《Greene's Monthly Contest》january winners


Congratulations to all the winners! To everyone who competed and didn't land a place, don't be wary, you are still allowed to compete in following contests. How the winner is determined changes every month as well. We urge the winners to tag five people to spread the word of this competition to more people.




1. a shoutout from my account and the accounts of the admins.

2. adding your story to our reading list.

3. your book reviewed and placed in an upcoming project of ours.

4. an interview with that review. for your readers to get to know you better.

5. a dedication in a chapter from my book

6. up to 3 covers made by greene.

7. follow for follow on your social media accounts. (Twitter, Instagram, et al.)

8. a follow from this account, the admins, and a few of our friends on your wattpad account. (roughly about 13-15 follows) and last but not the least;

9. reads and possible votes on your book of choice (if, of course, the reader deems the chapter vote-worthy. Instant votes are against the Wattpad code of conduct.)



1. a shoutout from my account and three accounts of the admins.

2. adding your story to our reading list

3. your book reviewed and placed in an upcoming project of ours.

4. an interview with that review. for your readers to get to know you better.

5. up to 2 covers made by Greene.

6. follow for follow on your social media accounts. (Twitter, Instagram, et al.)

7. a follow from this account, the admins, and a few of our friends on your wattpad account. (roughly about 13-15 follows) and last but not the least;

8. reads and possible votes on your book of choice (if, of course, the reader deems the chapter vote-worthy. Instant votes are against the Wattpad code of conduct.)





1. a shoutout from this account.

2. adding your story to this account's

3. your book reviewed and placed in an upcoming project of ours.

4. an interview with that review. for your readers to get to know you better.

5. up to 2 covers made by Greene.

6. follow for follow on your social media accounts. (Twitter, Instagram, et al.)

7. a follow from my account, the admins, and a few of our friends on your wattpad account. (roughly about 13-15 follows) and last but not the least;

8. reads and possible votes on your book of choice (if, of course, the reader deems the chapter vote-worthy. Instant votes are against the Wattpad code of conduct.)




1. a shoutout from this account.

2. adding your story to this account's reading list

3. 1 cover made by Greene.

4. follow for follow on your social media accounts. (Twitter, Instagram, et al.)

5. a follow from this account and two admins.

6. reads and possible votes on your book of choice (if, of course, the reader deems the chapter vote-worthy. Instant votes are against the Wattpad code of conduct.)

Winners, PM us to receive your sticker-

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