《Michael Myers X Reader》Intro


Your name is (Y/N)

You lived in the small town of Haddonfield in Illinois.

It was a normal Halloween for you. Candy, friends, costumes. You bagged so much candy that night! You and your two friends hit up every house on the street, all except for one. The Myers house. No one went there. Everyone thought that the Myers boy, Michael, was weird and off-putting. You were younger than him but even you knew what people did to him.

Since you lived on the same street you always heard the other boys screaming and yelling. Mostly profanities, usually only threats. They never went near the house, of course, the only reason they bullied him was that they were afraid of him.

That night you remember police cars and sirens and you remember people flocking into the streets. Your parents never told you exactly what happened, but word gets around, especially as you get older. People where shocked and disgusted by what happened, they spread rumors, made up legends.

Your house was on the same street where Michael killed his family, you were four.

After that, your parents grieved and feared for days, they gave you curfews, limits. Stay in the house at night, no leaving any doors or windows open, never stay out at night alone. All of the same stuff they told us at school.

You never understood why people were so afraid! Michael was locked up in an insane asylum, he was never to be released for fear that he would harm other people.

He was never supposed to leave...

You're 19 years old now, it's been 15 years since that happened and people still talk about it sometimes. Its usually only the occasional whisper and murmur, but people still talk. This little town does nothing but gossip, one thing happens and the entire town knows about it by dusk. Something big happens, and they talk about it for years.


You went through school, graduated high school and decided to stay in Haddonfield. You had nowhere else to go, you didn't know what you wanted to do for college so you decided to take a break from school and work at your job at the local grocery store.

You still lived in your parent's house, well, technically your house now. They moved out of town after you graduated high school, they wanted to live somewhere warmer and calmer, so they left the house to you.

You lived there alone but your habits from when your parents were around still lingered. You always locked the doors at night, the windows never opened, and you never stayed out late.

Lifelike this had been good for you, it gave you time to think and hang out with your friends. It was all peaceful until the Halloween season rolled around...


Hello this is pictoral here!

So I wanted to make this book because I feel like there are not enough good Michael Myers x reader stories so here it is!

I'm going to try my best to make an interesting story that you, the reader, can enjoy and I can enjoy writing!

If you have any suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments or message me.


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