《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 16, the origin of the candidates.
It had already been 6 years since the leanbox events, in all this time he was in relative peace after the sudden disappearance of the seven sages or the hierarchs who disappeared from the map without leaving any trace.
But even so histoire with his other self did not stop being alert since all this relative peace did not suit her, something inside her said that something great would come.
Now we are located in the lair of the seven sages where they were all gathered, together with the hierarchs sitting at the same table.
"Well it's been 6 years since we saw each other," said Mister Badd.
"I'm happy to see all my friends!" Copypaste said in a happy tone.
"Ugh! Shut up tin! " Arfoire groaned at his noisy companion.
"" I certainly agree with our fellow copy here "; said anonydeath, "the reason is that we obtained all the resources thanks to our allies"; he said this looking at the three hierarchs.
"Fence, so they're being helpful-chu," Warechu said.
"You better shut up you rat they do a better job than you!" Arfoire scoffed.
"Eto, thank you for your support," Rei said with some nervousness.
"It is nothing, after all we respect the part of our deal so we hope you fulfill yours," Nereus said in a cold tone.
"Y-yes", Rei replied somewhat frightened by the voice of the eastern hierarch.
"By the way, where are his brothers?" Asked Abnes.
"They are making the request you made about those missing children," Ventus said.
"They haven't found anything, right?" Abnes asked again.
"No, we thought it could be tricky but since his death the disappearances keep happening, so whoever it is can hide their tracks," Snow said.
"I see and you don't know anything right?" Abnes looked at the sages who only denied. "It's fine, if it weren't because those children are better help than all of you I would be looking for those poor children, but I think I will trust the brothers of those guys for this job",
"Thank you for your trust, we will make sure to find the children", said Ventus smiling to abnes who blushed.
"Well, putting that aside, now that we have the preparations, we need something to distract the CPUs and get them out of Planeptune," said Mister badd.
"Don't worry, I already thought of a fabulous plan to get them out of there," Anonydeath said in a happy tone.
"That's right, this will be easy and with our assistants that we brought and the three remaining cfw our plan will work," Ventus said smiling.
The other two hierarchs also smiled in a dark way something that scared some of the sages.
On the plains of Lastation, a certain black-haired hierarchical candidate can be seen walking the desolate roads of the nation.
It's been 6 years since they had their battle against CPUs and he remembered their bitter defeat against Lastation's CPU.
It certainly infuriated him, but at the same time he admired the cpu for its great strength that she had, no one other than her older brother had defeated him, but she achieved it herself, of course she had help from Planeptune's sadistic cpu but still they gave her good fight.
But even so, what bothered him the most was what happened 6 years ago the argument he had with one of his only friends.
"How did Ventus almost kill Shirou ?!" shouted an exalted Nic.
"As you heard, Ventus said that we will have to eliminate Shirou," Shiro said somewhat worried.
"This must be wrong, I know that Shirou betrayed us, but he's still our friend, we can't do that, besides, my brother said we would forgive him," said nic.
"Certainly it was all a lie, Ventus said that so that we don't worry, but the truth is that we will have to get him out of the way," Shiro said.
"Do you agree with that shiro?", Asked nic.
"I'm certainly not, shiro is my twin, but if my brother says we have to do it, I don't know if he can," Shiro said in frustration.
"It certainly must be a mistake, we have to ask them," Nic said.
"You guys make a lot of scandal, certainly Shirou deserves it for leaving the side of those damn cpu's", said Nepgeo speaking.
"Hey! You agree to do that! Shirou is our friend, remember! "Nic looked at Nepgeo in disbelief.
"He asked for it so we can't do anything, that idiot deserves it for leaving us for those cpu's," Nepgeo said with venom in his voice.
"Damn!", Nic got annoyed by Nepgean's words and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
While it was true that Shirou left them because of the cpu, he couldn't be angry with him, certainly Shirou was always very kind to everyone, besides the fact that the cpu accepted him despite his past.
Although no one knew about it, shiro has been watching over his brother along with nic who went with him from time to time.
They saw that Shirou was happy, even more than with them, he did not blame him since the life they had was more peaceful than that of a hierarch.
But even so, he was not willing to kill one of his only friends, in fact the only friends he has are the same hierarchs, hence no one else. That's why the fact that they have to kill Shirou didn't like the eastern candidate.
That's why Nepgeo's words annoyed him, certainly Nepgeo changed a lot after the death of his brother, he certainly understood and supported him but in wanting to kill Shirou, one of his friends would not allow it.
"Nic! Enough! "A voice echoed across the room.
Nic turned to see who called him, only to see his brother with the other two hierarchs.
"Nic, I said let it go",
"No buts, I have ordered!" Nereus said in a stern voice.
Nic reluctantly blurted out, saying he didn't do anything and just walked away.
"Well now tell us why were you about to fight here?" Ventus asked.
"It was because he said it would be better if we got rid of Shirou," said the twin in red. "Is it true that we will have to?"
"We will not sugarcoat it for you shiro, Shirou, I made his decision to be our enemy so we have to eliminate him before he becomes a major nuisance," said nereus.
"But is he our friend?" Said nic. "Snow, do you agree with this ?!" Nic looked at the southern hierarch.
"Yes, I agree with this, Shirou has many secrets about us, so we cannot let our enemies know," he said quietly.
"But bro!", Shiro tried to protest.
"No buts shiro! I said if next time you meet Shirou you have to finish it, yes or yes! ", Snow said looking at his little brother.
Shiro just gritted his teeth, he couldn't disobey his brother's orders, but he didn't want to kill his twin either.
So so while reluctantly nodded.
"The same for you nic, you have to finish with Shirou it is clear", said nereus.
Nic didn't say anything but just nodded.
"Okay, now we will discuss our plan," Ventus said.
After that, they discussed their plans which was to help the seven sages with their plan to found a nation called Eden. He certainly helped with some things, but most of the time he had free time, like now.
He just kept walking towards the meeting he would have with someone today.
We were located in the Planeptune basilicóm, where everyone was gathered or well just vert since blanc was busy as well as the ultra-noire who would have a mission today. Ram was in Lowee to play with Shirou.
So the only ones who were in Planeptune, were Neptune, Plutia, the two Nepgears, the two Histoires, the Hyper-Noire and Vert who came to visit them and also be able to rob one of the Nepgears.
"Hey vert leave the nep jr's! How many times do I have to say it, they are my little sisters because they carry a nep in their name! "Neptune said trying to free nepgear from vert's clutches, while nepgya was behind Neptune.
"Nonsense she used my cpu memory! so the rules say that she is now my little sister, besides you already have one, don't be selfish and share ", vert grumbled, trying not to let go of nepgear.
"P-please stop you two!" Nepgear begged, it hurts when you both stretch me! ",
"B-big brother! Please stop, they will cut off the arms of my other self! "Nepgya tried to help her other self.
"There they go again," said histoire who was taking you with noire, plutia and his smaller self.
"They certainly look like they're having fun," Plutia said smiling.
"Well they can say yes, but I'm not saying the same to nepgear," said the mini histoire.
"Vert, stop nepgear, we already clarified that there is no rule that says that if you give him the memory of cpu he becomes your brother", said noire trying to save the poor girl from being split in half.
"I refuse, there is certainly a mistake!" Vert said.
"Accept vert defeat, and return nep jr," said Neptune.
While they fought they did not see a yellow spot run,
While Neptune was trying to rid his sister of vert, the young man suddenly felt a strong direct impact on his stomach.
This unexpected and quite powerful surprise attack sucked all the air out of his lungs and almost emptied his stomach as well. Luckily she managed to keep it on her stomach. But the shortness of breath still didn't improve.
"Neputemu! Let's play!" shouted the girl on top of Neptune who had her eyes rolled
"Hey, Peashy. You shouldn't do that!" Said a small if who came up behind the blonde.
"nah-nah, are you okay?" Young Compa asked as he looked worriedly at the male CPU.
Neptune looked up to see the three girls, who were already grown up if, compa, and peashy. During the six years that passed, Compa, IF, and Peashy grew into healthy children and were now six years old each. Compa was a very pretty and loving girl, while IF constantly proved to be quite mature for her age. Although it also seemed to be too serious for someone so young. And last but not least, Peashy. She may not be the most educated or the most mature, but she was certainly strong for her age.
Certainly his blows were enough to put Planeptune's cpu on the ground for a few seconds.
"P-ko how many times do I have to tell you not to do that!" Neptune said.
"Neputemu is very weak!"; Peashy laughed at the boy.
"Are you okay Neptune?", Noire approached the boy who was still on the ground.
"Certainly yes, but I feel like my stomach is ruined," Neptune said groaning.
Noire would carry peashy off of Neptune.
"P-ko how many times have I told you not to do that to people", noire scold.
"I'm sorry," the girl apologized.
"Come on nowa, don't be so hard on p-ko," Neptune said.
"You're too soft, that's why peashy keeps hitting you", noire looked at Neptune who just scratched his head with a clumsy smile. "God! One day of this she will break your ribs if you keep allowing that ",
"It's adorable to see the three of them like this, it's like seeing a family, like noire the strict mom, and Neptune like the carefree father," said vert chuckling.
"What the hell vert!", Noire blushed like tomato when imagining that.
"Is nowa my mom?" Peashy asked curious about what Vert said.
"N-no peashy ignore him," said noire.
"Certainly the lonely heart would not be a good mother material"; Neptune said laughing.
"As if you were better," Noire got angry.
"Yes, remember that peashy always listened to me more than you," Neptune said in victory.
"shut! Peashy prefers me more! ",
"There go those two now," said histoire.
Another thing that happened is that in these 6 years that passed, Neptune and noire took great affection for if, compa and peashy, since most of them had to take care of them all the time, the same happened with them, if, compa and peashy They took great affection for both of them, but especially compa and peashy, although peashy more, since she always spent time with noire or with Neptune or sometimes both.
This made them almost look like family, like noire like a strict mother and Neptune like a doting father.
Also that the relationship between Neptune and Noire grew more, although Noire still did not confess her feelings, but even so she and Neptune spent a lot of time together going out on dates or spending it together in the basilicom taking care of the babies.
"Take that back!" Noire jumped in to strangle Neptune.
"Come on nep, you can", if I encourage the boy.
"Nap-nap, nowa-nowa don't fight", compa tried to calm the two of them.
"I also want to play", Peashy Victorio thinking that Neptune and Noire were playing.
"Neppy and Noire-chan are fighting again", Plutia looked at her friends.
"Let them plutia, they show their affection that way," said the mini-histoire.
"My brother is turning purple," Nepgear said, noticing that Neptune was purple from lack of air.
"Don't worry Nepgear, Neptune won't die from that," said histoire calmly.
"They are certainly like a married couple," said Vert who now had Nepgya trapped in her breasts.
Without further ado they continued with their little fight between Neptune and noire. Neptune who was losing the air was able to get out of noire and be able to breathe again taking great breaths of air.
"Damn woman! I almost died there! "Neptune complained.
"You deserve it for calling me a friendless heart!" Noire said angrily.
"It's all I'm asking for a divorce, noire, I'll take iffy, compa and p-ko", Neptune said angrily, taking the three o'clock.
"what the hell!"
"Leave the drama you two", histoire said already tired.
"We're sorry," the two of them apologized.
"Certainly, all this time he was in relative peace," commented the mini-story.
"You are right, the hierarchs have not appeared since that day," commented nepgya.
"Ugh! Don't remind me, I can't forget the humiliating defeat I suffered at the hands of that guy, "said Noire, recalling how he lost to Ventus.
"Pururún! that guy was an evil one, he hit me on the ground, "said Plutia, remembering how she was defeated.
"He is certainly a very powerful opponent," said Vert who already knew about the problem they faced and the imminent threat from ryo.
"He was certainly a boss that we still can't defeat until we go up more levels," Neptune said.
"Neptune is right, we have to become stronger to be able to face the hierarchs," said histoire.
"But they have disappeared for 6 years and this is worrying since they are out there free anywhere in the 4 nations," said the mini-histoire.
"It's kind of scary to hear from guys this powerful," Nepgear said with some trepidation.
"Do not worry nep jr, these 6 years that have passed remember that we became stronger, and now you can face that fake of yours," said Neptune.
"We are certainly stronger now, but still we shouldn't trust ourselves," said noire.
The group kept talking about a few more things, while if, compa, and peashy played with each other.
Meanwhile in Lowee, more specifically in the basilicom in the room of a certain ex-candidate for hierarch, Shirou and Ram are seen playing video games on Lowee's newly released console.
Shirou's room was very large for one person, the walls were dark blue, there was a large window with red curtains that gave a view of the nation, it had a certain oriental style like the door, it had Lowee video game poles, As well as a large bookcase that Shirou got, on a table you could see a carefully assembled blue computer, in the middle of the room there was a large king-size bed with blue sheets and red blanket, next to the bed there was a bedside table with a lamp, on the table you could see colors as well as other items to draw.
While in front of the bed there was a big television where right now Shirou and ram were playing video games.
"Yay! Win! ", Ram Victorio on winning the game.
"Ugh! I lost again! " Shirou lowered his head.
"With this we go 20 to 0," Ram said.
"Well, with this I lose," Shirou said in defeat.
"Now Shirou pays for those sweets you promised!" Ram said enthusiastically.
"now? We already ate some before, plus blanc won't let me eat a lot of sweets, "Shirou said.
"Come on, rom and I, nothing happens to us if we disobey her, well at least if she doesn't find out," said the twin in pink with a shrug.
"That doesn't give me confidence," Shirou sweated a drop at the statement.
"Come on don't be scared and let's go get those sweets", said ram pulling Shirou.
"Alright let's go," Shirou said taking his money before leaving his room together with Ram.
The two left the basilicom walking towards the candy store that was in the center of the city, on the way people greeted Shirou, since he was announced as a cpu candidate, Lowee accepted him with open arms. Being the first cpu candidate who was supposedly born in the ultra-dimension because of the excitement of the people, Shirou even wondered if he and his friends had been born as cpu candidates and had a more peaceful life like the one he has now.
But he put that aside and kept walking along with Ram towards the candy store.
"Certainly this Lowee still seems very strange to me," Ram said.
"It is very different from the hyperdimension, due to its different themes," Shirou answered.
"By the way Shirou? Do you still miss your twin? "Ram asked.
"Certainly a little, it may be due to the simple fact that we were twins and we spent almost all our time together and very seldom separated," replied the twin in blue.
"I understand you man, I miss rom and my sister a lot," Ram said with a touch of sadness.
"Don't worry ram, I bet they will be fine, also at the rate we are going and if we get stronger we can save them", said Shirou.
"It's true, soon we will kick the butt of those dolls that will have to use ice," Ram cheered.
Shirou just laughed, ram in a certain way was like Shiro, which intrigued him, in these years that he met ram the attitude of Lowee's candidate was similar to his brother's, just take away the arrogant and bad spoken and then Shirou and ram will be like peas in a pod.
This made him think about their true origins, in truth they were created with the power of their brothers and a fragment of a share-crystal of the nations or open something else behind that.
This and more questions were generated in Shirou, but he left those thoughts for the moment and paid attention to see that they already arrived at the candy store that always came with blanc.
Once they entered they were greeted by an elderly man who was at the counter serving his customers.
"sir. Shirou is good to see you again, how is lady blanc? "Said the merchant.
"Hi Klein, it's good to see you well, and my sister is working," Shirou replied.
"I see, and what brings you here today?", Klein asked the boy.
"I came for some sweets for my friend", Shirou said pointing to ram.
"Hi", ram greeted smiling.
"Hello miss, I am Klein, the owner of this store, I hope and you find our products delicious," said Klein.
"Thank you!",
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