《Toshiro Hitsugaya x reader》Arrancar


Urahara finally gave me the day off from training. Most days it's seeing how strong my skills can get and if using stronger skills lessens my Bankai time. So far, no matter how many skills or what level the skills I use, my Bankai seems to last the full hour. However, the more skills I use, especially if they are high powered skills, once my transformation wears off, I do feel extremely weak as Kyln said, and Urahara said one time I just fainted. So in the end, the limit of high level skills I can use while in Bankai, is 3. Most of my skills revolve around producing and manipulating lighting and wind.

I brought out my phone and looked through my contacts. I found Ichigo's name, and clicked on it, and held my phone to my ear, waiting for him to pick up. "Sorry, I'm busy right now. I'll call you back later." I heard his voice mail.

I sighed, "What am I supposed to do now.. I'm bored..." I groaned and found a tree and stood in the shade and played a random game on my phone.

Suddenly the ground shook. I looked around. "Earthquake?" I thought. ".. No.. somethings.. here." I popped a soul pill in my mouth, and flew up into the sky, and saw in the distance there was a large cloud of smoke, and a large amount of reiatsu in the same direction. I made my way to the large smoke cloud. I looked down at the streets, seeing souls getting sucked out of people's bodies.

"This is.. bad." I mumbled and quickened my pace.


When I had arrived, Chad and Inoue were her as well. "Orihime, is she okay?" I glanced at Orihime and she was holding a girl in her arms, attempting to leave the area.

"Uluqiorra! Is this him!?" I turned to the big guy.


"Arrancars.." I looked at the 2 guys in front of me, seeing the hole in their chest, zanpakuto's on their waist and cracked hollow masks.

"Yami, you really must work on your investigative powers so that you can determine that on your own. You should be able to tell with just one glance, that guy is trash." I assume Uluqiorra told the big guy, Yami.

"I see!" Yami said. I saw Chad powering up his arm about to punch Yami.

"Chad, no!" I yelled out, but was too late as Yami had slapped Chad away as if he was a mere fly.

Orihime immediately ran to his side, trying to see if he was still awake. "Orihime, get Chad and the girl out of here!" I said as I positioned myself in front of the 2 of them, drawing out my zanpakuto.

"Uluqiorra!" Yami spoke again. "Are these woman trash as well?" Yami asked him, staring down at Orihime and I.

"Yeah, trash." he said.

".. I'll show you trash." I mumbled.

"I see!" Yami said walking closer to us.

Yami held up a finger and thrusted it towards us, and Orihime quickly put up her shield in front of me. Yami put more strength into his finger, and her shield shattered.

Orihime then began healing Chad. My gaze shifted over to the other Arrancar, who was just staring at Orihime. I frowned and moved over to block his line of sight.

Orihime proceeded to launch an attack towards Yami, who blocked it with his hand, and it crumbled to dust.

"What was that? A fly?" he asked. "What should I do, Uluqiorra?" Yami asked, looking over my head. "Should we take her back to Aizen since she has unique abilities?" he asked.

"There is no need." Uluqiorra answered. "Kill her." he said.


"All right!" Yami said and thrust his hand over me and towards Orihime.

"Oh, no you don't!" I thought and flash stepped in front of Orihime and turned my sword diagonally, blocking his hand. I felt a small gust of wind and looked to see Ichigo had arrived.

"You're late." I muttered.

"Sorry, to both of you." Ichigo said.

"I'm sorry, if only I was stronger." Orihime muttered.

".. It's like I'm not even here.." I thought as the 2 of them talked.

"(Y/n), step back. I'll take care of it." Ichigo said.

"Ichigo, I don't think-"

"Bankai!" Ichigo called out and a swirl of reiatsu surrounded him. "Tensa Zangetsu."

"Stay back, both of you. (Y/n) protect them." he said.

".. Alright." I answered, and placed a hand on Orihime's shoulder and we both pulled back to where Chad was.

I watched as Ichigo fought Yami, and cut off his left arm. Yami then pulled out his zanpakuto, and Ichigo seemed to falter a bit. I thne noticed his reiatsu felt differnt, it was darker, colder.. violent. Yami kicked Ichigo away, and Orihime ran out to him, but was slapped away by Yami.

"No one here thinks!" I mentally complained. Yami then continuously began to punch Ichigo. Before I could step in, Urahara and Yoruichi appeared. Yoruichi beat the living crap out of Yami, which was enjoyable to watch with only her fighting skills. I saw Yami flinch and once he stood up, he opened his mouth and a red ball formed in his mouth.

"Sero!" I realized and quickly pulled out Kyln. "Kyln, bankai!" I called and I felt power surge through me. "Let's hope this works." I thought and positioned myself in front of Yoruichi and drew a pentacle in the air with my clawed fingers, the outline coming out as lightning. Yami launched his Sero, and I kept my hand up focusing on the pentacle. The pressure on the pentacle eased up and the dust began to settle and I sighed, putting my hand down.

"What? Who're you? How did you survive my sero?" Yami asked me.

"I'm that trash woman from earlier. Don't recognize me?" I asked him glaring up at him. "Deflecting your sero would have damaged the others, and I can't off set it, so I absorbed it." I said to Yami since he looked confused. "Should I demonstrate?" I asked holding out my hand, and a condensed ball of lightning formed in my hand. "Roar, Kyln." I turned my hand to face Yami, and bolts of lightning blasted out from my hands.

Uluqiorra finally moved and deflected my lightning. I put my hand down and the lightning faded into the air as well. Uluqiorra hit Yami in the stomach and he began lecturing Yami.

"The blood's gone to your head, Yammy. Those 2 are Urahara Kisuke and Shihoin Yoruichi. You can't even beat her, youdon't stand a chance at your level. "Let's go." he said and opened a rift or something and they both stepped through it and it closed in front of them.

"Stupid." Urahara hit my head with the hilt of his sword.

"Ow!" I whined, and my transformation gradually faded away in wisps.

"That was reckless. YOu didn't even know that would work y'know." he said to me.

"I believed I could." I mumbled, sheathing Kyln.

"We'll talk about this later." he said and I nodded and he continued tending to the others.


I feel so bad for taking Urahara's scenes in that fight, but I wanted (Y/n) to do something lol, sorry!!!

BTW a pentacle is a circle with a star drawn inside it, like this...

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