《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 23 the secret of Eden, let the counterattack begin.
On an island that was far from all nations, too far that it has never been inhabited because of the great distance, but not only that but that island was also full of high level monsters and many dangers that no human could survive.
But right now there was someone on that island.
He was a boy with purple hair of an almost pinkish tone with eyes the same color as his hair only darker, he was wearing a purple shirt with white pants with purple details that were somewhat worn.
This child was Neptune the cpu of Planeptune from the hyperdimension that 10 years ago had been brought by someone who promised to help him become stronger and he was impressed by the results, whoever that guy knew what he was doing since in These 10 years his strength increased to a great extent that he even awakened incredible abilities.
But how do I get to this?
10 years ago, after arriving at the basilicóm they met the mini histoire, compa, if and abnes where they told them about their findings found in the cave.
Needless to say, all 4 were horrified.
"Those poor children!" Abnes said in horror.
"I can't believe they stooped so low to do that!" said the annoyed mini story.
"they are evil!"; said compa with fear.
"they are very bad!" if said.
"What else happened?" asked the mini histoire.
"When we came out of the cave, we were ambushed by the CPU Chaos and Nepgeo," Vert said.
"They appeared!"; the mini histoire was surprised.
"Yes, and not only that but a new cpu appeared", said noire remembering Yellow heart.
"a new cpu? Is it a chaos cpu too?", the tome was confused and intrigued by that.
"no she's not, she's a normal cpu," said saru.
"My butt is normal, that bitch was very strong and resistant!"; White said annoyed.
"Not only that but she had a bust bigger than mine, how dare she!"; said a vert angry that her most characteristic trait is surpassed.
"Leaving aside that vert's breasts were outclassed," Neptune commented.
"big brother that's rude!"; Nepgear scolded for his brother's lack of tact.
"sorry nep junior." Neptune apologized, "and I'm sorry vert", said Neptune looking at vert with a depressing cloud above her.
"Well back on topic, they came apparently wanting to test the power of Yellow Heart." He said history.
"That's right, but I only wanted the main cpu since nepgeo took my other self like the other candidates"; said nepgya.
"That's right, but we lost," Shiro said.
"That's right, it wasn't good to be impaled"; shirou said remembering when they went through him.
"Impaled!"; blanc was alarmed and quickly went to see shirou inspecting him from all sides.
"you feel good?!"; blanc asked worriedly.
"Yes older sister, I'm fine"; shirou said reassuring blanc.
"don't worry but it will take more than that to defeat us"; Sara said.
"that's right, saru survived being stabbed by gehaburn"; shiro said.
Now it was Noire's turn to see his brother.
"Are you okay?!" Noire said looking at Saru.
"yes sister, I'm fine"; Saru said embarrassed as Noire looked at him looking for injuries.
"they are like our noire and blanc when they were just born uni, rom and ram"; said history.
"Actually, yes," Neptune said.
"It is normal, they have not been older sisters for a long time," said the mini story.
"I'm still jealous that I'm the only one without a brother," Vert said with fake sadness.
"Well, getting back on topic, but how did you guys lose?" Noire asked her brother.
Nepgear was going to say something but in that saru spoke.
"It was due to carelessness on my part, they set a trap for us, I trusted and we lost"; Saru said looking at her sister.
"Is that so?" Noire asked.
"Yes"; Sara said.
"saru I always told you not to trust yourself in a battle, luckily this time they went well, but make sure that that doesn't happen again I'm clear"; Noire said in a stern but gentle tone.
"Yes, sister, I'm sorry, I'll be more attentive next time," said Saru.
"for you the same", said blanc looking at shiro and shirou.
"I'm sorry sister," said shirou.
"don't worry next time we'll kick their asses that need ice"; Shiro said bumping his fists.
"But it wasn't just them, but the hierarch from the east appeared," Vert said, reminding Nereus that he was also there.
"If apparently he loved Neptune since his wife I sent him with him"; Noire said.
"Why did he want it?" the mini histoire asked.
"according to what he said, he wanted to test me"; Neptune said.
"But why?" Vert muttered.
"They are taking their time, they are supposed to love Neptune, but in all this time they have not done much, it is as if they are taking their time!" said Blanc.
"Yes, as if they were expecting something", said Noire, also thoughtful.
"It's strange, but what else happened?", the mini story asked Neptune.
"Well we fought and he beat me up even though we started off evenly that guy started outplaying me using even very broken skills," Neptune said.
"What kind of skills brother?"; nepgear asked.
"nereus can teleport and manipulate time in a certain range", said histoire surprising the cpu.
"How can he do that?!" Noire said in shock.
"will see"; histoire began to tell them what happened in that battle and telling about the abilities that a cpu could gain when reaching a higher power, but that if she omitted some things that happened.
When he finished his explanation the CPUs were impressed.
"I can't believe those guys can do that?!" Noire said in disbelief.
"That's right, each of them has fearsome abilities, like Ventus can handle gravity, Snow can manipulate matter and create portals, while Nereus can teleport and stop time"; Sara explained.
"I see with those abilities, they make them very powerful opponents"; said the mini story.
"That's right," said Histoire.
The group said nothing.
"If we want to win we will have to awaken our own abilities," Vert said.
"Yes, but it's not that easy," said Histoire.
"Yes, but if we want to win we will have to," Noire said.
"chaos CPUs are not a big problem, the big obstacle we have is the hierarchs", said saru.
"That's right, we can defeat them, if we use our power to the fullest," Shiro said.
"We know that, but we have to have a plan to win," Blanc said.
While the others continued arguing Neptune would stand up.
"What's up brother?" Nepgya asked.
"I'm going to rest jr, I'm tired"; Neptune said.
"Hey? If he rests," said nepgya.
Without further ado, Neptune left, leaving the others alone.
While he was walking he remembered the battle he had with Nereus as well as his words.
"There's still a big difference," Neptune said in frustration.
Despite having trained for several years, he still wasn't strong enough, there was still a big difference between him and the hierarchs.
He still wasn't strong enough to defeat them and so he couldn't save Noire.
Another thing that had impacted the boy was seeing Noire now being a cpu bye, he still remembers that cold look he gave him, over time he learned that he liked Noire not in the sense of friends but in the sense of liking liking , despite not being very smart in the love department, he knew that he had feelings towards noire, that's why when he saw her he felt a great pain seeing her as his enemy, but he did know that she was not the noire he met, but still so it bothered him, but leaving that aside his other great revelation that he knew was.
"So they were candidates?" Neptune remembered what they told her. "What happened to them?"
Although the revelation that his enemies were cpu candidates impressed Neptune, what intrigued him most was why they are aiming to destroy his home, what must have happened to them to be so, how bad his life was and why. Histy caused it.
"Well I'll think about it later, today it was an event flag, but what I have to do is how to make myself strong enough to defeat them and rescue Noire and the others", said Neptune entering her room.
"I can help you":
Neptune got scared when she heard the voice and started looking for who was in her room.
"I'm here"; was heard from behind Neptune.
The boy would jump and turn around ready in case it was a boss event, but he stopped when he saw a woman with red hair and yellow eyes who was wearing a white princess dress.
"Hey? Who are you?"; Neptune said surprised.
"nice to meet you, i'm rosse", said the woman named rosse.
"I see you have a big problem facing you, the threat of ryo," said the woman.
"How do you know that?" Neptune was even more surprised.
"It doesn't matter how I know, but you need power," said the woman, "and I know how to help you,"
"How can I go with you?"
"Trust me boy, I know how to strengthen you to the point where you are at the level of the hierarchs," said Rosse.
"you know?",
"Yes, trust me and come, I'll help you", said Rosse smiling.
"Why do you want to help me?" Neptune said.
"I want you to defeat Ryo, because of him my home disappeared", said the woman angrily.
"your home?",
"Yes, just like you I don't belong to this dimension, my home was destroyed by that guy, I was able to escape to this dimension thanks to someone, I found out about you a long time ago and I was watching you and I saw your problem so I decided to help you", Rosse said looking at Neptune.
"But why only me?"
"I can see a potential in you, I know that you can defeat Ryo, so you say, you accept my offer",
"I don't know, it's a bit suspicious in my opinion, when a pretty woman says she'll take you somewhere it doesn't end well"; Neptune said.
"Accept Neptune, so you can save that girl", Rosse kept insisting.
"nepu! How do you know that!"; Neptune was surprised.
"I heard you," Rosse said.
"You're harassing me", Neptune freaked out.
"don't be dramatic", said rosse with a drop of sweat, "but what do you say you accept", he said looking at Neptune.
"hmmmmmm.......? Will you help me be super op?" Neptune asked.
"If it's your way of saying you'll be stronger, then yes," Rosse said.
Neptune thought until she came to a decision.
"Okay, I accept!" said Neptune.
"Well, I thought it would take more to convince you," said Rosse.
"come on, every protagonist has to pass a training to be super op", said Neptune smiling, "it's my turn",
"Weird way of putting it, but it's okay, take your things and we'll go", Rosse ordered.
"As you say ma'am", said Neptune taking her things and putting them in a backpack, "but won't I say goodbye to my friends?",
"you can't Neptune"; Rose said.
"Why?", I ask confused, he wanted to let me know that he was leaving so as not to worry his sisters and friends.
"Believe me Neptune, it's for your own good, they shouldn't know where you're going," Rosse said in a nervous tone.
"Fine, I'll trust you," Neptune said.
"Alright then let's go", said Rosse taking Neptune's shoulder. "By the way close your eyes"
"Hey? Why?",
Rosse didn't answer instead they disappeared in a tornado of pink petals.
That's how he got here, spilling his food for the trip.
"ugh! That was a bad experience," Neptune groaned.
"it's enough Neptune",
A voice came from the shadows of the forest.
Neptune turned around only to see Rosse step out of the shadows of the trees.
"Ross", Neptune looked at the woman.
"Very well, Neptune, it's been 10 years since your training," Rosse said, looking at the boy.
"Yes and I'm impressed", said Neptune looking at her fist, "I'm very op now", she said happily.
"This is Neptune, you are already strong enough to face the hierarchs on equal terms," said Rosse.
"Yes! thanks to you rosse", said Neptune smiling.
"Okay, now it's time for you to come back," said Rosse.
"It's about time", Neptune looked at the woman.
"Yes, things have not gone well for the 4 nations," said Rosse in a serious tone.
"I see, Eden is still on top, right?" Neptune asked.
"Yes," replied the woman.
"I see",
A week after he got here, Rosse told him about the new nation called Eden and that it was run by the seven sages. Neptune knew this was bad, she knew they would be the bosses of this arc, so she prepared for it.
"Okay, I'll show you the power of Lord Purple Heart", Neptune said with her fists clenched and electric waves coming out of her body.
Now We are located in the nation of Eden that as expected of a new nation, the popularity of Eden among the people broke through the roofs and rose straight to the skies like a rocket. It was mainly due to the "charms" of the new CPU. The combination of her outrageous figure and her childlike naivety was fascinating to the population, who swooped like migratory birds towards her. But it is also worth mentioning those that work in the background.
While Yellow Heart served as the main figure for the citizens, the seven sages took care of everything related to the government of the nation. With their clandestine connections, financial funding, and unroutine tactics, in addition to the hierarchs and their subordinates, the criminal organization managed to create a self-sustaining economy, effectively becoming the rulers of Eden and the owners of Yellow Heart, just as they had planned for so many years. years.
Even now, after ten years since its birth, Eden was a flourishing nation with an even brighter future ahead of it.
"Okay, is there anything new to report?" Anonydeath asked as she placed both elbows on the table.
"Erm... Isn't I supposed to be the one to say that?" Rei asked as she turned her head to look at him and break a sweat.
She was next to the pink robot with Mister badd, the leaders and nepgeo were also in the meeting room discussing the situation of the nation, there were also the other cpu chaos, only they were behind the leaders without doing anything.
There were also warechu and Arfoire who was still in a broken state after 10 years and still in the same condition that iris heart left her in.
"Based on last month's charts, our stock values have more than doubled," Mister Badd replied with a confident smile. "It is very likely that they will continue to rise 40 to 60 percent on average for the next few months."
"Woop! Hehehehe..."
"Looks like things are going better than we thought!"
"Boo! Wahahahaha!"
"yes, thanks to my machines we can create more houses and consoles in a matter of days", said nepgeo.
"That's right, thanks to geo-chan's hardware skills we were able to create very advanced gadgets," said the pink robot.
"Woopy woop!",
"This has been boring, there has been no action," Snow said.
"no, apparently the cpus didn't attack and to think they would," said ventus.
"No, they are more occupied by the disappearance of Neptune," Nereus said.
"But where is my other self?" asked Chaos Neptune.
"She's right, her disappearance was strange," said Mister Badd.
"But now, someone knows how to fix it since it's driving me crazy!" Nepgeo said looking at Arfoire whose brain had not yet recovered, he was barely aware of what was happening around him.
Her constant and somewhat strange gibberish has been her only way of communicating with those around her and quickly became one of the most common sounds echoing through the room where the seven sages gathered.
"Poor Arfy here... Her mental state is still quite delicate, I didn't find anything on how to help her..."
"B-But the doctors said she could recover if we gave her enough time..." Rei said, sounding a little nervous.
"It's already been ten years," said chaos Neptune.
"Unfortunately Lady Rei we have not found anything to help you"; Ventus said.
"whatever that cpu did to it, it seems irreparable"; Snow said with a shiver.
"Certainly, it's an interesting thing to study," Ventus said.
"Interesting my ass, that old lady is already brain dead, so I support the asylum thing!" Snow yelled.
"But if he wakes up when he's there?" Nereus asked.
"Well, we won't be able to do anything," said nepgeo.
Arfoire said drawing everyone's attention including the cpu bye. Something seemed wrong. Not only was his tone different, but his words stopped being random childish sounds and began to sound like proper words.
"...huh?" Said the witch as she shook her head and looked around confused "Wha-what the hell...!?"
"Ah...she recovered-chu"
"It was quite a miraculous recovery," Chaos Neptune said with a drop of sweat.
"And I was already calling the nursing home," Ventus said, putting away his phone.
"All's well that ends well, I guess," said Anonydeath. "What really matters is that Arfy is finally back to normal!"
"Hey! Stop talking about me like I'm not here, damn it!" The witch growled as she slammed her hand on the table "What the hell just happened!?"
Seeing Arfoire's irritation, Anonydeath went ahead and explained the current situation to him. Especially about how they created Yellow Heart, founded Eden and came to dominate the most powerful nation in the Ultradimension from the bottom.
"Hey! Wait a minute!"
"Hm? What's up?"
"What the hell do you mean 'Yellow Heart'!? And why are there more of those cpu's?" Arfoire pointed at the cpu chaos.
"Mom Dad!"
Shortly after Arfoire mentioned her name, Yellow Heart ran into the meeting room and headed towards Chaos Noire and Anonydeath.
"Mom! Dad! Let's play!"
"Yellow Heart, you know that you are not allowed to enter during our meetings" Anonydeath said as she turned her head to look at her.
"But I want to play!"
"Not right now... Later"
"...Well..." Yellowheart said with a pouty face and puffy cheeks.
"By the way, why do you call them potatoes?" Nepgeo said, looking at the hacker.
Anonydeath just shrugged.
"She chose my dear noire-chan here as her mother," Anonydeath said with a slightly happy tone.
"I thought it was leaning the other way?" Chaos Neptune muttered to Nepgeo.
"To be honest me too, but since he is obsessed with the Lastation cpu we can say he doesn't hit in that direction," said nepgeo.
Before anyone could say anything, Arfoire yelled.
"Hears! Do not ignore me! And what is this about!?" Said the witch to get the hacker's attention "Why are we acting as if we are obeying that CPU!? Wasn't our goal to get a CPU that followed OUR commands!?"
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