

Look what i ve take ;)

Myungie: hey!!

How did you take this pic?!

Jinu: from away? Lol

Myungie: that was not funny -,-

But look how beautiful i am *-*

God..I love myself

Jinu: you are right for loving yourself that much :)

Myungie: hehe yes

But i wondered what were i doing there :/

Jinu: you were talking and laughing with your friends in the line of canteen

Myungie: why did you take my photo from away?

Jinu: aishh

So sorry..really

It must be making you feel uncomfortable

If u are uncomfortable bout this, i ll delete it and wont never do this :(

Myungie: no you silly boy

I didnt mean it

I just wonder why didnt you come to me :/

You are so kind *-*

Jinu: just against u|

Just agai|



And when come to your question,



Myungie: SILLY.

Jinu: xd

Just wait for saturday :d

Myungie: so..

This means we are in the same school?

Jinu: agh

Yes -,-

Myungie: then

If you wont come, i ll search for u and come to you ;)



Who do you want to be dom? ;)

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