《Michael Myers X Reader》Chapter 10


You had made your decision, but you never expected it to end up like this.

Dragging the dead corpses of Michaels latest victims into the woods, and burying them in shallow graves with his other victims.

You had stepped into the living room, confronting Michael as his latest victim still lay on the floor dying, he looked over at you when you called his name.

You refused to look down at the bloody corpses on the ground, you knew that you would only be upset and frankly disgusted.

You were afraid at first, he seemed so menacing and intimidating standing there, his jumpsuit coated in blood, multiple layers of dried blood were splattered across him. He started walking towards you and you stepped backwards instinctively, afraid of what he might do to you. He stopped walking once he realized you backed away.

You both stood there staring at each other, it wasn't uncomfortable or weird, it was, calming? You sighed, you couldn't deny what you felt forever, you had to do something.

You took a deep breath and stepped up to Michael.

He didn't make any movement towards you, which was good, you probably would have lost your nerve if he was to come closer to you. You stepped up to him and reached your hand to his, the one that wasn't holding the bloody knife, and grasped it tightly, he made no move of protest.

His hand was cold, but not freezing. It was just cool enough to where it was comfortable to hold his hand wile evening out both of your body temperatures.

You took a breathe, "Michael I don't know why you brought me back here, but its obvious that you're not going to kill me, and I'm not going to run. I don't know what made you come back to my house, but I can't get you out of my head."


You could tell that Michael was looking right at you, but with his mask on you couldn't tell what he was feeling.

You paused for a moment.

"I'm not- I'm not going to leave Michael."

After a few moments of silence you decided to release Michaels hand and take a step back to give him some space, and maybe some time between you and him if he decided to kill you, but before you were able to fully remove your hand he quickly moved forward and embraced you in a hug.

You gasped lightly, not expecting this much emotion from Michael, his body fully embraced you.

He held you close to his chest, his arms wrapped around your body. He became warm and comforting and you wondered why you had ever feared him.

You closed your eyes and moved yourself closer to him, the irony was that he made you feel safe.

You both stood there for a short while, just embracing. Finally Michael hesitantly pulled away. His sheepish behavior made you smile.

He stepped back moving away from you again. He still had his mask on so you couldn't read his face but her was definitely looking at you. After a moment of silence he looked back at the ground at his latest victims.

You hesitantly looked down too. You saw the bloody corpses of the teens, obviously afraid before they died. You shivered.

Michael went to work, he picked up one of the girls and one of the boys and started heading out the back door. You assumed to dispose of their bodies.

Michael headed out the back door and you contemplated following him.

You looked from Michael back to the three other corpses. You stepped up to the other girl, she was small with a frail body with long brown wavy hair, she was definitely taller than you. You stared at her for a bit, and then you decided to pick her up.


You grabbed her body and pulled it up and over your shoulder, well you attempted to. You weren't strong enough to toss her over your shoulder like Michael did, but you got a good momentum and were able to get a good grip on her.

You looked down at her again, and started heading out the door after Michael.

You stepped out into Michaels back yard, Michael was no where to be seen, but you could see drips of blood on the shriveling grass and you knew thats where Michael went.

You followed the trail of blood further and further into the woods, still carrying the girl on your back. You didn't know why you were doing this, before you had been too disgusted to even look at them let alone carry them over your shoulder. You shook your head, it was fine, at least you were helping out Michael a little.

You continued through the woods, it got more and more dark as the leaves in the trees became more bunched up together.

You finally found the end of the blood trail, there was a few small dirt mounds and a few corpses just laying out in the open, you saw the two other victims that Michael had carried here and took the girl over to them.

You placed her down next to them and looked out over the bodies, how had he gotten away with killing this many people. Surely the town would know?

You shook your head, the town was dumb and stupid, Michael was smart and it was easy for him to keep the town in a stupor.

As you began walking back to the trail a thought crossed your mind. You hadn't seen Michael going back to the house while you were bringing the girl here, and he wasn't here, then where was he?

Almost as if on cue a snapping twig from behind you made you turn around.

You yelped a little at the sudden sound, and there he was. He didn't seem threatening or angry he seemed curious. He looked from you to the girl and back, and he nodded his head.

You smiled, a little proud that he appreciated you helping.

He began walking back to the house and you watched him go. He stopped and looked back when you didn't follow.

You smiled a little and joined him walking back to the house and moving the other two bodies.


Heres an extra long chapter for you guys!


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