《The Silent Martial Artist (Quiet Male Reader x Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism)》Chapter 4
" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n's pov:
Me and Fudou were now currently running in the halls of the girls dormitory as NoNo pulled the fire alarm and was chasing the both of us.
Fudou:"Wait! Atleast let me take the blame!" He pleaded to her.
NoNo:"Get back here!" She yelled.
Then all of a sudden the hallways started having get's being closed as well as a hatch opening in the hallway that me and Fudou jumped over to reveal that it was a spike trap.
Fudou:"What is this building, a hunted house!?" Fudou yelled in frustration as a big ball started rollijg after us while I just ran and still had my hands inside my hoodie's pockets.
After a while of running, me and Fudou finally exited the girl's dormitory as we still continued to run as NoNo-san was still chasing us.
NoNo:"Stop right there!" She yelled at us.
Fudou:"Split up!" Fudou as I nodded.
The two of us then ran towards opposite direction to each other with NoNo chasing Fudou and me running down a flight of stairs and continued running.
???:"Hold it right there!" A girl said to me as I stop.
I then look to where it came from to see a petite little girl in a dress with fancy blonde pigtail hair and carrying whip with her.
???:"Weren't you the brother of the man who escaped Miss Rin's grasp yesterday, yes?" She asked me as I nodded. "Your Y/n Nomura, correct?" She asked again as she flinhs her whip to the ground as I nod.
Y/n: I asked her.
Choka:"Ahh, sorry for my late introduction." She apolgized. "I am La Regina dell fartelle, Choka U. Baragasaki. The younger sister figure to the beautiful Mary-sama and the closest to the Supreme Five Swords and the leader of of the Junior Five Swords!" She introduced herself as well as her status.
Y/n:'So there's a desciple like system in the swords, huh?' I said to myself to keep this somewhat valuable information. I said to her.
Choka:"Call me Regina delle farfar, if you please!" She yelled at me.
Y/n: I asked her. I asked her again.
Choka:"Uh...U-Ummm..." She stuttered while fidgeting his finger. "Ne-nevermind that! The full name of my Initial doesn't matter!" She yelled at me. "What does matter is. I will be the one who will best you!" She announced as she flicks her whip.
Y/n: I asked her confused.
Choka:"Once I defeat you, the one who Rin-sama couldn't land a single hit on. Doing this, it will increase my beautiful Mistress Mary's reputation." She explained. "So, be a good boy and let me correct you to death!" She said as she flicks her whip to me which I dodge by jumping back.
Y/n:'Damn! The range on her weapon is gonna be a problem!' I thought in my head as I still keep my hands in my hoodie's pockets.
Then all of a sudden another strike come for me which I dodge again. While this was happening alot of people were now looking out of their windows, watching me a d Choka-chan fight.
Choka:"Hahaha!" She laugh while swinging her whip in the air in a circle. "I could do this all day!" She yelled as she tries to his me again.
This time she does multiple strike towards me, but with how she swings the whip, it's rather slow in my eyes which was really easy to just dodge all of them.
(Androind 17=Y/n)
Choka:"Ngh! Stop moving and accept correction!" She complained as she kept delivring slashes towards me.
After a while of dodging her attacks finally get slower and as she reels in her whip again, she tumble down a bit, which I took advantage of as I dashed towards her, ready to knock her out with a swift chop to the neck.
But to my surprise, when I went and did the neck chop, she managed to crouch down and dodged it. She then went ahead and flung her whip to my back, grazing the fabric of my hoodie.
Y/n:'Damn! One thing left to do then.' I said in my head as I stood straight up.
As Choka-chan finally regained her footing, she looks back at me and get's confused.
Choka:"Oh? Are you not moving? Have you finally accepted your correction?" She askef mockingly. "Well, glad to be service to you!" She yelled as she flicks her while to me.
As the whip get's closer to me, I extend my arm towards the whip, making it wrap around the arm, unabling her to reel it back in and do another attack. Seeing this made her panic and desperately tries to take her whipe back without coming near me.
Choka:"He-Hey! Give that ba-" She was cut off as I pull her to me.
As soon as she get's near me, I then held her in my palm on her waist, making her panic as she recognizes the move. I then started breathing inside and tensed up my muscles, then tilted my foot slightly as it releases a shockwave from my hand, doing a magic bullet, but to everyones surprise, she was fine.
Choka:"Huh? Wha-What's going on?" She asked confused as I put her down gently.
Y/n: I answered.
Choka:"You did? But why di-"
Y/n: I cut her off as I went beside her in a blick of an eye. "...Sorry." I whispered in her ear right before I choped the back of her neck, knocking her out.
After she got knocked down to the ground, I look over to the window and motion the girls to take Choka-chan to infirmary for safety measures as they nodded amd started walking to where I was. Seeing this, I then started walking away from the scene of the crime.
Y/n:'I'm gonna be in trouble with her senior.' I said in my head acknologing her superior won't take her lost lightly.
It was now around the afternoon as the sun was staring tk set. Me and Fudou were now currently walking just outside of the teniss court as we were walking back to our dorms.
Fudou:"Oh, Y/n did you hear. A girl nicknamed the Empress apperently fought 2 of the surpreme swords together." He informed me making me curious.
Y/n: I asked him.
Fudou:"Well, that's what NoNo told me." He answered. "But hey, whoever they are, they don't stand against my brother here. He's the strongest after all!" He said as he wraps his arm around my neck and started to noogie my head which I just smile and tried to remove his hand.
(Le-oreos=Fudou Gon=Y/n)
???:"There you two are!" A girl as we look to where it came from to see Rin-san.
Fudou:"Oh, it's you. What are you doing out here?" He asked her.
Rin:"I'm here...to show you this." She said as she get out the permission slip as we see it has one seal of approval.
Fudou:"Uwah! Are you serious!?" Fudou asked her in shock.
Rin:"Yes I am, but I demand compensation." She said making both of us confused.
Fudou:"Okay...what do you want in return?" He asked her as She blushes.
Rin:"U-Umm...I-I would l-like Y/n to...come over to my...room." She said both shocking me and Fudou.
Fudou:"Hah!? I refuse! For all I know, you'll take advantage of my little brother and corrupt his mind than it already is now!" He yelled refusing.
Rin:"Fine! No deal then!" She said a she turns around and starts walking.
Y/n:"...Wa-Wait!" I yelled for her as she turns around. "I-I accept." I said with a blush on my face.
Rin:"Great, we have a deal the." She said to me. "Here, catch." She said throwing the card to me as I catch it.
Y/n:"Tha-Thank you." I thanked her as she blushes.
Rin:"N-No need to thank me. Ju-Just go to my room tomorrow, then were even." She said flustered as she starts walking off.
Fudou:"Oh~ my brother's got a date~" He said as he nudges me with his elbow.
Y/n:"Shu-Shut up..." I told him in a quiet tone.
Me, Fudou and Masu-chan were now currently in our room, seeing were all roommates. Me and Masuko were now currently eating something that I forgot the namw of, while Fudou was currently looking at pictures of girls in a magazine.
Fudou:"Wohohoho~ they're so big." He described one of the boobs he was looking at the magazine.
Masuko:"You better hide that. You two are acting all casual, despite the situation you two are in." He warned us. "U. Baragasaki, the one you knocked out, Y/n-san. Is one of the Five Sword's pet basket cases and she's one of Mary Kikakujo's favorites." He explained to us.
Y/n: I asked Masuko.
Fudou:"Best if you don't know that, Y/n." He said making me even curious of the word. "Anyway, it's been awhile ever since I heard that word."
Masuko:"That's because it's new word. They love buri-buri water basket torture." He said making me shake out of fear as Fudou hugs me.
Fudou:"Don't worry, I won't let them do that to you." He promised me as it reassured me a bit.
Masuko:"Wow, I can't believe you two knew about that." He sais a bit surprised. "Well, in any case, Onigawara likes to drive transfer students out, but Kikakujo likes to drive them into a corner. As well as being more crueler. And now, not only does Fudou have Onigawara's watch, but Y/n has aqcuired both of their eyes." He explained out situation.
Fudou:"But wasn't there someone who survived both those girls correcting them?" He asked as I also want to know who it was.
Masuko:"Yeah...The Empress. Her hand strikes were less of that of chop, more like-"
Y/n:"A blade." I said finishing Masuko's description.
No Pov:
In an unknown school, Fudou can be seen lying on the ground all bloody as Y/n was currently standing and was on a fight stance while holding two knuckeduster against what seems to be a feminine looking boy who had blood on his fingers.
Y/n's pov:
Y/n:"No way..." I said in a bit of shock.
Fudou:"Calm down Y/n, I'm sure it's just a coincidence and remeber the nickname indicates her as a girl, not boy." He said trying to calm me down.
Masuko:"Well, duh." He confirmed her gender.
Despite proving The Empresses gender, Y/n couldn't stop the feeling of nervousnes. He always saw the boy from earlier to be a boy, but looking back at it now, the boy he and Fudou met a long time ago, had features that match the Empresses description. Even the fighting style is the same. So, Y/n couldn't help but fell nervous possibly meeting the only person who has at equal footing with him.
Y/n:'...I'm scared and excited at the same time.' I said in my head as I smile with sweat dropping from my head.
In an unknown part of the school, we see the empress pushing her hands against the wall seeming catching and letting out heavy breathers. The emrpesses name was Kirukiru Amou.
Amou:"*Huff* I-I can't hold it-*Huff* anymore! I want him! I want him! I want Y/n!" She yelled as he remembers how they first met.
No Pov:
In the old school where Amou used to attend to, she can be seen wearing an all white uniform as well as a white cap, giving her the appearance of a young feminine boy.
While walking around the hallway, she accidently stumble upon someone making both her and person fall. She then looks to towards the person she accidently bumped into to see a black haired boy in a hoodie.
Amou:"Watch where your going next time." She said as she gets up and offer her hand to the boy.
The boy takes it and bows to her in thanks, making confused.
Amou:"Hey, what about a thank you?" She asked him as he takes out a notepad.
???: He said in the note.
Amou:"Why aren't you talking?" She asked him.
???: He answered.
Amou:"...Is that really it?" She asked as the boy nodded. "Hmm...what's your name?" She asked her.
Y/n: He introduced himself
Amou:"I'm Amou, it's nice to meet you too." She said as they both shake hands.
As soon as they held each others hand to shake, her heart started beating fast as he felt Y/n's soft and delicate hands which were opposite to her sharp and solid hands. Then after a while of holding her sorroundings changed from a dull school to a field filled with cherry blossoms with her and Y/n the only people inside the world she see's.
Amou:'This feeling...it's...intoxicating.' She said as Y/n let's go of her hand with the cherru blossom converting back to a dull school.
Y/n: He said to Amou as he started running pass her, but also waving bye.
Amou then just stood there, silent, but her hands suddenlt moved up to her chest, just touching her right boob and clutching on where her heart is located.
Amou:"That feeling...his the only one he made me feel this type of feeling...what was it called again?" She asked herself and after a while of thinking she remembered the word. "...Love?...Do I love him?....yes...I should love him. He made me feel love itself. Which means..." She said clutching her chest harder. "Were meant for each other. Which means...His mine!" She announed to herself with a smile.
Amou:"*Huff* Y/n...that cute and innocent face of yours...It's supposed to be mine and only mine, but your brother and that Onigawara girl are going to take it...I can't allow that to happen. Your mine! You've always been mine to begin with! And I don't like things thag I own get stolen." She said promising to get Y/n back to her. "But, not yet. Once the time is right, I'll claim my beloved. Once and for all." She said as she clutched her chest with a lusful smile.
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