《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 25 the fall of Eden part 2, (candidates vs candidates).
In what seemed to be the empty streets of Lastation you could hear the shots of firearms as well as the scream of two people who apparently were fighting.
Then suddenly a black blur would go through 5 buildings and then stop crashing with the sixth building, then that building would completely collapse.
Then a girl would come flying in she had white hair with two pigtails that were in the shape of a drill, she had green eyes with white power symbols and a very revealing outfit with a strange symbol on her back and in her hands she had a ridiculously large rifle.
She looked at the fallen building or rather she looked at the boy who was coming out of the rubble.
He was a boy with wild pure white hair, his eyes are green with a white power symbol, he has technological looking boots, he wears black pants with gray stripes on the sides, he wears a gray shirt, a sleeveless coat, he wears a belt where It has the symbol of Lastation on the buckle, it has grenades tied to that belt with a revolver in it, it has two black pistol holsters, on its right forearm it has a shield and on its left hand it has a black gauntlet with grey, he wears armor parts on his shoulders, legs, and waist.
These were saru and chaos uni who were in a fierce fight that seemed evenly matched.
Saru would come out of the rubble and see chaos uni.
"tch! She is stronger than I thought"; saru said looking at chaos uni.
"dark canon!",
Chaos uni fired a powerful green beam that went towards saru who just jumped and flew above uni. At that he would pull out his own rifle which was slightly smaller than his opponent's and ready for chaos uni.
"Evil canon!";
Saru fired her own beam but Chaos Uni was able to dodge it.
Despite being a cpu candidate again, he could still do the attacks he had when he was a hierarch, an example of his "Evil canon", a more powerful version than his brave canon, in addition to being a cpu candidate again, he recovered his ancient abilities that uni had.
"former multi blaster! Emperor Mode!"
Saru fired a powerful dark green beam at Chaos Uni who barely dodged the attack.
The attack went towards a building and created a huge explosion that shook the place, chaos uni sudo a drop seeing that he narrowly escaped that attack.
But suddenly saru appeared in front of her and gave her a kick that sent her to the ground.
"ray of orion!",
Saru fired a beam that hit Chaos Uni creating an explosion.
"okay that should do it", saru thought as she saw the cloud of smoke.
But suddenly a sphere would come out of the cloud of smoke and hit saru in the chest knocking him down.
"Guh! A stun shot!" saru said feeling her body stunned.
In that he would see how chaos uni would shoot several lacers towards him.
Saru jumped dodging the multiple lasers coming at him.
"devastating blow!",
Saru hit the ground with her alchemy glove and sent a wave of energy towards chaos uni that took flight into the air but saru saw this and prepared an attack.
"crack sequence! Reflecting mirrors!";
Several sigils appeared in various places surrounding chaos uni who was surrounded in that saru would aim his rifle and another magic circle appeared in front of him.
Saru fired a beam that entered the sigil and suddenly everyone around uni fired the same beam that saru fired hitting her creating an explosion.
When the smoke cleared it was possible to see chaos uni who was being surrounded by a shield that apparently protected her from the attack but she still looked somewhat hurt.
Tch!" Saru clicked her tongue.
"dark blaster!",
Chaos uni pointed his rifle at saru and fired, the ultradimension candidate would step aside but in that chaos uni appeared in front of him and with a blow he sent saru's rifle flying and before saru could retrieve it chaos uni fired a beam that destroyed his rifle.
Saru said seeing how his rifle was destroyed, he would step back and stand in stealth.
"ha! You are finished since I have destroyed your most powerful weapon!" chaos uni sneered.
Saru drew his two pistols.
"curse! Nepgeo must have told him about my weapons!" saru cursed.
Although he had a collection of weapons of all kinds in his pocket dimension, the main weapons were the ones he had in his HDD form. Because they were special weapons.
when saru was made the eastern hierarch candidate he was the most powerful as he wasn't limited to people's faith which made him much more powerful than when he was a cpu candidate he had a lot of SP that's why nereus I create 4 special weapons, which were two pistols, a revolver and a rifle, but these had the ability to take their own energy and shoot with the amount of power they had, each regulating their amount of magic, the rifle was the most powerful that had more capacity to absorb energy allowing it to launch bursts of bullets that could kill half a nation if it puts all its power, the revolver concentrated its energy and launched bullets that pierced everything and created an explosion in a very large range, taking 75% of his energies and his guns fired very fast bursts of energy bullets but they weren't very powerful so at most he would eliminate monsters and damage cpu candidates seriously, but now he wasn't facing a d e normal cpu, if she was the uni from before she would win with a single shot from her pistol, but that is not the case now, uni must have thought that if she destroyed her weapon her strength would drop since most of her abilities depend on her rifle.
But while chaos uni smiled when he saw that he destroyed one of saru's main weapons and the most powerful one was the revolver but he would take care of it later.
"Now you're done!" Chaos Uni fired multiple energy bullets at Saru.
The candidate only jumped for multiple sigils.
Orion plasma!";
Saru fired multiple plasma bullets at Chaos Uni at high speed, but Chaos Uni destroyed the spheres by firing her own round of bullets, smoke billowing into the sky making Saru unable to see very well.
In that a lightning passed the cloud of smoke and went to Saru who crouched back letting the lightning pass.
In that he would see how several rays would go towards him.
"crack sequence! Data Shield!"
A red colored shield covered saru and protected him from the attack that barely scratched his shield.
"this is fun", saru said smiling.
Although he is facing an enemy who attacks to kill as well as being a female version of him, he can't help but smile with emotion, since he hasn't had an exciting battle for a long time, the other subject capable of pushing him was nepgeo, that he had an exciting battle, but this fight is amusing him even though he doesn't express it. He never thought that chaos uni would become so powerful.
"Those bastards made sure he can kill me!" Saru said with a small smile.
Saru charged at chaos uni who did the same, they both fired volleys of bullets, but saru's shots were destroyed by uni's gun due to not having much force.
Without further ado, the two continued their battle.
Meanwhile, on what seemed to be rubbing islands, the sound of weapons colliding with each other could be heard.
"blade lightning!",
Nepgear and nepgeo clashed their swords creating sparks of electricity from the contact of the two weapons.
After a moment they both took distance from each other.
Nepgear aimed his gunblade and fired multiple pink lacers which Nepgear deflected with his gehaburn sword.
Then nepgeo summoned a magic circle.
Sylhet Spear!
The southern candidate announced his attack and then a green spear went towards nepgear who simply said.
"crack sequence! Check z!",
Nepgear exclaimed and before the attack connected with her the energy spear vanished.
"tch! So they taught you the cracking sequences!" nepgeo said with a click of his tongue.
"That's right, saru and the twins made sure to help me in everything to be able to defeat you", said nepgear looking at the candidate from the south.
"Those traitorous bastards!" Nepgeo growled angrily.
"Why do you tell them that's how they are your friends!"; nepgear said angrily.
"That's what they are! They left the hierarchs only to join the pathetic cpu like you!" nepgeo replied with venom in his voice.
"It's true that they left them, but it was because they realized their mistakes and got back their old selves that they lost because of genesis!" nepgear said making nepgeo angrier.
"bitch! You have no right to say anything about my brother!" nepgeo said with a cut.
But nepgear managed to stop the cut with his own weapon.
"It's true! That's why you don't remember who you are! Your real sister was Neptune!"; said nepgear pushing nepgeo.
"Lies!" Nepgeo summoned his own gunblade.
"data destruction!",
Nepgeo fired a beam that nepgear was able to dodge.
"Why would I lie to you? If after all we are the same person!
Nepgear took aim with his own gunblade.
"Multiple Beam Launcher!"
"tch!" Nepgeo made a shield that protected him from the attack.
Nepgeo then charged turning Gehaburn into a futuristic-looking katana.
"cross join!",
Nepgeo charged in doing Neptune's attack but Nepgear was able to repel it easily.
"Those attacks won't work anymore since I know them all!" nepgear stated.
"I think you're right, so I'll have to use my own skills!" Nepgeo said knowing that Nepgear most likely already knows how to repel his friends' attacks.
"know? Saru, shiro and shirou didn't help me to defeat you but so that I can bring their friend and they are doing the same thing they are risking to bring my friends too, so I won't let them down I will keep my promise to them I did", nepgear began to speak.
"huh?", nepgeo was confused.
"You know, you have good friends and although they are versions of my friends I could see that there are many differences between us and not only gender, they are different and the time I spent with them was fun, I know you had fun too depending on what they told me, don't you remember those moments you spent with your friends?", nepgear looked at nepgeo who didn't say anything.
"no! I will not shut up! They're supposed to be your friends! You really want to kill them!" nepgear said.
"Yes! Those bastards are nothing but traitors!"
Nepgeo charged against nepgear and she did the same, they both began to collide swords at a high speed, creating sparks with each contact they made.
"tell me! You don't remember Neptune anymore!" nepgear said pushing nepgeo. "Did you forget your older sister too?!"
"she is not my sister! My older brother is genesis!"
Both candidates collided their weapons creating an impact wave.
"That's what they led you to believe! You know big sister Neptune should be sad to see how evil her little brother is!" nepgear said pushing nepgeo.
When Nepgear pushed Nepgear, he could see that on his neck he was wearing a pendant with a purple gem that glowed dimly.
Nepgear was going to attack again.
"silly stuff!";
Nepgeo expelled his power causing nepgear to recoil away from him, due to the shock wave that nepgeo generated.
"I'm sick of you! Of your stupid cpu candidate damn!" nepgeo said angrily as gehaburn reacted to him.
"What's the matter? Why don't you remember? At this point he must already have flash back like saru and the twins but nothing happens", nepgear was worried.
It was strange that nepgeo is still the only one of the gamarket candidates not to remember her old life, something must be wrong here, since although she has tried to talk to nepgeo she seems to get angrier.
In that he would notice the gehaburn sword that shone more intensely until he remembered something that his other self told him a long time ago.
"You know when I was possessed by Gehaburn, I felt sadness and regret, according to history that sword also feeds on negative emotions making them succumb to the corruption of the sword and that got worse when they turned me into a cpu chaos, there I was nothing more than a shell emptiness that had been absorbed by the sword, but that ended when the older brother cut my connection with that sword, I could feel my emotions again, I could remember who I was",
"I know! It's the sword! Nepgeo is blinded by anger and the sword reacts to that so it's more aggressive than before!" nepgear finally realized.
The reason he didn't remember was because of gehaburn, that sword must be fueling his anger making him more aggressive than before.
a mystery, that she and saru together with the twins, was the sudden anger of nepgeo, although when he met him he already had some animosity towards them, he was not very aggressive he was someone calm and serene, but according to saru he was changing later of his defeat against Neptune, or rather when the hierarchs arrived they must have given him the sword and then that sword took advantage of his anger and all his negative emotions that he had, increasing them making him change little by little, that's why he feels nothing but betrayal, sadness, anger and rancor. It was because of the sword that was clouding his judgment, that's why his memories don't come back.
"I have to take that sword from him and purify him with the share crystal I have, maybe, just maybe the Neptune from gamarket can do something", nepgear thought about how he should act now.
But it was easier to think than to do since his power increased more and more, that sword is feeding him in power if that continues nepgeo can be corrupted and there is no way to save him.
"I have to do it, now I will show how strong I became", nepgear thought already knowing what he would do.
Meanwhile with saru.
"Heavenly Lightning Fury!" Saru fired several bullets as she ran around Chaos Uni.
For her part, she did everything not to be hit, but then Saru appeared in front of her with her alchemy glove glowing green.
"devastating blow!",
Saru hit chaos uni sending her crashing into some buildings.
Saru would fly over where chaos uni fell waiting for her to come out.
But suddenly a large beam shot out towards saru who simply tilted her head to the side letting the beam through.
When the lightning passed he could see chaos uni who was looking at him with a frown maybe because he dodged his attack.
Both candidates charged into the fight and began firing rounds of bullets from their respective weapons, chaos uni with his rifle and saru with their pistols.
In that, saru would put away her pistols and draw her revolver.
"Fire of Orion!"
Saru said shooting a powerful green flame that came out of her weapon and went towards uni who barely dodged it and only received a burn on her arm causing her to hiss in pain.
"Damn!" Chaos Uni said annoyed seeing that the fight was leaning to Saru's side.
"hm? I think it's time to go further, I'm tired of playing", saru said while smiling.
At the words chaos uni he frowned, he was underestimating her, he was humiliating her as a simple cpu candidate.
"do not underestimate me!",
"dark canon!",
"brave canon!",
Chaos uni and saru fired their attacks colliding with each other and creating an explosion that generated a cloud of smoke that chaos uni took advantage of to sneak into his guard surprising the candidate. In that chaos uni would try to impale him with what appeared to be a scorpion tail that was attached to his processors.
Chaos uni smiled thinking that she would win since saru would not have time to use her shield.
But how wrong I was.
Chaos Uni's eyes widened as she saw that Saru had a sword similar to Noire's in her HDD state only a little smaller and a different color.
"Don't forget I don't just handle firearms!" Saru said punching Chaos Uni.
Saru would hit Chaos Uni with her "Orion Blade" knocking her to the ground, but she would recover and stand in a sigil she summoned and looked at Saru who was gone.
She started looking for him everywhere until she felt something behind her, turning around she could see saru approaching as she jumped through multiple sigils that appeared and shot chaos uni with her revolver several bullets that hit the candidate of cpu chaos, then saru jumped up and snuck up on top of her and then fired a larger plasma bullet that created an explosion when it hit with chaos uni.
Saru watched the explosion until she ducked to dodge a chaos uni kick that came from behind attacking the candidate.
"Damn you'll pay me!", chaos uni said annoyed.
Saru saw that she was hurt more than he was and she knew it frustrated her. That she can't win against him.
Saru dodged a shot and slipped past the uni's guard placing her hand on the candidate's stomach.
"know? if you continue like this you will never beat me", saru said while her hand shone and from there came a lightning bolt that sent chaos uni crashing to the ground.
To tell the truth even though chaos uni was powerful, saru hadn't fought with all her strength yet and chaos uni knew it, even though it was weird to kick the butt of someone who looked like you it was weird, saru always wanted to fight uni.
He had already watched her since the battle against asic began, to tell the truth even though they are the same people just from a different dimension, they had several differences.
When he was a hierarch he was disappointed to see that she tried to be better in the eyes of her sister, an aspect that limited her and thought she was a dead weight, but that changed when she met nepgear and the other candidates, which allowed her to be stronger.
But now that he has his memories he knows that he had a similar problem if not the same one that uni had. When he was the gamarket candidate, saru's main weapon was the rifle, the pistols and his revolver, they were normal weapons that work with bullets, just like uni, only she used the rifle and not the weapons he had, to To tell the truth he was the most powerful of the candidates due to his incredible shooting skills as well as having an ability that only he had. An ability that very few cpu have had and it was the "divine sight", he could see the aura of a person, that was how he discovered that nepgeo was a cpu candidate when he met him, due to his more powerful aura, he could see through the walls, he could even see great distances as well as being able to see the future for 10 seconds. This, plus the hand-to-hand combat skills that the noire de gamarket put him through. it was what made him the strongest of the candidates, even a prodigy, almost rivaling the cpu, when he used that ability his eyes were cyan like his sister's, but the cost of actions was tremendous for which he almost didn't I use it or used it against very powerful opponents.
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