《Ultradimension neptunia the only hope》Chapter 14. Battle in leanbox.
Leanbox a nation separated from other nations and considered as the land of green pastures for its abundant vegetation. This land is very peaceful thanks to its CPU, but we are located in the middle of the nation where the basilicom is located, which was shaped like a large mansion and on the balconies of the place.
There is a woman about the age of 21, with blonde hair that reaches below her back, her features are very fine and beautiful, her eyes are deep blue, she was wearing a beautiful green dress with white and gold details very much like a princess.
She was having tea, all while below her more specifically in the garden you see a boy of about 15 years with blond hair and blue eyes, he has a certain resemblance to the woman from before, he was wearing a white shirt and black sweatpants, with white sneakers with green laces, in his hands he seemed to have what was a spear.
He was training everything under the gaze of the woman who was looking at him with a proud smile, watching the boy strive.
She would let him train another bit as she had to prepare to go to Lastation for a meeting and she decided to bring her younger brother as she knew about the other three candidates who were going as well and it was a good occasion for them to get to know each other.
Without further ado, the woman got up and let the boy continue practicing.
Our group of protagonists was on their way to leanbox, although nepgear, the mini histoire, ram and Shirou stayed to take care of the babies while the others went to Lastation where they would take a boat that would take them to the islands of the new nation. .
When they arrived they were surprised to see what the ultradimension leanbox looked like, although more Neptune, nepgya, histoire, hyper-noire (although it was controlled), and plutia, they were more astonished to see the place.
"Look Plutia! That burger is twice the size of Histy," Neptune said, pointing to a fast food restaurant.
"Whoa! They are so big! "Plutia said in amazement.
"I wonder what kind of hardware they have here, I can't wait to see," exclaimed Nepgya with stars in her eyes.
"Hey you three, we did not come to do tourism, remember," said the ultra-noire.
"Neptune control yourself," said hyper-noire who wore glasses to hide his appearance.
"Those three look like tourists," Blanc said in his calm tone.
"Neptune-san, plutia-san, nepgya-san, please calm down remember why we are here",
"Sorry histoire-san" Nepgya apologized bowing a little.
"Whatever, let's go to the Basilicóm." Said Ultra-Noire: "I want to know what this bitch wants."
"Quiet ultra-nowa," Neptune said smiling.
"do not call me that way"; said an ultra-noire blushing.
"Well, we'd better end this once and for all, I want to know who is the cpu of this place," said Blanc, walking with the others following her.
The group went to a large building and once they entered they were again astonished to see the interior of the basilica of this leanbox.
"Look at all these things." Neptune said "It's so retro".
"Wow ... there sure are a lot of posters with guys on them, why doesn't this one have a T-shirt?"
"Yes, Vert definitely lives here." They thought, histoire, hyper-noire and nepgya in unison as they saw all the things that only vert would have at home.
"Ah, ladies and gentlemen, they have finally arrived."
Said the voice of a woman that all hyperdimension recognized, the group turned to see the vert of the ultradimension entering the room where they were.
"It's her!" Ultra-Noire yelled.
"I already guessed," said histoire who was already expecting that.
"I should have known." Blanc said, "I was acting suspicious, you came to Lowee to spy on me."
"A lady never reveals her secrets." Vert said. "But I see you have new friends," he said, noticing nepgya and hyper-noire although he was intrigued by the latter.
"That's right vert-san," said the little tome.
"We better put that aside and tell us why you called us here"; the ultra-noire said with narrowed eyes.
"Straight to the point huh, but good I made you come to let you know that I will take away all your shares."
"Yeah right." Ultra-Noire said brushing her hair back.
"Once my newest hardware reaches your nations, it will all be over, your people will flock to me, after all ... it's me." She said the latter as her breasts bounced to blanc's annoyance.
Neptune was lost for a moment over that, but the hyper-noire gave him a blow.
"Don't look," she said annoyed.
"I wasn't looking," the boy defended himself.
Vert smiled at that, she had also invited the Planeptune boy since he was a male cpu something very rare or almost impossible for a man to be a cpu, so having him on his side would make his nation stronger since he knew about the great force of Neptune, although she did not know the incident of the candidates for hierarchies.
"I see you are a very handsome boy," Vert said getting a little (too) close to Neptune and pressing his great assets against him.
"Huh?" Neptune got a little nervous at the approach.
"Tell me, are you Neptune, Planeptune's male cpu isn't like that?" Said the blonde in Neptune's ear.
"Hehehe you can say yes," said Neptune scratching the back of his head and laughing awkwardly.
"Tell me you wouldn't like to work for me, if you say that I can give you a lot of attention," he said, getting closer to the boy who just rolled his eyes.
"H-hey, drop it!" Said hyper-noire, grabbing Neptune's arm and throwing him away from vert.
"Hm? Oh sorry I didn't know I had a girlfriend," Vert said looking at hyper-noire.
Hearing that, she turned tomato red and started stuttering in a very embarrassed way.
"Nnnn... no!... N... we are not dating.... W-we're friends, "said noire with a red face.
"My apologies, but then you wouldn't mind if I stay with your friend",
"Oh my, how protective!", I laughed vert.
Vert would then turn to see Neptune who was being helped by Nepgya to get up as Noire forcefully threw him towards a wall breaking a piece of furniture.
"Look what a beautiful girl we have here," said vert looking at nepgya. "What's your name?",
"Eto, a pleasure I'm nepgya," he introduced himself with a bow.
"Sorry for asking, but are you and Neptune family? Since I see a great resemblance between you ", Vert asked with a smile.
"Eto ... yes ... you can say that I am his younger sister", said nepgya laughing.
"This is perfect, not only will I have this boy but also a cute little sister who can be my candidate, so we can compete with Lowee who has his candidate," he thought to see smiling to himself.
"Tell me, wouldn't they like to join you and your brother in leanbox, I swear I'll treat you both well",
"Hey thunder boobs, you're going to stop wasting time and tell us why you talked to us," roared Blanc who was already upset.
This is taking a long time, thought the ultra-noire.
"Wait girl, let the adults do the talking," Vert sneered.
"Who are you calling girl, I'm not a brat!" Blanc said with his red eyes already active.
"Oh sorry, but with that little chest you can't expect to be mistaken for a girl," Vert sneered, annoying blanc more for his comment.
"Say another word and I swear I'll rip out those mounds of fat!" The little CPU roared angrily.
"Waaah! Blanny is super angry ", exclaimed Plutia when she saw the anger ticks that came out of Blanc's head.
*COF cof*
"If it's not too much trouble vert-san, why did you invite us to your nation?" Histoire asked, drawing everyone's attention.
"Well I said and I repeat again, I will only tell them that I will take away all their shares, after my new hardware goes on sale in the other nations, all the people will come to me," Vert said while his chest bounced.
"Like hell they will!" Growled Blanc.
"Well it is obvious that they will come to me after all I am the most gifted goddess"; she said this while her breasts bounced (again).
Blanc grunted in anger at that.
"Let's see if you can do it, after all you will lose as Lastation surpasses your hardware," said the ultra-noire while smiling with pride.
"Let's see if it's true," Vert sneered.
While they kept arguing rather, blanc and noire, nepgya received a call on her N-gear, she looked at her screen and caught everyone's attention.
"Hey!" Nepgya exclaimed as she caught the attention of everyone who looked at her expectantly.
"What happens nep jr 2?" Neptune asked looking at nepgya.
"Something bad is happening in Planeptune",
Everyone but vert exclaimed a big "WHAT!"
"Nepu! Don't tell me there will be a boss fight, but we don't even have 1500 words! "Exclaimed Neptune.
"Are they the 7 wise men or the hierarchs?" Histoire asked seriously.
"Well something happens to my other self",
Our group of protagonists minus the ultra-noire who returned to their nation and blanc went for Shirou, to prepare to counter the vert consoles, once they reached the basilicóm they found the mini histoire that at the moment of seeing them smiled with relief and approached the group.
"We are back," said Neptune and Plutia saying the obvious.
"Good thing they arrived, this is an emergency," said the smallest fairy.
"What happened mini-histoire?" Noire asked with a raised eyebrow at the sudden call they had.
"Well, it's nepgear-san," said the mini-histoire looking at a place.
"What's wrong with nep jr 1?" Neptune asked confused.
"Because you all left suddenly, and for so long, Nepgear is ... is ...!" the mini Histoire couldn't find the words to describe the situation.
"Eh ?! What about Nep Jr 1 ?! What happened to him now?" Neptune went on alert.
The mini-histoire was moved to the side for the group to see a severely depressed Nepgear crouched down, her knees to her face and muttering things to herself.
"Although ... I finally reunited with my older brother, after so long ... He just gets up and leaves me again, plus I change for another me, maybe because he's much cooler than me ... Nepgear sulked.
"Maybe I'm not wanted, after all ... I'm boring and normal and I'm not a good and graceless protagonist ... on the other hand, my other self is more fun, and a better protagonist than me, although I take the route of conquest. "Nepgear was starting to cry.
They all saw this with a drop of sweat before the nepgear mormons, next to her were the babies who tried to comfort her, as well as Shirou and ram who tried to cheer her up.
"God! this reminds me when nepgeo was like this, he did not leave his room for a while ",
"Seriously !?", Ram looked at the boy nodding, "how did he recover?"
"Nic, he kicked his ass out and yelled at him to stop joking and behave like a man",
"Do you think it works for her?"
"I don't think so, besides if we hurt her, her fans will be after both of us",
"you're right",
While the two children discussed the mini story, he turned to see the group.
"She's been like this for a while. When I went to talk to her, nothing I said seemed to disconcert her." Said the mini-histoire giving Neptune a critical look. "Even Shirou-san and ram-san couldn't do anything" ,
"Heavens ..." Neptune sighed.
"Neppy jr" Plutia was worried about Nepgear.
"Poor other me," Nepgya said, also worried.
"God, it's not the first time that happens",
"Really?" Blanc said looking at the tome.
"Yes, uni told me it too, it was when Neptune left her alone for a week, she hadn't been two days since she was born and he left her," said Noire, looking at Neptune who was only whistling.
"Is it really Neptune?" Blanc looked at Neptune who just laughed awkwardly.
"Good in my defense I had to do something important",
"Like what?",
"Well, a new game came out and as it was very popular I had to queue to be the first to buy it",
"for a week?" the mini histoire raised an eyebrow at that.
"Unfortunately he did, I had to lecture him for a whole day and then I had to force him to make up nepgear for leaving her alone for a week." Said the great histoire who looked at Neptune, "Neptune-san fix this at once",
"Oh right. Hey, uh ... Nep Jr?" Neptune approached his sister.
He received no reply.
"Eh? Are you going deaf now? Okay! Hey, little Miss Nepgear!" Neptune tried to get his attention this time with a slightly more serious voice.
"What's up, big brother who left me behind and replaces me?" Nepgear replied with a soft gaze.
"What? Hey, this is weird. I'm pretty sure she was never the type of girl to be so negative, she wasn't like that the last time this happened." Neptune was surprised.
"That's the effect that being left behind and leaving her has had on her." Histoire said.
"You are a disgraceful big brother." Noire said from the side of Neptune, as he looked at the purple haired young man scratching his head as a sign of not knowing what to do.
"Aww, poor Neppy Jr." Plutia felt sad for the girl.
"This is bad," said nepgya.
"Heh I see you're not a brother's stuff," mocked Blanc.
"Aw, come on! I'm surely not the only one to blame!" Neptune tried to defend himself by blaming someone else.
While that was happening Nepgear continued to mutter things aside.
"Hurry up and apologize to her." The great Histoire scolded Neptune.
"Go Go!" Plutia added.
"Brother hurry up that the black cloud over her grew more", alert nepgya.
"It doesn't go there anymore," Blanc said.
"Hey this grow more!" Exclaimed ram.
"No, this is much worse than that time," Shirou said with a bead of sweat. "Wait a sign appeared, it says I gain the negativity skill!",
"Really did that appear!", Ram had his eyes rolled.
"Neptune stand up", Noire looked at his partner.
"Okay ... So, hey, I'm sorry Nep Jr. I mean, at that time, there were a lot of things going on in my head. Besides, I didn't know if it was going to be a boss fight and since you can't transform we couldn't risk that. to the other nep-jr to support us in case we had to kick butt ", the boy explained to his sister who just looked at him.
"Where is my memory?" Nepgear asked.
"Eh? Your memory?" Neptune was confused.
"You promised to bring me a souvenir, right?" Nepgear said.
Neptune got really nervous. He tried to find some moral support in Plutia, blanc, noire and histoire who just shook their heads, since none of them had bought anything.
"You didn't even buy me a nice souvenir..." Nepgear became even more depressed.
"I knew it. You left and forgot about me again and changed me for another me. * Sob * Who cares ... It's just me after all * Sob * ..." Nepgear started crying.
Neptune panicked even more, while the others just looked at him with a drop of sweat
"That is not true, Nepgear!" Neptune tried to reassure the girl, who only kept sobbing in an attempt to control her tears.
"If it's true, you ignore me and you always forget about my * sob *". Nepgear screamed, while Neptune looked at her with a bead of sweat.
This was getting out of control (for him).
"No, no! Ugh, this is bad. At times like this, I have to... Yes!" Neptune walked to Nepgear and put his hand on the girl's head, (since this male Neptune was tall, not as tall as vert but there he goes)
"Nep Jr., I apologize for my distraction, plus I would never trade you for anyone, so never forget that I love you!" Neptune smiled a big toothy grin, eliciting a reaction from the younger girl.
"Eh? Was he enraged?" Nepgear looked at his brother.
"Of course you are my adorable, adorable little sister, I would never change you for anything in gamindustri, I just couldn't take you since I couldn't let something happen to you," Neptune smiled. "So never say that again, you know I adore you," he said hugging his sister ",
Nepgear smiled and returned the hug with a smile.
On the other hand, Plutia was in awe of the situation.
"Woooow! A confession of love!" She was delighted.
"No. These superficial methods of deception are likely to cause even more pain." He sighed the mini histoire just like his counterpart.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for saying bad and shady things! I love you too! I love my older brother so much!" Nepgear returned to his usual state.
After a few minutes Neptune released his sister as she was still hugging her.
"Aww, I'm sooooo glad you made up." Plutia smiled.
"I believe in classical theater, this situation is called farce." Noire said with a blanc that nodded.
Nepgya ram and Shirou only smiled nervously.
Once the situation calmed down, histoire proceeded to tell everything that happened in the leanbox to his smaller self.
"I see so I declare war on all nations",
"I don't think it's a big problem," Shirou commented.
"It may be, but we shouldn't trust us Shirou, I have to do more advertising campaigns just in case",
"Okay I'll help you then" Shirou said to which Blanc smiled.
"Okay, we better go home," Blanc said with a Shirou who nodded.
Without further ado, the two said goodbye to the residents of Planeptune and went to Lowee.
Thus, a week passed since the trip of the CPUs to Leanbox and as vert said she sent her consoles to all the nations, before that noire, and blanc took measures such as making advertisements and making new hardware, that was easy since Shirou and ram helped blanc while hyper-noire helped his counterpart.
And the residents of Planeptune rather the cpu did nothing more than play, sleep and do homework which irritated the two histoires since there were two cpu and two candidates and their actions instead of going up they went down.
Now they were all gathered at the Basilicom of Planeptune, again.
"How are your nations? A whole week has passed since the Leanbox meeting." The ultra-Noire started the conversation.
"No negative impact on my end." Blanc said.
"It's the same here." Histoire added with his smaller self nodding.
"Oooo, really?" Plutia was curious.
"Hell, you work fast, Mini Histy! When did you have time to investigate?" Neptune asked.
"It was all thanks to the kind offer of my other self and the two Nepgears who took the time to help me with work, an example that you two can learn from." The mini Histoire scolded them.
"I see. Things were the same in my country too. People were complaining about Leanbox products." Said the ultra-Noire.
"If there are many complaints," added the hyper-noire.
"At Lowee it was the same. There were countless complaints about the hardware." Blanc added.
"Yes, ram and I investigated and discovered many negative things about their consoles",
"That's right, we even saw one explode like a rocket," Ram said.
"In the end, Leanbox was all barking and no biting. I feel a bit silly for panicking." The ultra-Noire sighed.
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