《Something There》Prologue


The crisp autumn wind whips through my hair, nipping at my skin and giving it a soft pink tinge. I stare at the beautiful view, admiring how the sun sets so perfectly over the calm water. The oranges and purples blend together into a breathtaking gradient, and a sigh of bliss escapes my lips. The serenity of nature will never cease to bring me joy.

I swing my legs over the edge of the dock, letting my feet dip into the cool water. Must be nice to live by a lake, let alone to have your own pier.

My thoughts are cut off by a familiar, screeching voice. "I swear to God, Charlie! If you spray me with that frickin' hose . . ."

I glance behind me and grin as I watch my older brother threaten Jasmine with a garden hose. He flashes her an attempt at a charming smirk before turning it on, soaking her in cold water.

She shrieks and stomps her foot on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum and glares at him menacingly. Charlie doubles over laughing, and I stifle a laugh myself.

Jasmine swiftly snatches the hose out of Charlie's hands and positions it above his head, drowning him in the same icy water. He growls at her, his eyes shooting daggers, and she instantly takes off towards the back door.

Jasmine runs into the house with Charlie on her heels, both of them now laughing. As soon as the door slams shut behind them, I giggle silently and focus my attention back to the beautiful scenery.

Unfortunately, my peace and quiet don't last long. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when a set of strong hands clamp down on my shoulders."Boo!"

I shriek, losing my balance and nearly tumbling face-first into the lake. My hands find the wooden ledge of the pier at the very last moment, and I dig my fingers into the rough surface to regain stability.


I leap up from the ground in horror, gaping at the boy in front of me.

His hands now sit snug in his pockets, his expression relaxed yet devious. And those eyes. Oh, those eyes. His amber eyes flicker with more warm tones than usual, confirming that he feels particularly mischievous today.

The boy eyes my up and down, which causes my heart to momentarily stop. "Hey Blossom, whatcha doing?" He brings his finger to my face, tracing it along my jaw.

"Don't touch me," I mumble, leaning away from him.

"Why not?" he taunts, taking my hand in his.

I instantly become very aware of everything. Of the small waves crashing into the rocks below me; of the echoes from inside, undoubtedly from Jasmine and Charlie's bickering; of how Bryce's touch sends electricity coursing through my veins . . .

Bryce slides an arm around my waist, somehow drawing me even closer to him. My heart races and my head spins, and I'm worried that my legs will give out on me.

His eyes lock with mine once more and my mouth hangs slack as I try to decipher his intentions. He gently tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear, and the puzzle pieces finally fit together.

Bryce cups my cheeks in his hands, cradling the delicate skin as though it's something precious that must be protected, and I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks.

"Bryce, what are you do— "

He cuts me off by placing a quick, tender kiss on my lips.

I freeze in shock and Bryce pulls back, lowering his lips to my ear.

"I've wanted to do that for as long as I can remember," he whispers, "And I'm sorry in advance."

I nod, too choked up to produce words. He lends me a small smile before turning on his heels and walking towards his house. Before he makes it inside, he looks back at me one last time and shouts, "Happy thirteenth birthday, Blossom."


As soon as he's out of sight, my legs give out on me and I slide to the ground. I raise my fingertips to my lips, still in shock over what just happened.

I let out a shaky breath as I try to wrap my head around today's events. I lay down on my back, staring up at the sky above me; the sun has disappeared, making way for thousands of stars to shine through the darkness.

It's funny how the weather can change so drastically.

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