《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 18, the hierarch of the north, the rebirth of the candidates part 2.
After nepgear and nepgya left Lowee, the two of them flew to Lastation quickly arriving in the land of black reality and headed for the basilicom.
Once they arrived, they entered through the doors until they reached the ultra-noire office where they heard complaints about the cpu tsundere, although we had to know if it was from their noire or the ultra-noire.
"Ugh! Who is responsible for this !? Who would do something so horrible ?!"
"Calm ultra-nowa, this is not so bad," the two nepgear heard their brother's voice.
"Shut up better Neptune, this is so frustrating!",
"Certainly this is bad, who could have done all this", the histoire's voice was heard.
"Calm noire-chan", Plutia then spoke.
The two Nepgears couldn't wait any longer and entered the office.
Where they found the ultra-noire on his desk, next to it was the hyper-noire.The two were apparently looking at a computer.
Neptune and histoire stood before them with Neptune with a bead of sweat rolling down his head and histoire with a thoughtful face.
And Plutia was winged from the ultra-noire patting her on the back.
The moment the two entered they caught the attention of everyone who turned to look at them.
"Nos jr 1, nos jr 2! Good thing they have already arrived! " Neptune greeted his two sisters. "How did your little adventure go?"
"We did well, big brother, but there was an altercation," Nepgear said nervously.
"What happened nepgear?" Histoire asked.
This caught everyone's attention, even the two noires who stopped what they were doing to see the two nepgears.
"Well Lowee was attacked by one of the seven sages, a robot called copy-paste," explained Nepgear.
"I remember that guy, he was the screaming and cheerful robot," said Neptune.
"I remember it too, it wasn't fun to destroy it since I didn't feel pain"; Plutia complained.
"You two shut up," scold the ultra-noire.
"Were there more involved with this attack?" asked histoire.
"Well there was also cfw judge," said nepgya.
"God that guy!", Hyper-noire groaned remembering that robot.
"But it was not only them since the northern candidate Shiro was also, and not only him, but apparently our blanc and rom were turned into cpu chaos", nepgear said with some concern.
All but the two Nepgears screamed in disbelief.
"What do you mean cpu chaos? You mean that corrupted transformation? "The hyper-noire exclaimed.
"That's right, apparently ryo sent them along with the hierarchs as assistants," said nepgya.
"This is bad, we are not only facing the hierarchs but the remaining CPUs," said histoire concerned.
"If the two of them are here, they are also vert and uni!", Hyper-noire said with much concern and anguish as he imagined that uni had also been turned into a cpu chaos. "We have to go find her and save her!"
Noire was desperate to know what they might have done to her little sister.
"We don't know where they might be, maybe she and the other CPUs will come to us," said histoire. "The best thing would be to wait since maybe she is not even with them",
"This is bad, now it is not only the hierarchs, but the cpu chaos now," said the ultra-noire.
"The important thing is how to return them to normal!" Said histoire.
"We can punish them until they're good again," suggested Plutia with a smile.
"We want to free them from mind control, don't give them a brain trauma," Neptune said with blank eyes.
"Neptune! You know how to do it! You were able to free nepgya, can you do it with uni the same? if it appears as cpu chaos ", noire said looking at Neptune almost pleading.
"You don't have to tell me nowa, I promised you that we would save mini-noire so I'm in it if we see her as our enemy then I'll do that attack that I use with nep jr 2", said Neptune with a confident smile.
"Thank you Neptune"; Noire smiled at his friend with a hopeful smile.
Neptune just smiled back with his own.
"Well nepgear, what happened after they appeared along with the remaining northern candidate?" Histoire asked wanting to know what else happened.
"Me and my other self, we faced judge and copy-paste, while blanc, Shirou and ram faced our blanc, rom and shiro", nepgear explained.
"We were able to defeat copy-paste and judge once and for all, while blanc, Shirou and ram took care of our blanc, rom and shiro",
"It's a relief that you guys won against those enemies," histoire said with relief.
"It was obvious that Histy will win, my sisters are the best, they will not lose to repurposed enemies," Neptune boasted.
The two Nepgears blushed at Neptune's praise, but continued with the explanation.
"From what Shirou and blanc told us, they were able to defend themselves well from shiro and the cpu chaos, but when they believed they were defeated, the hierarch of the north appeared",
At the mention of the northern hierarch, everyone became more serious and concerned Neptune to know that one of those guys appeared where his sister was.
"What was one of the hierarchs doing there?" Asked the ultra-noire.
"Maybe I just wanted to say hi," Plutia said.
"I doubt it plutia," said the hyper-noire with a bead of sweat.
"What happened nepgear? continue ", asked histoire very serious, since if a hierarch appeared then it was a serious matter.
"According to blanc when they won against shiro, our blanc and rom, the hierarch called Snow arrived".
"Snow?" Neptune asked Nepgear who nodded.
"Yes, he appeared with an objective which was to eliminate Shirou", said nepgya surprising everyone.
"expect! Now those guys are after Shirou! They are not supposed to want my skin! "Neptune looked at Nepgear.
"Why would they target Shirou now?" Histoire wondered.
"Not only Ventus, but that Snow guy also attacked him, something they must want to hide," the hyper-noire deduced.
"That's right, as he said he wanted to silence Shirou so as not to reveal a secret," Nepgear explained.
"secret? But Shirou-chan already told us everything, "Plutia said.
"That's right, Plutia is right, because now after a long time they want him dead," ultra-noire thought.
"What happened next?", The fairy looked at the two girls.
"Later we joined with blanc along with Shirou and ram, we faced him, along with shiro, rom and our blanc who had recovered", nepgya explained.
"Then, we fought, Snow separated us from Shirou, since our white attacked the white here, rom attacked us both and shiro went after ram, leaving only Shirou against him, Thanks to blanc who took care of rom and our blanc we were able to help Shirou and ram, the latter was able to incapacitate Shiro ", said nepgear.
"Ram managed to win against a candidate for hierarch, that's incredible," hyper-noire said.
"That's right, after that, the two of us along with Shirou and Ram fought against Snow, but we could barely do anything, he just swept the floor with the 4 of us," Nepgear said, shaking a little.
"Not even four of you could do anything?" Ultra-noire looked incredulous.
"No, even after these years we are not strong enough yet," Nepgya said, disheartened as well as Nepgear.
"Poor neppy-jr", plutia patted the two nepgears,
"Do not be discouraged, you two, the fact of being able to fight and survive before a hierarch and more so if it is the hierarch of the north who is known for his cruelty, it is already a great feat", said histoire.
"I think you're right"; nepgear smiled as did nepgya.
"Well I'll continue with what happened, after the 4 of us lost, blanc and shiro came to help us",
"Wait for it!", Hyper-noire interrupted nepgya,
"Y-yes" replied the girl somewhat surprised by the sudden interruption.
"You say that Shirou's twin helped them! But why'? Isn't he our enemy too? "The hyperdimension's cpu asked in amazement.
"Yeah, apparently shiro didn't want to hurt Shirou and whatever ram told him made him join our side," said nepgear.
"Are you saying that Ram did something to make Shiro become our ally?" Histoire asked.
"Are you sure it's not a trap like that time," ultra-noire asked not very convinced, with her counterpart nodding.
"Come on noire, don't be suspicious, that's why you don't have friends," Neptune said with a shrug.
"shut! We do have friends! "The two noires shouted in unison.
"Putting that aside, are you sure we can trust Shiro?" Histoire asked.
"Yes, he was very sincere, blanc did not feel lies when he said that he was leaving the hierarchs," said nepgya.
"I see, and where is he now?" Histoire asked again.
"He stayed in Lowee with blanc and Shirou, ram is also there now," said nepgear.
"Yay! I feel happy for blanny, they three are very cute, now as Shirou and Shiro are twins, now blanny has two brothers ", said plutia, happy for blanc.
"I still mistrust him, but if they say it is safe I will accept it," said the ultra-noire.
"Same here, but I'll keep an eye on it, if it's not a threat then it'll be fine"; the hyper-noire said with her arms crossed.
"Well let's move on, what happened after Blanc and Shirou joined the battle?"
"Well, the balance of the fight tipped in our favor, with our combined power we made an attack that impacted the hierarch of the north, we thought we won, but?" nepgya was silent making everyone pay attention.
"Something scary happened," Nepgear finished.
"Terrifying?" Neptune asked curiously.
"We discovered that Snow was not fighting seriously, he only used 30% of his power and adding to that the fact that he did not use his CPU processors," said nepgya.
Everyone was shocked at nepgya's statement.
"wait a minute! What do you mean 30% ?! You're saying that I don't use all of its power against you! That he was just playing! ", Ultra-noire looked surprised and a little scared.
"So what do you mean it wasn't using its processors?" Hyper-noire continued.
"As you heard, he did not need to use much power, in fact we only forced him to use 30%, but that annoyed him, we thought it would be our end, but the western hierarch Ventus appeared to stop him",
"Did that guy appear as well?" Neptune asked concerned to learn that two of his enemies appeared.
"Yes, they argued about him leaving Shiro and Shirou no longer useful in killing him to silence them since he said that a crow already knew it and had stolen information", said nepgear.
"Raven?" Ultra-noire looked confused.
"Yes, after Ventus convinced Snow to leave us they both left with rom and our blanc included," said nepgya.
"It intrigues me to know what secret the hierarch candidates hide to want to kill them if they discover it," histoire questioned, thinking why the hierarchs acted like this.
"We don't know, Shiro and Shirou are also confused about this," Nepgya said.
"But we know who could know all that," Nepgear said.
"Who?" They all looked at the two girls.
"Nic, the candidate from the east, Shirou said that ventus calls nic that, that made us think that he knows something," said nepgear.
"That will be a problem since we do not know where he is and I doubt he wants to tell us," said ultra-noire.
"Well, shiro told us it's somewhere in Lastation," Nepgear said.
Everyone's eyes widened at what the Planeptune candidate said.
"You say that child is here?" Asked ultra-noire, surprised.
"It's strange, if he's here, why hasn't he attacked?" Histoire questioned.
"Maybe he just came for a walk," Plutia deduced.
"I highly doubt it plutia," said the hyper-noire.
"What if he is the one who hacked the Lastation networks?" Histoire deduced.
"Hack?" Nepgear was confused as her other self.
"You see, since this morning, all my nation's networks were hacked by someone, who overcame the great security system that I and my other self made" ultra-noire told Nepgear about the situation ....... And shut up Neptune! ",
The ultradimension tsundere silenced Neptune who was going to make a comment.
"That's why we asked you to come here nepgear, your skills that you have can help us to deduce the culprit," said histoire.
"Although knowing that that boy is here," Neptune said thinking.
"there are! Wherever he knows it was him, I will teach him a lesson so that he learns not to disturb his elders! "; said the ultra-noire annoyed.
"Can you do something nepgear or nepgya?", Hyper-noire asked the two girls.
"I don't have a lot of software skills," nepgear said.
"Same here, but we will try," Nepgya said.
The two nepgear approached the computer where the two noires were working, but nepgear would notice something in one of the corners of the room, where there was a shelf of books.
"Um, Noire?" Said one of the younger Nep sisters.
"what is it?" Ultra-Noire asked looking at the girl.
Nepgear pointed to an empty space on one of the book shelves in the tsundere room. Pointing out a large space between two books.
"Why do you have a camera installed in such a secret place?" Nepgear asked.
"Camera? I don't have one here." The ultra-Noire replied.
"I'm sorry, but you definitely do. Look. It's aiming right at your face right now, Noire." Nepgear said, pointing in the direction of the camera.
The ultra-Noire as well as everyone else turned to look where Nepgear was pointing and were surprised to find that she was right.
"You're right, I see it. But why? I never knew my other self put one on." Hyper-Noire was puzzled.
Neptune saw this as a golden opportunity to taunt one of the Noires.
"Wow, I always thought this noire would have a weird cosplay fetish like ours but I'm surprised to find this out, so Noire, be honest and admit that you like to record yourself working and watch it later. You probably look at yourself and watch it later. act satisfied, saying 'I'm so cool!' Yeah, uh, kinda gross, Noire. " Neptune said chuckling.
"Sounds really creepy..." Plutia added.
"I didn't think that noire-san had that kind of fetish"; said histoire.
"No, I don't know! I have no idea why there is a camera here!" ultra-Noire protested.
"Who is responsible !? Who put this here ?!" hyper-noire grabbed the camera angrily, knowing that a stalker was recording her other self, because even if it wasn't she felt affected too.
"Let me take a look ... There's no microphone, but it seems to be transferring video wirelessly. Basically, if you didn't set it up, that means someone else is secretly recording you." Nepgya deduced with nepgear at his side, examining the camera.
"Secretly filming me? Yuck! That's too creepy!" ultra-Noire was disgusted ...
"Noire you are being recorded by his shady followers." Neptune joked. "Well, the noires always had strange followers", Neptune continued to mock making the two tsunderers in the room begin to strangle him
"Apologize right now! Not to me, but to my followers! With all the sincerity in the world!" said the ultra-noire.
"You little idiot, don't mess with my followers so apologize!" hyper-noire said angrily.
"Noire-chan? .......... neppy, it's purple", Plutia pointed to Neptune who was purple from lack of air.
The two of them, seeing this, released him, allowing the male cpu to breathe again.
"God! I saw my life pass before my eyes! "Neptune said, taking a deep breath.
"Don't be exaggerated, and nepgear, can you do something?" Histoire looked at the girl.
"It shouldn't be too difficult", the Planeptune candidate pulled a device under her sailor dress just like nepgya,
"If you give us a moment, we can try to override the signals it sends and find the receiver," said nepgya, looking at a device similar to that of nepgear.
"Why do you carry all that with you?", Hyper-noire asked with blank eyes.
It was well known of the skill that the two gears had with hardware, but even so all the equipment they wore under their clothes was somewhat disconcerting for everyone.
"Hm? It's normal for young girls like us to have one of these "said nepgear smiling like her other self.
"What an unusual girl. She really is your sister." Ultra-Noire said with a bead of sweat.
"Yeah, it's one of his cute quirks. It doesn't come out that often, and it's rarely useful, but ..." Neptune was interrupted in the middle of his explanation.
"Woooow! So does this mean they can make biiiiig robots, Neppy Jr?" Plutia asked, marveling at the idea.
"Wow, cool those mecha jets. If you ask that, they really end up building one." Neptune panicked, preventing her sleepy friend from pursuing the topic.
While all this was happening in a dark place where you could see many computer screens, a certain pink robot is seen sitting watching everything that was happening.
"AW! I did not think they would find one of my cameras, those girls are very smart and dangerous ", said anonydeath watching nepgear work.
"What did you expect, pinki? Those girls have great knowledge with technology, it's a matter of time before they find us," said a certain candidate for hierarch leaning on the wall.
"It doesn't matter. Eventually, I'll get to see Noire in the flesh ..." The robot in pink laughed.
Nic didn't say anything, he just sighed and looked at the screen again, he had seen and heard everything they spoke, he was surprised to know that Shiro betrayed them now, that only left him and Nepgeo as the only candidates.
But the moment he saw the ultra-noire he couldn't help but feel conflicted knowing that the girl he wanted to kill was actually his sister from another dimension.
He did not know how to react, now he no longer felt confident to fight against them even more than he lived together and he spent time with the ultra-noire without her knowing who he was.
But I push those thoughts away, this battle that I would have in a few minutes would be important, but without the black gem that she wore in her sparkling pendant for a second knowing it.
After the two Nepgears managed to pinpoint the location of the sign, they all headed outside. Arriving at an abandoned warehouse.
Nepgear and nepgya were using their devices to confirm their location.
"The response is getting stronger. I think we are close to the server." Nepgear informed the others.
"Hidden inside an old building, huh? What a cliché." Neptune said seeing the place.
"Ugh, I'll catch those bastards this time and if it's that kid with a lot more reason!" ultra-Noire was crazy to find out who had invaded her privacy.
"Deep in your heart you have already immobilized the Seven Sages and Hierarchs for this, huh, ultra-Noire?" Neptune asked.
"Of course I do! Who else could it be ?!" The dark-haired girl replied.
"Like I said, Noire's creepy fanbase." The purple haired boy teased, earning a snarl from the ultra-noire as well as the hyper-noire.
"Shut up! And we better get inside at once!" Ultra-Noire said angrily.
The group entered the facility. Inside they found what looked like a makeshift laboratory.
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