《anemone : myungjin》0.6


"so rose or chamomile?"

jinwoo stared at the two cups of tea set out on myungjun's kitchen counter, eyes darting back and forth between them in staccato.

"chamomile," he finally decided, and took the warm mug into his hands.

they walked to the living room and calmly sat on the couch. rays of sunshine poured in from outside, the shapes of myungjun's window side succulents drawing shadows on the wooden floor.

"it's 6am on a saturday," myungjun whispered.

"it is"

"and you chose this time to stop by?" myungjun laughed brightly.

"you love my company," jinwoo poked him.

"oh, shut up"

they both took a sip of their teas, the sweet, subtleness of rose keeping myungjun calm... until he realized.

it was 6am. the flowers.

he rapidly contemplated what to do, his fingers threatening to drop the cup if he panicked even more.

"hey, i um uh...," he stuttered, "i gotta go get something from the supermarket"

"oh, cool, i can come w-"

"no! i mean, don't trouble yourself. that would be... bad." he stopped and nodded at jinwoo for a few seconds, quickly putting his sneakers on. "bye!"

once the door clicked shut behind him, he sprinted to the flower market.

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