《Michael Myers X Reader》Chapter 4


{Michaels POV}

Escaping that mental hospital wasn't easy, but damn was it worth it.

That place was terrible, trying to fix me, trying to comfort me.

I don't need comfort.

That doctor thought I was driven by my sister, I'm not, it's the voices, they tell me to kill people; to murder people.

I oblige.

Who am I to question these voices, they're obviously there for a reason?

I left the sanitarium after releasing all the other inmates, they would provide a distraction to the doctors and nurses. I slipped out easily after killing some of the guards that tried to detain me. They were no match for me.

Dr. Loomis and his helper showed up at the gates with their car, it was a lucky break. I stabbed the helper when the doctor wasn't looking and left him.

I knew I had to change clothes, they would be looking for me in my sanitarium dressings.

I ditched the car, I knew that they would try and track it. They consider me dumb, I never told them a thing just so that when this happens I could keep them off my scent.

After ditching the car I walked past a garage station where they fix cars, I went inside. There was hardly anyone there, so I stole one of their jumpsuits. There was still one guy in the building, he saw me leave, so I had to end him, it was for his own good. He would have gotten in my way.

I finally made it back to Haddonfield the day before Halloween, news of my escape hadn't reached yet. I guess they were still having trouble rounding up all those prisoners.

I smiled to myself.

They're all so dumb to think that I would go down easy.

I finally made it back to my house, on Halloween night no less, it was in shambles, but it doesn't matter. It's the only purpose would be for hiding, at least that's all I thought it would be.

Turns out they still talk about me in this small town, teenagers started showing up to MY house. I watched the first few to see why they would come into my home. Most of them did it because of a dare from their friends, others came to have sex because apparently doing it in an abandoned building is the norm now.


I went through the broken back door and silently crept up on two teenagers having sex in the middle of the room, totally high. That pissed me off. Not only was it rude to be in MY house, it was disgusting! Not just because it's premature sex, the floor is rotted and broken.

Bugs crawled around and spiders spun their webs, but enough thinking, they deserve death. I took out a sharp butcher knife that was lying in the kitchen and made my way towards them. The girl noticed me first and screamed a high-pitched screech. The boy turned around and saw me, but my knife was already deep in his throat.

The girl tried to get up and run away, but being high and scared, she didn't get far. She tripped over nothing, classic, and fell. She screamed once more after seeing my come closer. I picked her up by her throat and plunged my knife deep into her chest, right between her breasts, to be exact.

I picked up the boy's body and threw them outside, I don't want those nasty things in here. I stood outside and watched people passing by. All was quiet until some teens started showing up at my house, setting up some sort of equipment. After a few moments, loud pop music started playing.

I was disgusted, they're setting up a party? In My house? How dare they, how DARE they! They will ALL pay for this. Every. Last. One. Rage took control of my entire body, but I have to wait. Wait until they're all here. Kill them all in one go. This is going to be fun.

After about ten minutes, they were finished setting up the drinks and such. The music was still blaring loudly. In all honesty, it was giving me a major headache. Fifteen more minutes went by and more than thirty teenagers were in my house. Most of them were drunk or just a little tipsy.

I chose to start with the people downstairs and then make my way up. Since the kitchen was close to the back door, I started there, slashing and stabbing every person in the room. Their screams could not be heard over the loud music. I quickly went over and turned off the music, thank god that awful sound is gone.


I moved on to the dining room, the guest room, and then finally, the main room. After finishing downstairs, I moved all the bodies into the backyard. I finally headed upstairs were most of the people having sex were. What is with having sex at a young age with kids? They reminded me too much of my sister and that made me angrier.

I went through every room, stabbing straight through them like they were nothing, and to me, they were. I even stabbed straight through one of the beds! Amazing! I was so satisfied with the work that I didn't even bother cleaning up! Feeling elated that all the problems had been eliminated, I stepped out of the room, leaving the bodies where they were, but when I stepped out into the hallway, I ran right into someone.

It was a girl.

I faced towards her and stood in the center of the hallway, just in case she tried to make a run for it. She had someone with her, a friend I guess, who was clearly passed out.

Her eyes widened when she saw me, she clearly looked frightened but there was something else there. She looked from the knife in my hand back to my face, clearly afraid. When she looked back at my face a look of realization crossed her face.


I froze.

She knew my name. I tilted my head to the side trying to figure out where she knew me from. I didn't know her at all.

No matter, I started walking towards her ready to finish off my kills when she practically dropped her friend and grabbed something from the wall. She pulled a piece of wood out from the wall.

I was mildly impressed.

She pointed the sharp part of the wood at me in what I supposed was supposed to be menacing, but she just looked terrified and scared.

"Don't come any closer." her voice was even and her expression turned hard. She was prepared to actually fight me.

I smiled to myself, slightly amused that this small woman would attempt to fight me for her life. That's more than any of my other victims did.

I stopped walking.

I stared at her, I wanted to know what she would do next.

"Listen, Michael," she paused for a moment "me, and my friend are going to leave this building, I'm going to walk us down the stairs, and we won't return to your house again, okay?" Her voice was even and I could tell from her expression that she wasn't going to just let me kill her like all of my other victims.

She kept the sharp end of the stick facing towards me and backed up closer and closer to the stairs. She grabbed her friend with her free hand and began walking down the stairs, still pointing the sharp end of the stick at me.

I watched her as she left, she was so interesting, so very different from everyone else that lives in this godforsaken town.

As soon as we broke eye contact I could hear her drop the piece of wood and start running.

I went over to my window to watch her go.

She kept her promise.

She didn't look back.

After she had left I felt like I needed to see her again, she was so much more interesting than anyone else I've ever come across.

I have to see her again.

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