Queens plan and wanted a living witness and needed more information out of him. a little voice of mine was saying that this couldn't be the reason he didn't kill him.
I notice something flash in his eyes so fast that I was wondering did I imagine it existence in the first place.
"You told me not to harm him, so I did not harm him because that is what you requested and it has it's advantages. Now we're aware that the Queen has a reason for sending him and she has his family. You might have save them."
He said sparing me a glance and then focusing out the cabin cart window.
"We're almost there." he said.
He just told me that the reason he didn't kill him was because I told him not to, well more like I wouldn't let him.
Well look at that, maybe King Tut is a gentleman in a strange way after all.
The cabin cart suddenly jolted in I flew forward and my head landed in the seat in front of me.
"Ouch! Seat-belts would have been nice to have back in Egypt ancient times." I said rubbing my head and hoping it doesn't leave a bruise on my head.
"Are you okay dear?"
I looked at the old man who had concern on his face and nodded my head. I turned around to find King Tut staring at me with an emotionless face.
Guess I imagine the Gentleman act before since he isn't going to ask if I'm okay either.
But then I notice he was going to say something, there's hope for King Tut after all, but no instead what came out was.
"Well are you going to move, so I can get out." I rolled my eyes at him, moving my body and sat next to the old man who's name I could've ask instead of calling him a old man in my head . I shouldn't be calling him an old man, he had a name afterall.
King Tut got out the cabin cart when the door was held open for him, I turned my head and smiled at the old man.
"What's your name, it was rude of me not to asked." I said to him smiling, his face expression suddenly changed to a shocking expression which made me wonder why.
"My name is Rasheem and your's my mistress?" he asked me.
"Amla" I said to him
"Well come out now; we don't have time to be sitting in here and having conversations like we have years to save these people." King Tut said from the open cabin door, he was staring at me with the same emotionless face. I'm beginning to think that's how his face looks like.
I got up and move from where I was sitting, I was going to place my hand on the outside of the cabin door to balance my self while getting out but King Tut took my hand and held it while I took my step out the cabin.
I look around as I got out the cabin and was in shock to what I saw, it was stunning and it was everything that the historians and history books could imagine. I was in ancient times, ancient Egypt to be exact and I was still holding hands with King Tut, I remove my hand from his.
Rasheem was coming out and needed no assistant as he got out the cabin cart.
I notice the Egyptians that were around the village, some where focusing on there daily routines and giving us glances and bowing when they made eye contact with King Tuts eyes.
"Show us to your home." King Tut said to Rasheem.
Rasheem nodded and walked in front of us and lead the way, as I walk by King Tut following Rasheem I notice the villagers were staring at me and whispering to each other.
Some were confuse on what I was wearing, what I was wearing was unusual for them and what they were wearing is what I've seen in movies. I didn't let there eyes bother me, I had my resting bitch face on as I walk next to King Tut.
All I wanted to do was get Rasheem family out of the situation they were in and find out what that woman wants with me and how can I go back home.
This lady had the nerves to bring me here, some people would be wondering how she did it and how am I not freaking out. But I know magic is real, coming from the family I was born into..
"We're here I assume." King Tut said making me push my thoughts away. In front of me were guards surrounding a household.
"Well I mean there isn't guards surrounding the rest of the villagers home so I would assume this is his home." I said letting my sarcasm out. I couldn't help it, someone has to bust his ego, mind as well be me.
King Tut spare me a glance and ignored me. He walked towards the Guards. As soon as the guard notice who it was they all bowed down, like really. They all dropped what they were doing and bowed down. One of them even drop his food and bowed down. Speaking of food I'm getti-
"Tell me why you're here, you may rise now." King Tut said staring at the man that rise in front of him.
"Your highness, we're here guarding the house because the Queen has told us too." one of them said.
"Ah so you're guarding the house, then why are the people in the house are not allow to leave if you're only guarding the house?"
Damn he got him, got him red handed, I look at
King Tut as he questioned the man in front of him and I saw the man start to stutter as he was going to finally give his explanation I spoke.
"Well if you're guarding the house, then the people in the house has the right to leave, it's a little strange how you say you're guarding the house when the people in the house aren't able to leave it seems like you're holding them captive instead of guarding the house like you say you're, but since you say you're guarding the house. Then the people in the house can leave which is why we're here. To retrieve these people and you will not stop us because we do not want the house, just the people that aren't able to leave in it." I said and I notice that King Tut turned to stare at me when he noticed I was standing next to him, speaking like I was judge Judy catching someone a lie and calling them out on it.
The rest of the guards had shock expressions on their faces when I spoke, some were wondering who I was. I know back in ancient times people with my skin color were called Nubian, and me with my Nubian deep brown milk chocolate skin with light brown eyes was fierce and I was officially calling this man on his bullshit.'
"My lady is right." King Tut said. And I heard gasps coming from the people of the village that was standing near us, we seem to brought out a crowd.
I didn't understand why they gasp until I realized he called me 'his lady' I would have never taken it to heart in the modern time, even though it would be cute in my time. but I realize how huge it is in this era to these people.
"Clear the way, or my men will clear it for you, might end up with your blood on the floor. Surely you can understand that." King Tut said and the guards clear the way. King Tut stare at Rasheem and he started to walk between the clear path, not staring at the guards. King Tut turned and stare at me, I didn't know why but I nodded my head and we both walked together in the clear path but unlike Rasheem I stared at each guard in the eye, giving them the stinkiest look I could.
How dare they do this to a man's family, scare the family like this and especially the man him self.
The guards seem to be scared to make eye contact with me as they quickly look down.
We enter the home and I notice that there was three children standing in the living room area with guards near them and they seem to be eating their foods, unaware of what was going on outside.
"Men! What are you doing here! Eating there foods when you're suppose to guard the house!" King Tut yelled in a authority voice that even brought shiver down my spine.
The guards dropped everything in shock to see King Tut here.
"Your highness" they said bowing.
The children bowed on the floor, one of them was shivering.
"Children, rise" King Tut said and they did.
That's when I notice the child that was shivering seem to be a boy, I walk towards him.
"Hello, I know you're scared but where is your mother.?" I asked the boy.
He stared at me with tears running his eyes.
"The man took her to the bedroom." he pointed to a open room and I felt like something wasn't right, something was going on and I knew it was fishy. "He took my mommy." He said crying and I suddenly rushed to the bedroom he was pointing to. I rushed in and saw the man ripping clothes off the woman while he had her hand on her mouth. There was a sword next to the bedroom opening and I grabbed it, I walked towards the man and held the sword near his neck, ready to slit his throat open.
"Release her or I will slit your throat." I said in a deep voice.
The guard stop and held his hand up and moved away from the crying woman. I didn't move my eyes from the guard, he turned and stared at me with widen eyes.
"A woman, who let you in here!" He yelled.
I was going to open my mouth and say 'Your mother did bitch.'
"Who let you in this woman room!" King Tut said by the room opening and the guard froze as his eyes made contact with his highness his self.
"Your Highness..." he said
"Tut, this man was forcing his self on this woman." I said not breaking eye contact with this man who was on the woman with his hands up.
"I am aware Mala, please pass me the sword." King Tut said, I heard whimpering and I turned my head to see the Woman had move her body near me and was sitting near me holding my leg with her arms whimpering and crying still. My heart clenched as I stare at the woman. I move eyes and stare at the man in front of me.
"I would kill you right here and right now, I would cut out the object that you would have use on her and make you ate it bit by bit, you're not a man, you're nothing and should be treated like nothing." I said passing King Tut the sword. I notice that three of King Tut Guards were standing near the door. Looking at me with shock expressions on their faces, I assume they heard what I said but I didn't care, I hated rape and violence.
I turned my head and bend it to stare at the woman who was still holding my left leg crying and whimpering.
I held my hand out to her.
"Come, let us go to your children and husband." I said to her.
She instantly look up and lift her hand out, I grabbed it and help her stand up.
I faced the man who was going to assault her and gave him the coldest look ever, slowly raising my middle finger on my right hand also. He probably didn't know what it meant but I did and that was all that matter to me.
"I hope you don't live, cause if you do. You won't be living when I find out." I said and I didn't know what was wrong with me but I was very angry and I had the rights to be.
I walked out the bedroom, holding the woman hand but I overheard what King Tut said.
"Well my men, you heard how my lady wanted it done. Let's get to it."
I walked towards the living room and notice that King Tut guards were surrounding the other guards who were on there knee's. I saw Rasheem hugging each of his children and I heard the woman next to me gasp as she saw her family. I let go of her hand.
"Rasheem, here is your wife." The woman ran to Rasheem and I smiled as I saw the sight, a tear falling out of my eye.
I turned and face the guards that were on the floor. One of King Tut Guards notice and spoke. "Mistress Amla, we have each of the Queens guards held by us." I smiled at the Guard and remove the hair tie in my hair which let my hair loose and it fell down reaching my back.
"That's great, holding someone family captive and letting one of them harm a woman in the other room while they eat the family food and scare the children. I do not understand why they would do this, I wonder how they would feel if someone did that to their family." I said staring at the guards on the floor.
I walked in front of them.
"Imagine someone hurting their mothers, their children, their sisters or even their love ones. Can you imagine that men!" I screamed at the men that were on there knees on the floor.
"Such horrible thoughts should stay in your mind forever. That is the punishment I leave you with, but for King Tut, I do not know what he shall do to you." I said standing next to King Tut guard who spoke to me, I whispered in his ear.
"What would he do?" I asked.
I was very new to this and I don't know what he would have done to these men. Heck I may be acting like this but I am angry, doesn't mean I'm full caught up with the way King Tut is or how I'm suppose to act in this situation.
King Tut suddenly comes out the room with his man behind him. "We're done here, Rasheem please come out with your family, let us go."
King Tut said and started heading towards the door.
I was going to knock out the Guard who was going to rape the woman so I started heading towards the room but the guards stop me.
"Our Mistress, we can not let your lovely eyes set upon the sight in the room, we shall leave."
The guard said and I nodded my head, I knew it. They killed his ass, it didn't take a genius to figure that out.
I walked out the household surrounded by guards and notice King Tut was waiting out there and staring at me.
I saw Rasheem and his family and I walk towards Tut to asked him if they can stay with him.
I knew I shouldn't but I had to at least try.
But before I asked he held his hand up.
"They will be staying at the palace with us, we shall now leave." King Tut said and walked away from me, and boy did I have the biggest smile on my face.
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