《The Silent Martial Artist (Quiet Male Reader x Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism)》Chapter 8
" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n's pov:
Rin:"Wai-wait, should I hold it like this?" She asked Fudou.
Fudou:"Yes, now turn around so Y/n can finish this much quicker." He suggested as I pull the mawashi slowly between the front and the back of her crouch.
Me and Fudou were now currently putting on the Mawashis of both Rin-san and Mary-san as they requestes me to both do theirs. I was now clearly infront of Rin-san's lower area as I look away with an embarassed face as well as Rin and Mary being flustered.
(Rin and Y/n's expressions)
Rin:"Li-like this?" She asked Fudou.
Fudou:"Spread your legs more." He suggested as she does what she's told. "Okay. Y/n, pull!" He said as I pull on the mawashi, putting pressure on the front of her crouch.
Rin:"Wa-wait! Don't pull it so tight!" She complained as Mary was covering one of her eyes.
(Mary's expression)
Fudou:"Sorry, but If it's not tight then it'll only fall off." He explained. "Now, turn around." He said as she faces towards me again as I wrap the mawashi around her waist.
Rin's pov:
This is...embarassing! I may had prepared myself for this, but...I didn't think it would be this...embarassing...But...I don't want it to stop.
Mary's pov:
que c'est embarrassant! Just seeing this unfold in front of my eyes is just...Pure embarassement! But seeing this, made me bit my finger....on why Rin-san had to go first with Y/n! It's unfair!
Y/n's pov:
Now, the most uncomfortable part, I was now tightening the part covering her front crouch which is her pu- I mean...the cloth that cover her womenhood as I get more and more flustered.
Y/n:'End my suffering!' I pleaded in my head.
Fudou:"Okay, that should be enough. Now, turn around." He ordered.
Rin:"Ha-hai..." She agreed.
And as she turns around I pull on it and made it tighter, gaining a grunt from Rin-san.
Fudou:"Okay, now the last part. Put your weight on it like your sitting down, Y/n should be able to do the rest, right Y/n?" He asked me as I nodded.
Rin:"O-okay." She said as she does a sitting motion.
And so, in one fast mostion, I pull it tighter, gaining a soft moan from her as I finally done the last wrapping with Rin-san falling to ground, shaking as I nearly did the same.
Fudou:"Perfect! Now, your next, Kikakuj-" He cut himself off as I get lay down out of embarassement. "Oh, looks like your with me now." He said.
Mary:"Qu-quoi!? Wh-why can't Y/n do mine as well!? Why not wait his back up again!?" She asked rather loudly as Rin looks back at her.
Rin:"Co-come on, Kikakujo. We shouldn't waste time. After all, Masuko-kun is still there hanging." She said to Mary-san with a smirk.
Mary:"Wai-wait a moment. Le-" She cut herself off as I finally regained conciousness. "Se-see! Y/n's back up, he should attach the mawashi to me as well!" She demanded.
Fudou:"*Sigh* Fine, let's just get this over with. Y/n, do it." He said to me as I get more flustered.
And so, I attached the mawashi on Mary-san just like the same way I did to Rin-san except her's finished much faster.
No pov:
Fudou, Y/n, Rin and Mary were now back at the sumo ring as Mary was currently biting on her thumb out of anger.
Mary:"Grr...I cannot accept this..." She whispered to herself.
Rin:"That's enough, Kikakujo. The both of us would've been touched by him either way." She said trying to calm down Mary.
Mary:"That's not what I'm mad about!" She answered. "How, come he finished me up rather quickly, yet you get to relish the softness of his palms on your thighs!" She yelled at her making Y/n blush.
(Y/n's reaction)
Fudou:"Okay, how about you two stop making my little brother gow likea tomato and focus on this warampics thing or whatever!" He yelled at them to stop for Y/n as they did as their told.
Even though Fudou can be kind to everybody he meets, but when it comes to his little brother or cousin, he's willing to beat up anyone as they so as much lay a finger on him as an overprotectice brother should.
Then, at all of the available monitors of the school, it has now been replaced with a live recording of the Warampics as it currenently shows the sumo wrestling ring with Y/n and the others.
Warabi:"Hyo, hyo, hyo~ Now, the Thirteenth Warampics, thanks to the help of our film crew, it will be broadcasted on all school monitors! Hyo, hyo, hyo~" She announced with laugh at the end.
After a while, Rin and Kikakujo finally realized they were being filmed as they turn around to see the cameras filming their behinds.
Rin:"Your filmin this!?" They yelled as they try to hide the mawashi from the camera.
Mary:"Non! Stop this at once!"
Rin:"Get out of here!" They yelled at the camera crew.
While this was happening, Y/n and Fudou were now currently playing rock, paper, scissors to decide on who get's to go first. As they throw the first round, they get a tie, but in the 2nd round...
Fudou:"Rock....Paper...Scissors...Shoot!" He said as Y/n pick paper and he picked rock, making Y/n the first one on to enter.
Y/n then stepped into the ring as the Three musketeers see him enter. As Y/n looked at his 3 senpais, he noticed that they weren't wearing any Mawashi's which confused Y/n.
Y/n's pov:
Y/n: I asked them.
???:"Kyuh, kyuh, kyuh. Do not worry, cute one, your oppenent is already above you in the ring." The warfan said as I get confused.
I then look up at the roof as I hear a growl and also see, 2 red glowing orbs as eyes looking at me as Fudou, Rin-san and Mary-san noticed it too.
All of a sudden a large creature jumps in near me as I jump back to dodge it. As soon as I look to what it was, I see that it was a bear, wearing a Mawashi.
Bear:"RAAAGHH!" It roared as I see Fudou's face in shock.
(Fudou's expression)
Fudou:"It's a freaking bear!"
Y/n:'Even the ladies are allowed to bring pets. The men here really have low rights, huh?' I said in my head.
Warabi:"Hyo, hyo, hyo. Don't worry! He's quite the gentle bear!" She said through the mic. "His name is Kyo-bo the brutal!" She introduced the bear.
(Fudou's expression)
Fudou:"Those two things are not even the same!" He yelled at her. "I thought we were gonna be fighting those three!?" He asked her as he points towards the 3 senpais.
Warabi:"What are you saying? These are my three musketeers."
"And Kyo-bo"
She introduced her real musketeers.
Fudou:"Then what about, Saruwatari!? You brought her out like she was the most important one!" She yelled at her.
Rin:"Anyway, no matter what your reasoning is, it's against the rules to pit Y/n Nomura against a non-human!" She said trying to get me out of this match.
Warabi:"Hyo, hyo, hyo. Don't lose your head over this. If one of you can defeat Kyo-bo, I'll let all three of you off the hook!" She said shocking both Rin and Mary-san.
Fudou:"So, that's why you three aren't wearing mawashis." He said to the 3 seniors.
Tohko:"Kyu, kyu, kyu. So, who will fight firts, then?" She asked us.
Rin:"I'll do it!"
Mary:"No, I'll do it!"
Fudou:"Y/n, come back down, you don't have to fight if you don't want to." He said to me as I stay silent. "...Y/n?" He called my name.
Hearing this, I write down some stuff on my notepad as I then take off my tracksuit and threw it to where Fudou was as well as my notepad. He then catches it and starts reading it as he get's wide eyed, but was then replaced with a smile.
Y/n: Was what my note said.
Readin this, Fudou had a smile on his face as he puts my notepad away and throws my tracksuit over to Rin-san.
Fudou:"Go, Y/n! You can do it!" He cheered for me.
Hearing this, I approach over to where my line was as I crouch down and slam my right leg to the ground, imitating a Sumo stance. I then place my right hand over to the line I was assigned as I see that Kyo-bo was doing the same.
Rin:"Fudou! Why aren't you stopping him!?"
Mary:"Elle a raison! He might get hurt or worse!" Theh said worried about me.
Fudou:"Don't worry. I doubt my brother would lose to thay bear and besides, his not only fighting for the stamp." He said making Rin confused.
Rin:"What are you saying?" She asked him.
Fudou:"I'm saying, the very reason Y/n is fighting right now, is because someone he cares about has been dangered. If I've learned from seeing my brother, is that his the most strongest when his fighting for other peoples sake." He said, shocking Rin and Mary as they both loom back at me.
Warabi:'His not even scared of Kyo-bo.' She pointed out in her head as she takes a sip of a soda bottle. "Ahh~ Let's get this started! Face your oppenent!" She said as I've been ready ever since I entered the ring. "When this soda bottle hits the ground, the match will start!" She announced as I put both my hands down on the line.
Y/n:'This is it! If I don't win, Masu-san will be harmed even more and then the others will get involed, I've got to wint this!' I said in my head a I see Warabi-san throw the bottle.
Warabi:"Hakkeyoi.....Nokkota!" She yelled as I hear the bottle break, indicating the start.
I then dashed toward Kyo-bo and went for a forward tackle as I managed to push him back a bit, but this was mearly a distraction as I put my palm between against Kyo-bo's stomach.
Warabi:"Quite the impressive tackle. But that's as far as you go!" She said as Kyo-bo was about to throw a downeard claw slash to towards me.
Seeing this, I activate magic bullet on him as it managed to push back just a bit, but managed to atleast move him, which shocked everyone.
Tohko:"A slapping attack!?" She said shocked.
Kyo-bo then manages to regain his foorting as he goes for a horizontal swipe towards me, but I duck under as I place my left hand on his back. I then activate magic bullet on the spot as welk as putting a foot infront of him to throw him off balance, but to my surpsise, he managed to stop himself from 2 of his upper paws to touch the ground.
Y/n:'Damn! Still not enough!' I yelled in my head.
Kyo-bo then goes for another slap as I dodge, but this time, I get in a stance.
Y/n:'Y/n Nomura, Original, 6 palm combo!' I said in my head.
I then throw 6 palm strikes toward Kyo-bo's body as he get's pushed back relatively quicker, but he still went ahead and tried to throw another slash, but this time I dodge and go for another tackler, as this time his footing was still a bit messed up from the swipe he tried.
But even despite that, he managed to stop me before, I pushed him off the ring. So, I have not other choice. I then grabbed ahold of his Mawashi as I began carrying him, which shocked everyone.
Warabi:"No way...he's able to lift Kyo-bo off the ground. Don't make this harder for yourself boy!" She yelled now a bit worried for me.
I ignore her as I began moving to the edge of the ring.
Y/n:"....Masu-san..." I spoke catching everyones attention. "Masu-san...Rin-san...Kikakujo-san...Onii-chan...I'm going...to win...for all of you!" I swore, catching everyone by surpise.
While this was happening, Kyo-bo was slashing my back with his claws as he tries to make me let go of him through pain.
Rin:"Y/n! Stop, your already injured!"
Mary:"She's right! Y/n, stop now!" They pleaded in worry for my health.
Ignore them, as I continue to advance, after a while, I finally reached the edge of the ring as I get ready to throw Kyo-bo, he started to make his assault much more gruesome as my body was now filled with scratches.
Y/n:"One final push...For Masu-san...For everyone!" I yelled.
And so, I throw Kyo-bo off of the mat as everyone who witnessed it was all in a state of shock making the whole area quiet until....
Rin&Mary:"Y-Y/n won!" Theu cheered happily.
I then slowly started walking back over to the others as my whold body is aching from all of the scratches, forcing Fudou to grab me.
Fudou:"You did great, Y/n." He said as I began to stand properly. "Well, looks like we won, let's keep this winning streak going!" He said as he raises his fist for a fist bump.
I then extend my arm near his as we waited for the girls to do the same.
Rin:"Umm..fi-fine, only because we have to work together." She said.
Mary:"Tha-that's right! I'm only doing this because it was decided by th council." She said as they finally respond to our fists.
No pov:
Warabi was now currently in shock as she had fallen down back to the rooftop as a few of her subordinates caught her.
???:"Hime-sama!? Hime-sama!?" They yelled in worry for Warabi.
Warabi:"...Tell them all. To get changed and get inside. And...all personnel, switch into Red Pepper Tower Shift!" She ordered them.
???:"Hime-sama?" They asked in worry.
Warabi:"The games are now over, now..." She said as she unseathes her Katana.
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