《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 28
Suddenly Neptune would start walking towards the sword.
"Neptune! What are you doing?!"; scream history.
"came back!"; yell black.
"I am not Neptune"; Neptune said as she came up to face the sword and turned around to face the cpu as her eyes glowed red.
"I am not Purple heart! I am the Hierarch of the South! I AM GENESIS!"; now the so-called genesis scream seeing the cpu that were impressed.
"Why don't you show them that you are the Hierarch of the South? Show them your power"; said winged ryo of his hierarch.
"I will do it, I will show you the power of the hierarch of the south"; Genesis said.
"That's right son, you were always genesis, so show them your power"; Ryo said smiling.
"What?! Neptune was always genesis!?"; ram said as rom hid behind her.
"What are you talking about?" Nepgya said.
"Now expel your true power! Show them the real you!"; Ryo screamed as Neptune was enveloped in light.
Neptune's body would glow purple as great winds blew out of it.
"Stop sleeping and wake up my hierarch! Wake up from that dream you were put into for centuries!";
Neptune would start screaming as her body glowed an intense purple that mowed down everyone, rather than huge waves of wind coming out of Neptune causing debris to fly everywhere.
"What's wrong with my older brother!"; nepgear said.
"Neptune's power is increasing!": said blanc.
In that iris heart would get to where everyone is and witness what was happening.
"I'm late!" He said seeing how Neptune was changing.
Neptune's processors would be destroyed like glass as purple lightning shot out of her body, but suddenly her body was being covered by armor and new clothes, just as her height was growing a bit.
"Neptune is that you?" Noire whispered.
Neptune or genesis would open one of her eyes while still expelling her power.
"Grrrr! aaaah!",
Genesis would put out more power causing the cpus to back down from the sheer intensity of genesis power.
"Kneel before us cpu! I am the Hierarch of the South! Genesis!";
The cpus shuddered upon hearing Neptune's voice, her voice once warm and full of charisma and affection, had turned cold and menacing.
"come on genesis, don't hold back and show them your true power"; Nereus said who was winged with genesis without being affected by the power of the hierarch of the south.
"leave it, he's just getting used to it, take your time"; said ventus who was next to nereus.
"just don't overdo it, the last time you did that, you almost destroyed an entire continent"; Snow said quietly.
Genesis would expel more power making cracks all over the place from the tremendous pressure of genesis raw power.
"My hierarch I give you your sword, receive the sword of malice gehaburn!";
Suddenly gehaburn would go to genesis that would take her from his hilt and nail her to the ground, while the brightness that surrounded him revealed genesis in all its glory while a purple aura surrounded him,
The cpu saw that now Neptune or genesis was wearing a purple robe like the hierarchs, with dark purple gauntlets. Her hair was messier and her features were a bit more mature than when she was Purple Heart, her once blue eyes now purple with red power button symbols.
But they saw that his gaze was cold and menacing that made the cpu tremble in fear of the power of genesis that was dark darker than chaos cpu, darker than gehaburn.
"cpus, kneel before my supreme power", genesis spoke.
At that moment everyone knew that the sweet and good-hearted boy was gone.
While that was happening, the CPUs and candidates of the ultradimension had finished with all the clones.
"finally we finished"; ultra-noire said.
"It was certainly exhausting," Saru said.
But suddenly everyone would feel a great pressure in the air that made everyone break out in a cold sweat.
"I had never felt such a gigantic power"; said ultra-blanc sweating cold.
"T-this is not good"; Shiro said trembling.
"this power is!"; shirou said scared.
"this cannot be, he is here"; Nepgeo said.
"What's up kids?"; asked ultra-vert concerned.
But they didn't answer but the 4 candidates turned around and ran towards the direction where the tremendous power came from, the cpu's were surprised but they followed the candidates.
"now the 4 hierarchs are gathered, we are the faithful servants of our master and lord lord ryo", said ventus,
"Now cpu, you better give up this time," Snow said.
"then Neptune is genesis the hierarch of the south!"; Noire said surprised and not accepting this fact.
"Neptune?" Histoire said in horror.
"He can't be a big brother!" Nepgear said.
"This can't be!" Nepgya said.
"this has to be a joke!"; Female Neptune said.
"neppy", said iris heart seriously.
Vert and blanc would have serious looks. While uni, rom and ram were shocked and didn't know what to say.
"So they established a bond of friendship without knowing that it was the enemy? there is such a funny irony", ventus mocked.
"SHUT UP, GET US BACK TO NEPTUNE!"; yelled noire to ventus.
"cpu's, I told them to kneel down"; genesis said as a wave of power came out of his sword making the cpu's go flying falling to the ground.
"The strength of their actions is impressive," Vert said.
"It's a different power than mr. Neptune!" Rom said.
"It can't be so he's not Neptune!" Ram said.
"Can not be.... I refuse to accept it......! Neptune! Are you Neptune right?" Black Heart shouted seeing Genesis who was looking at her with a cold face.
"Listen carefully, Lastation Black Heart CPU", Genesis spoke with a cold voice.
"I am not a cpu like you, I am the hierarch of the south, the hierarch that controls time and space....... I am genesis! The only thing that happened is that Neptune was a temporary form", explained genesis.
"so Neptune was a temporary form?"; said white.
"Because you did?"; I ask uni
"What happened is that my fight against the CPU of Planeptune Uranus, I lost but after the guilt I felt, it did not kill me completely, but rather I sealed my memories as genesis and purified my soul by creating a shell that would lock me in," explained genesis.
"And that shell was Neptune?"; Vert said seriously.
"That's right, I was sealed and instead of me Neptune came out who became the cpu of Planeptune, that personality and love that I had was nothing more than the emotions of Uranus that stayed so that I was sealed and did not come out", Genesis said.
"It can't be!" Nepgear said, impressed.
"as a simple cpu that had the lowest of the actions was always the strongest, very simple since from the beginning it was not a cpu",
"I see, that terrible power, that tremendous power that Neptune sometimes emanated, was no more than a fraction of the immense power of genesis"; white explained.
"That's right, now that the key to the heart belongs to us and with this our plan is complete",
"How is it complete?" said histoire.
"You will see history, as you can see, the heart of the world is the most important piece of a dimension since that is where the engine that gives life to said dimension is, so access to it is very complicated," said Ryo.
"One of them was that the key keepers were the only ones who could enter," said ventus now.
"When we attacked, the guardians at that time were, Urano, Blake, Selene and Bianca, the seventh generation CPUs, they were the ones who protected the keys and the only ones able to enter," said Snow.
"So if we killed them and took the keys from them it would be useless, since the guardians would only be able to use them unless they transferred the keys to another bearer so that it can be used", Nereus spoke now.
"That's where I come in, I let myself be defeated knowing that Uranus could not kill me and would try to make me what I was before, which led me to be turned into Neptune and with that the cpu gave me the key to be its guardian, which stupid they were"; Genesis said.
"So that's why they took so long, that's why genesis lost since they somehow predicted that we would deliver the key to Neptune", said histoire already knowing that everything was Planned.
"That's right, thanks to you histoire we should merit the plan", said Ryo.
"How did she help too?"; asked female Neptune.
"You see, the 7th generation CPUs made sure that Genesis was well sealed, creating 4 very powerful seals," Ryo explained.
"the first to be broken was when Neptune was trapped in the gamindustri graveyard, the seal that prevented the power of genesis from leaking out"; ventus began.
"That explains how Neptune was able to fight magic when he was released along with us and despite being weak he was able to go save nepgear and fight the ASIC leader alongside her even though he was humiliated in his first fight"; said white.
"The second seal was broken by consuming cpu memory, the seal that was broken was the genesis skills," Snow said this time.
"I see, that explains how he knew how to make the lightning sword, how stupid I was, I didn't see it as very important, I just thought it was a side effect, how stupid I was," said histoire.
"The third seal was broken when Nepgya plunged the sword of malice into it, the seal that was broken was the memories of genesis," Nereus said.
"I see, that's why the older brother said he had weird dreams and his personality was a bit different," said nepgya.
"The last seal, it was a bit late, because Genesis lost all his powers, he wouldn't be able to resist that crystal that Nereus used against him," Ryo said. "That crystal contained its power which took away most of its power, that was the last seal, its true power sealed, with almost all the seals broken, it would be easy to make it remember what it was",
"That's why they took all the battles, they turned us into cpu chaos, to make Neptune stronger and so her body could resist the power that crystal had"; Vert said now knowing that all the battles were nothing more than tests to make Neptune stronger.
"So because of that, they didn't catch him fast, but the goal was to make him stronger," said female Neptune.
"That's right, it was easy to even trick him into going to train with Rosse," Nereus said.
"So that woman you told us about is with you?"; said histoire impressed.
"It was already strange that a woman approached you only offering you power"; Noire said.
"with Neptune's weak mind and frustration at not being able to rescue us, she accepted very easily"; said white.
"That's right, now genesis is back and he is the bearer of the key so with him we can access the heart of the world and take power so I can conquer everything and erase from existence the female cpu that are just a mistake of the true goddess," Ryo said.
"How are we a mistake?"; Female Neptune said.
"Like I said, CPUs aren't worthy of existing in this or any dimension!"; Ryo said as he raised his scepter.
"What did you say?"; asked female Neptune surprised by ryo's words.
"he said that CPUs are not worthy of existing"; said nepgya.
"Why not?"; asked noire.
"You female CPUs, your minds and hearts are very fragile and always changing, your ridiculous arrogance and arrogance makes you make the same mistakes. I cannot allow beings like you to continue destroying this dimension as well as many others," explained Ryo.
"What are you talking about?" Vert asked confused.
"You see, my desire to govern everything was derived from the fact that you, the female cpu, remained as leaders, while the male cpu were nothing more than simple servants of you, the female cpu always caused senseless wars for the actions even in your governments have let your people suffer and not only in our dimension but in many, you are easy to corrupt which makes you fall into darkness and destroy your own land", said ryo.
"An example is that you fell prey to chaos energy"; Ventus said.
"Their weak and easy to control minds make them a threat, as well as their people who are easy to manipulate as it was with us"; Snow said.
"Just like our people, they were manipulated to believe that we were monsters, which led them to treat us as a threat when we were not"; Nereus said.
"The people of that dimension are already very brainwashed so they will have to be eliminated", said genesis, "also they deserve it, that's why you as the people of the hyperdimension have no right to live in this world",
"But that's crazy, they don't have to pay for mistakes, they're human"; said white.
"You were a cpu like us! Your people always loved you and never betrayed you, besides you always fought to protect them and now you want to eliminate them!"; yell black.
"You know why you always fought to protect them!" Blanc said.
"We all take care of our people, but the one who was kindest and who gave all his love to them was you," Vert said.
"It doesn't matter if you're now a hierarch or a cpu, but your time spent as a leader will never go away!" histoire said.
"big brother wake up!" said nepgear.
"That's silly, you just want to take revenge for something that happened!"; Uni said.
"neptunio don't be bad and come back pi doesn't want you to be bad!"; Peashy yelled trying to go with Genesis but Noire was holding her back.
"Mr. Neptune, you weren't like that!" Rom shouted.
"fool wake up!" ram said.
"big brother react now!"; said nepgya.
"another me if we female CPUs are easy to manipulate and create destruction to our lands then why would you want to do the same!"; yelled female Neptune.
"neppy if you want to do that I will stop you and punish you for changing sides"; said iris heart with a severe tone.
"I see you don't know when to give up," said Ventus with a sneer.
"Why don't we kill these bitches?" Snow said.
But before anyone answered or spoke, the CPUs of the ultradimension along with the candidates arrived seeing everything that was happening.
"No, this can't be!"; Nepgeo said.
"So it was him!"; said saru sweating cold.
"It's genesis!" Shiro said.
"We are lost!"; shirou said trembling.
"What do you mean genesis?!" asked ultra-noire incredulously.
"supposed to be dead"; said ultra-white.
"this must be impossible"; said ultra-vert.
They approached their versions of the hyperdimension and noticed that someone was missing.
"Where's Neptune?" ultra-noire asked.
"Apparently these bitches arrived"; Snow said.
"wait that guy looks like Neptune!"; said ultra-vert looking good at genesis.
"It's because he's Neptune!" replied histoire.
"what!" said the ultradimension cpu.
"But he looks just like the guy we saw in that vision!"; said white.
"Yes, but looking at it now I see that it is Neptune", said ultra-vert.
"But how is that possible!"; ultra-noire said.
"Leave it for later, what needs to be done is how to return Neptune to normal!"; said hyper-noire wanting to save Neptune.
In that genesis would look at the candidates of the ultradimension.
"nepgeo, nic, shiro and shirou", spoke the hierarch of the south.
The 4 mentioned tensed and looked at genesis.
"Children, you were our brothers, but you decided to betray us, you showed your infamous profile to prefer to keep the CPUs, deciding to reveal yourself to us, do the 4 repent of their sins?" Genesis asked.
"no!", said nepgeo
"we don't regret doing that!"; Sara said.
"You just used us as puppets!"; shiro said.
"You only saw us as simple pawns!"; shiro said.
"I see that the CPUs have made them like this"; Genesis said.
"No! This is by our own will! We will fight to stop you too, we will not let the sacrifice of our sisters be in vain!"; Sara said.
"but you are male cpu like us and you are still alive thanks to me, besides your sisters never loved you for being boys"; I speak genesis in a calm tone.
"that is not true!"; I speak shiro.
"Our sisters, even after they died, were always with us!"; shiro said.
"They even gave what was left of their strength to be sealed in our pendants!" Saru said.
"They always looked out for us and helped us in our times of need!" said nepgeo.
"I see, but I don't care if you will return as the candidates for hierarch", said genesis.
"Not if we have something to say!"; said ultra-vert taking a step forward.
"We won't let you near them!" Blanc said in front of her two little brothers.
"Come closer to saru and I don't care if you're Neptune I'll destroy you!"; said ultra-noire in front of saru protecting him.
"Wow, they are ready to shed blood if they touch a hair on them!"; said female Neptune with a drop.
"But well now since I'm the only Neptune I won't let you get close to male nep jr!",
"I agree with female neppy, these little guys have been through a lot and are no longer under her influence," said Iris Heart.
"Wow, they are just very overprotective"; Uni said shocked at how overprotective Ultra Noire was of Saru.
"well what did you expect, we would react the same"; said hyper-white.
Genesis was going to raise his hand but the ultradimension cpu next to female Neptune attacked quickly.
"Stop!" histoire yelled but it was too late as they attacked.
"growing tornado!";
"fire axe!";
"destructive spear!";
"hell thunder!";
The 5 cpu attacked with powerful magical attacks, but to everyone's amazement and terror genesis reached out his hand where he parried the 5 combo attacks with barely a step back.
"He stopped the attack with his hands!"; ram said impressed.
"This is impossible!" Rom said scared.
"He doesn't even seem affected!"; nepgear said.
"he-he's on another level!"; said nepgya.
"That was a good attack, if it was still Neptune it would have been badly stopped", Genesis said in a calm tone.
"This is impossible!" Lady Purple Heart said.
"let's attack!"; said ultra-white heart.
"don't wait!"; histoire screamed but it was late the cpu went to genesis.
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