《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||13||
Haruhi and Y/n arrived at their classroom and sat in their seats before the bell rang. The two sisters began to take out their supplies from their school bag for the class before the teacher walks in to start the lesson.
"Do you think Hikaru and Kaoru are still fighting?" Y/n asked Haruhi, taking out her notebook that was for the class while her school bag rested on her lap for the time being.
Haruhi shrugged, also taking out her notebook from her school bag. "I don't know. I guess we'll find out-"
"Hey Haruhi! Hey Y/n!"
The two girls glanced over to the familiar voice that greeted them and saw a blank faced Hikaru who had his left hand raised in a gesture of reception. His greeting didn't only catch the sisters' attention, it also caught the absorption of others in the classroom. That was because something very obvious was different about the twin. His usual auburn colored hair was now dyed a vibrant pink.
"Good morning." He greeted them again.
"Hikaru. What in the world happened to your hair?" Haruhi questioned, staring at the boy with pink colored hair.
"Why is it dyed pink?" Y/n examined with a raised eyebrow.
"Cause pink suits me. Don't you think it's cute?" Hikaru began with a closed eyed smile, arranging his hands on his hips as his school bag was being held up by the help of his upper arm. "From now on I'm the pink haired twin. I didn't want to be mistaken for that Kaoru for the rest of my life, you know?"
Hikaru's face went deadpanned as he, Haruhi, and Y/n heard footsteps approach them.
"Good morning, Y/n and Haruhi." Kaoru addressed with a blank face.
"So, let me guess, Kaoru is the blue twin?" Y/n predicted sarcastically.
"I was finally able to sleep all by myself last night but I ended up having a nightmare." Kaoru initiated with his hands in his pockets as Hikaru walked to his desk that was beside Haruhi. "I dreamt that my stylist had dyed my hair pink. It was so garish and ridiculous looking--I woke up screaming." He laughs as he went to take a seat beside Y/n.
The twins sat on either side of Y/n and Haruhi. Hikaru sat closest to the window and to the left sat Haruhi. Haruhi sat next to Y/n who was seated beside Kaoru.
Kaoru's bottom was about to land on his chair, but Hikaru abruptly kicked his chair away, making him fall to the floor.
Y/n and Haruhi sweat dropped at the circumstance that was about to take place. They were stuck between Hikaru and Kaoru so they didn't dare move.
Kaoru quickly pulled Hikaru's chair in payback, making the pink haired twin fall.
They both stand up from the floor and look at each other with shadows casted over their eyes. They both suddenly picked up their chairs and began to throw a bunch of items like books, notebooks, school bags, chairs, and even vases at each other. Somehow, Honey even was thrown into the mess. Quite literally.
Y/n and Haruhi look at each other with a small groan, knowing that today was going to be a rough and long day.
- - - -
The school day continued and it was finally lunch time. Everyone made their way to the big cafeteria and ordered their food.
Y/n and Haruhi had their own boxed lunches so they just stood in the sidelines, eyeing the twins that were ordering their lunch.
"I'll have the A lunch." The twins said in unison to the people that are taking their order. "No! Give me the B pasta and the D salad! I'll take the F cappellini with the barbarie duck. Hold on! Make that a foie gras in périgueux sauce!" The twins glared at each other. "Stop copying me! Why don't you just leave me alone?!"
"Amazing. Perfect unison even when fighting." Haruhi noted sarcastically.
"I was wondering what all the fuss was about."
Y/n and Haruhi turn their heads to look at where the voice came from. The voice belonged to Tamaki, but he was accompanied with Kyoya, Honey, and Mori.
"I can't believe the two of you are still fighting. You're a disgrace to the Host Club." Tamaki finished with his hands in his pockets.
'I think that's the last thing they would care about in this situation...' Y/n thought bluntly.
"Hey, look who it is." A boy said.
"Oh! I love them!" A girl fawned in admiration.
"I've never seen them all together like that!"
"We've had enough of this!" Honey started, standing in between the twins. "You're both to blame for this fight." He took out a cake and held it up. "Hika-Chan and Kao-Chan I want you to make up and go halfsies on this cake, 'kay? But I wanna have a piece too so I guess we're gonna have to go thirdsies. We're not gonna be able to split the strawberry on top, though. What should we do? Maybe I should just take it. After all, strawberries are my favorite! I forgot to ask. Hika-Chan, Kao-Chan, do you like strawberries?"
It was very evident that Honey was irritating Hikaru and Kaoru so Mori picked Honey up and took him away from the twins.
"You're just making it worse. Leave them alone." Mori said in his low, monotone voice.
"Oh, Haruhi, Y/n!" Tamaki began happily, standing next to Haruhi. "I didn't expect to run into you girls in the dining hall."
"We were worried about those two so we followed them here without even thinking. We always bring a boxed lunch, and we were just gonna eat in our classroom." Haruhi explained, looking down at her bento box that was wrapped with a dark green, white, and red pleated cloth.
Tamaki had a scenario in his head about Haruhi handing him a boxed lunch that had heart-shaped rice inside. "I don't care if my boxed lunch is in an embarrassing heart shape! I will eat it!" Tamaki exclaimed adequately with a light blush on his cheeks.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, but it's evident that your fantasies are completely incoherent." Kyoya said and walked away with his lunch order.
Hikaru was done ordering his food and walked over to where the two girls were standing. "Haruhi, Y/n, you want to sit here with me?" Hikaru asked them, placing his lunch tray on the table.
"Uh okay." The two girls replied and sat down. Haruhi sat next to Hikaru and Y/n sat next to a her sister, a free chair beside her on her right.
"So what's that? What'd you bring for lunch?" Hikaru asked, pointing at Haruhi's lunch box.
"Yesterday's leftovers, and a rolled omelet." Haruhi answered.
"You wanna switch with me? I had to order something different than Kaoru so I ended up with stuff I don't really like." Hikaru disclosed and grabbed Haruhi's bento box, not waiting for Haruhi's reply. "You can share it with Y/n, if you want."
"That's fine with me." Haruhi muttered as Hikaru slid his lunch over to her. She looked at Y/n. "Wanna share?"
"Uh, I'm good. I'll just eat what we packed. We can share my food if you don't want to eat that." Y/n offered, pushing her bento box an inch closer to her sister.
The two girls glanced down at the food that Hikaru handed over.
'That looks really good though..' Y/n contemplated, drool assembling in her mouth as she stared at the mouthwatering meal. Y/n cleared her throat quietly, grabbing a fork. "On second thought, I'll give it a try."
Haruhi nodded and also got ahold of a fork. The two sisters used their utensil to grab a portion of the food and brought it to their mouth.
Y/n and Haruhi's eyes widened at the enticing cuisine that was in their mouth.
"Woah." Y/n mumbled, feeling like she was in heaven due to the fancy lunch. "This is so good." She tilted her head up slightly, enjoying the taste of the bite of food, and Haruhi hummed in delight.
Tamaki expeditiously advanced to the three first years with his tray of food in his hands and showed Hikaru a thumbs up. "Well played, Hikaru. As a reward, I'd like to trade you my lunch for your boxed lunch."
"No way." Hikaru rejected quickly, a blank expression on his face.
"C'mon, trade with me."
"Forget about it."
Kaoru walked towards the table his brother, Haruhi, and Y/n were sitting at, taking a seat on the open chair next to Y/n. "Hey Y/n, I noticed that you're not wearing your bandages on your wrist. Is it better?" He brought up, staring down at the girls wrist before looking at the young woman's face.
"Oh, yeah." Y/n began, glancing down at her right wrist. "My dad wanted me to wear the bandages a little longer, but my wrist was feeling just fine so I just removed it." She smiled softly.
"That's good to hear." He said, leaning his back against the chair. "So Y/n, Haruhi, is that any good? How would you guys like to taste mine? Here." Kaoru gently grabbed ahold of Y/n's chin and brought a spoonful of food near her lips.
Before Y/n could accept the bite of food Kaoru was offering, Hikaru leaned over and latched his mouth around the spoon. "Quit butting in. Get lost, Kaoru." Hikaru's words were muffled because of the spoon in his mouth.
Kaoru slowly let go of the spoon and grabbed one of his plates that was full of food. He then threw it towards his twin.
Instead of the plate of food hitting Hikaru, he pulled Tamaki's tie, forcing the blond haired male in front of him to defend himself from the food. The food made contact with Tamaki's face, making Hikaru smirk with stars evident in his eyes.
Hikaru pushed Tamaki's limp body away, the second year males head laying on the table as the twins began to throw food, chairs, serving trays, and vases at each other once again.
'Not again...' Y/n thought, slumping her shoulders and head down to not get hit by any of the items that the twins were pitching.
The action of Honey getting tossed up into the items was repeated once more, Mori rushing to his aid but was soon a part of the throwing competition the twins started. Then Tamaki's staggered body was thrown by Hikaru over to Kaoru's side.
Y/n and Haruhi got up from their chairs and grabbed their own boxed lunches from before.
"I think we're gonna eat in our class, after all." Haruhi mumbled, walking away from the chaos with Y/n following her.
- - - -
The sun was going down, making the sky a warm, orange color. The Host Club was in the clubroom, discussing about Hikaru and Kaoru's fight that has been going on for a tiring day.
Tamaki let out an exhausted sigh, laying his upper body on the long table that was covered with a white tablecloth. Kyoya was calculating some numbers in his calculator, while Honey, Mori, Y/n, and Haruhi just sat at the table.
"Looking at the numbers, if this situation isn't resolved, I'm afraid we're going to have to stop offering our brotherly love package. We're down one pair of loving brothers. Oh, Haruhi, Y/n, I just want you both to know there's no reason for you to feel responsible. Even though it was both your tactless comment that started this whole feud between the twins in the first place, right?" Kyoya sent a small, fake smile towards them.
Y/n and Haruhi sweat dropped. 'Clearly he blames us for this.'
"It's weird for Hika-Chan and Kao-Chan to be fighting like this. It's never happened before." Honey expressed, looking down at his pink stuffed bunny, and Mori let out a small hum in alliance.
"They've never fought before?" Haruhi questioned, turning her gaze to Honey who was sitting next to her.
"They must've had one fight in the past that we don't know about. Every set of siblings have arguments with each other. Haruhi and I have had some as well." Y/n stated cocking her head towards her older sister.
"I've known Hika-Chan and Kao-Chan since we were in pre-school. We weren't in the same year, so I never really got to talk to them, but I remember that the two of them always played together." Honey explained while moving Usa-Chan's arms.
"Yeah, that's true. I mean I've only known the twins since they were in middle school but they definitely stood out." Tamaki admitted calmly, his elbow propped up on the table with his head resting on his hand. "It seemed like they kept everyone at a distance except each other. Believe it or not, they were even more warped back then. When you stop and think about it, maybe this fight is a good thing for them. Maybe it means the twins are expanding their horizons a bit. We should just leave them alone and let them work it out." Tamaki stated, a small smile on his face as his arms were crossed over his chest.
'Who knows? Maybe it is a turn for the better. But if this really is their first fight, they probably need someone to tell them when it's time to give in and call it quits. And if they've never fought before, would they even know how to make up?' Y/n thought, a million questions appearing in her head.
- - - -
It was the next day, the same time as yesterday when the Host Club had their conference, the sun setting.
The twins were throwing random items at each other in the music room. The Host Club wasn't open for business due to the twins' fight. At the peak of the mountain of objects was Honey holding his stuffed bunny.
Tamaki groaned, placing the tips of his fingers on the side of his forehead. "Don't you guys think that maybe, it's time you give up all this fighting? It's driving me insane."
"What'd you say? It's driving you insane?" Hikaru scoffed, narrowing his eyes at Tamaki. "You've got to be kidding me! How do you think I feel right now? Every time I look in the mirror I see his face. I'm sick and tired of constantly being mistaken for you, Kaoru! The truth is I hate your guts!"
Kaoru glared at Hikaru. "You took the words right out of my mouth. In fact, I hate you so much I bought this." He pulled out a dark brown, wooden Belzenef curse doll from the inside of his true blue-purple blazer. "Belzenef, the curse doll!"
Tamaki let out a shriek of terror, jolting away and bringing his arms up to his chest as he quivers.
"I'm going to complete the curse, Hikaru." Kaoru proclaimed, holding a black marker in the hand that wasn't holding the curse doll. "I'm going to write your name on his back. From this day forward, you're going to experience nothing but misfortune and sorrow!" He used the black marker to write on the wooden back of Belzenef. Tamaki was shrieking nonstop at this point, shaking like a leaf.
Haruhi and Y/n instantaneously ran towards the two twins. Haruhi punched Hikaru in the head while Y/n punched Kaoru, making Tamaki, Kyoya, Mori, and Honey's eyes widen in shock.
"Will you guys knock it off?" Haruhi exclaimed.
Y/n ripped the wooden doll out of Kaoru's hand. "What do you think you're doing, huh? You don't bring this kind of crap into a petty fight! Both of you are at fault here!"
"But what's really sad is that you've brought everyone else around you into your big mess! Now apologized to each other! If you don't make up right now I'm never gonna let you come over to our house! Have I made myself clear?" Haruhi scolded loudly, staring down at the twins with excessive eyes. Hikaru and Kaoru were glancing up at the two Fujioka sisters on the floor with wide, amber colored eyes.
"Yeah! So stop-" Y/n stopped talking when she saw Hikaru and Kaoru's lips slowly tug up into a smirk, and she then realized what Haruhi said.
The twins got up from the floor, their hands on their hips as they leaned their upper body forward. "So then what you're saying is that if we make up we can go over to your place?" They questioned in unison, walking around the two sisters, looking down at them with mischievous looks. Kaoru wrapped his arm around Hikaru's shoulder, Hikaru doing the same action as his brother as they stood behind the two sisters.
Y/n looked down at the doll in her hand and turned it over. Y/n and Haruhi's eyes widened when they didn't see Hikaru's name on the back of the cursed doll, but the word 'blank'. Y/n and Haruhi screamed in trepidation.
The twins high-fived each other and wrapped their arms around one another, Hikaru gently placing his hand on Kaoru's cheek as they both had tears in their eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Kaoru. Even though I was just following our script, I said such awful things to you." Hikaru apologized submissively. "I'm not fit to be your brother."
"Don't say that, Hikaru!" Kaoru placed his hands on Hikaru's cheeks. "I was so worried. I couldn't live with myself if I ever thought I had hurt you."
"Kaoru, I'll never let you go again!"
Y/n haltingly dropped the cursed doll, making it hit the floor. She and Haruhi collapse down to the canvas.
"You've gotta be kidding?! You mean you guys were faking it this whole time?" Honey complained, flailing his arms around.
"We didn't have anything else to do, we were bored." The twins laughed as they hugged each other.
"They...they fooled us. I can't believe that they actually tricked us." Y/n whispers, her whole body feeling weak and helpless.
Tamaki, who was also on the floor, picked his head up to look at the twins. "Twins with too much time on their hands..."
The twins looked over at Tamaki, both of them pulled down the skin from under their eye, and stuck their tongue out at their upperclassman.
"...are the devil."
- - - -
After a couple of days of having the club closed because of the twins' scripted argument, they were finally back open and ready for business.
"I'm so glad they made up!" A girl revealed, clapping along with the other females in the room.
"Okay, it's time to play the 'which one is Hikaru' game!" The twins announced with a closed eyed smile, pointing their index finger up.
"I know!" A young woman with short, medium brown colored hair raised her hand up slightly. "The twin with the pink hair is Hikaru!"
"We have a winner!" The twins smiled, raising one of their arms up while they had the other arm around each other's waist.
"So are you two going to keep your wild hair color even though you've made up? It's much easier to tell the two of you apart now." The young woman with light brown hair asserted with a sweet smile.
Y/n and Haruhi walked passed the twins and their guests, Haruhi was holding a book in her arms.
Y/n let out a small chuckle. "No, it isn't."
The twins hummed, their smiles dropping as they turned to see the Fujioka sisters, who have stopped walking to glance back at them.
Haruhi displayed a limited smile. "Today the pink one is Kaoru-"
"-and Hikaru's the one with blue hair." Y/n finished off with a knowing smirk. "You swapped colors for the day, didn't you?"
The two sisters looked at each other with smiles on their faces, they then turned back around and continued to walk away.
Hikaru and Kaoru held each other's hand as they watched Y/n and Haruhi parade away.
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