《Yugioh 5Ds: Lost Memories》Akiza vs Commander Koda. Part 2!
The tenth chapter is here! I can't believe how far this book has come so far. I honestly never thought this book would make it to ten chapter or even 100 reads! Thank you all so much. Hope you guys like it! I also forgot to put the recap in this chapter, whoops lol!
"You know people will shun you if they find out you know me." Akiza said sitting on her bed. Cat was sitting in a chair near the door in the front of the room. Cat wasn't wearing her cloak so she was just in the uniform.
"Yeah I know, but you're my friend Akiza. And I'm gonna stand up for you." Akiza just looked down and out of the corner of her eyes, Cat could see the remembrance of a tragic past. "*sigh* Listen, Akiza, if you don't want to be my friend I won't force you. I just want you to at least understand I'm her for you."
She got up from the seat and was about to leave the room when she heard her friend speak again. "My curse. It only hurts people. And I've been called a monster by everyone, even by my own parents." Cat turned around and looked at her sadly. She walked to the red head and sat next to her. "My father was never around that much, but one day he gave me a deck as present for my birthday. When I finally got to duel him he had to leave in the middle of it. I grew angry, and that's when my curse first appeared. I hurt my father. And then he called me a monster."
"Akiza." Cat placed her hand on Akiza's shoulder and looked at her with pity.
"I hated everyone. After hurting more people, I started dueling on the streets to let my curse hurt more people. I took on the name The Black Rose. Then Sayer found me. He showed me compassion and understanding. He brought me here to help control my powers." Cat wanted to tell Akiza she shouldn't trust Sayer, but just couldn't bring herself to do it. She let go of her shoulder and looked down.
"He helped me too. Even though I won't trust him so easily because I don't know him, I am at least grateful he let me stay here. Instead of letting me go on the streets with no memories."
"Why do you trust me so easily?" Akiza asked looking at the blond. She looked back at her and smiled.
"Your eyes." Akiza was definitely confused by her answer.
"My 'eyes'?"
"Yup! Don't tell anyone this, but when ever I look into people's eyes I can feel their emotions. So that's mostly why I trust you and want to be your friend." Cat though didn't want to mention the visions or hearing voices. Though Akiza was surprised she seemed to believe her. "And trust me, I will always be your friend. Besides," Cat lifted her arm with the ribbon. Akiza smiled a small smile and did the same thing. "You just need to believe in yourself and that your powers can be used for good. Because I believe they can be." Cat could feel a little bit of happiness and hope grow bigger.
End of Flashback
Cat looked back at the screen for the match and glared at Commander Koda who kept talking about sending Akiza to a special facility to cure her. The blond's blood was really boiling close to the max as he continued. Koda then activated the spell card Mind Monster. He had to chose a monster Akiza has, and she gets dealt damage half of that monster's Atk points. He chose Black Rose Dragon, so the blue blob, that came from the spell card, turned into Black Rose Dragon and attacked Akiza.
Yusei noticed Cat was getting mad at Commander Koda, because of how she was gripping onto the slushy cup and glaring at the TV. "Hopefully she can make a come back." Tanner said.
"She'll win this." Cat said while tossing the jumbo cup into the trash bin across the room. "I know she will."
"Now I switch my Rose Token into defense mode and end my turn. Unlike your spell cards, I don't need to cheat." Koda taunted as Akiza drew.
"You'll wish you never called me a cheat." Akiza closed her eyes and began thinking. 'Why can't I just live a normal life. No matter where I went destruction followed. All I wanted was someone to help me. And I did. Sayer found me. And then I met her.' An image of Cat smiling appeared in Akiza's mind. She looked down at the green ribbon on her right wrist and remembered what the blond had said.
'You just need to believe in yourself and that your powers can be used for good. Because I believe they can be.' She smiled a small smile at the memory. 'Cat and Sayer give me strength and hope that I can control my powers.'
"What are you trying to do? Talking to your psychic friends? Well they can't help you!" The Commander said interrupting her thoughts.
Meanwhile Lazar and Goodwin were watching the match from the tower. Jack was behind them on the couch also. "We have reason to believe that there is a psychic duelist facility called the Arcadia Movement. And that Akiza and Cat Simmons are apart of it. If that's true then they are even more useful then we thought." Lazar said smiling. "They could even lead us to even more power."
"Goodwin." Jack started. The man turned his head to look at him. "You never told me why Cathy is here. Are you thinking she's a signer?" Jack asked glaring at the man.
"I'm sorry, Jack. But who is Cathy?" Goodwin said not even hiding the fact he knew something.
"You know who I'm talking about. Cathy Sullivan, or as you call her, Cat Simmons."
"Ah well we read in some files of a girl who survived a fire, about a year ago. A fire in Satellite that burned a lot of the place." Jack's eyes widened. "Not that many survivors. But those who did had fatal burns. Yet when they found someone in the middle of it all she was totally fine. No burns at all. We have witnesses in the reports of the girls appearance. Cat may not be a signer, but she does have powers."
'If you so much as hurt Cathy, Goodwin, I swear to make you pay. The deal was for Yusei to be here, not her.' Jack thought as the two men looked back at the match. 'But why now? Why here? Where have you been Cathy?'
"I activate Phoenixian Seed's special ability." Akiza said as she put the card in the graveyard. "By sending it to the graveyard, I can special summon my other Phoenixian monster from my hand. I summon Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis." As the monster was summoned vines wrapped around the monster cutting it's Atk points, and a Rose Token appeared on Koda's side of the field.
"That means her trap card ability activates again." Tanner said in the garage.
Sakura was passing around tea on a tray to the others. Cat grabbed the cup when Sakura handed it to her. She passed one to Tanner who gladly took it and thanked her. She set Yusei's cup on his work table and grabbed her cup and sat back on the couch. "I must say that his strategy is quite smart. He may know her deck but he just doesn't know her." Sakura said sipping.
"Now my Amaryllis, attack his Rose Token." Akiza declared. At the attack Cat stiffened again from the fire that was shooting out, she started to breath a little heavier.
"Even though my Amaryllis is sent to the graveyard, it's other ability activates inflicting 800 points of damage to you. Surely your research should've told you this move."
When the flames had surrounded the flower and burned Koda, Cat immediately had an image flash in her mind. Flames were all around her and she could practically smell the smoke everywhere. She gasped and dropped the empty tea cup as it fell to the floor shattering. Everyone turned to look at her but she just looked down while putting one hand over her mouth, and the other on her chest. Cat's eyes were wide and afraid!
"Cat what's wrong?" Tanner asked. "Was the tea too hot?" She didn't answer and started gasping for air while whimpering.
"She's having a panic attack!" Sakura yelled hopping off the couch to the blond as Tanner followed her now afraid. Sakura was in front of her with a hand on her shoulder and Tanner on her other side.
"Cat you're okay." Yet it did nothing and she just kept gasping. She was even starting to scream a little and thrashed a little around, swatting Sakura's hand. Yusei got off his duel runner and knelt down on the other side of her and pulled Cat into an embrace. She tried to break free but he held tighter.
"You're okay. It's not gonna happen again. There's nothing here. You're okay." He whispered while rubbing her back comfortably. She gripped onto his shirt and jacket still breathing heavily as more fiery images flashed though her mind. She tried closing her eyes to help calm down.
"What's going on?" Sakura asked to Yusei as he continued holding her.
"She's afraid of fire." Yusei answered back. Sakura nodded and looked back at the blond with pity.
"Poor girl. You'd think with her fiery attitude she wouldn't be afraid of fire." Tanner said also with pity. They noticed that Cat's eyes were closed but was still breathing heavy, and didn't look like she was going to release Yusei's shirt and jacket anytime soon. Sakura grabbed the towel and started cleaning up the broken tea cup with Tanner looking back at the match. Commander Koda had activated Agent of Hatred's ability to bring back some of his life points.
Akiza placed a facedown card and activated Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis' other ability, bringing it back to the field. Another Rose Token appeared activating Rose Flames ability again.
"You're asking for it Akiza. And you're about to get it." Koda said as he drew. "I knew you would fill my field with Rose Tokens, so now I'm gonna use them. I sacrifice all of the tokens on my field in order to summon The Mad Profiler!"
'What a move! But that doesn't mean the profiler escapes the clutches of Black Garden. But this time the Token is on Akiza's side of the field.' The MC announced.
"I'll now activate The Mad Profiler's ability. By sending one type of card from my hand to the graveyard, I can remove from play the same type of card. So I'll send this spell card to the graveyard, and I'll choose your Black Garden to remove from the game." The garden was suddenly destroyed as the monster chuckled.
"He destroyed the field spell." Sakura said throwing away the glass pieces.
"Yeah. And that means all of the monsters gain back their Atk points." Tanner said next.
"My profiler can work with more than just spell cards. I'll send this monster card from my hand to the graveyard to remove from play your Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis." The same thing happened to the flower just as the field spell. "Now Profiler, attack her Rose Token with mad dash destruction!" The monster got off of his chair with his book and charged to the Rose Token. Even though it wasn't destroyed Akiza still got hit with damage.
"Next up I play the equip spell Destruction Insurance!"
"I've heard of that card." Tanner said when Sakura stood next to him.
"Me too. If you equip it to a monster and your opponent destroys that monster, they get dealt damage equal to it's Atk points. Looks like he got the prototype."
"Yeah. And with her down to her last few life points, if she takes out Mad Profiler, she takes out her self as well. Magic or not, that girl is gone," Tanner said.
"Now activate another equip spell; Lightlow Protection!" The Commander said activating another card.
"Woah another protection spell. His card is totally safe." Tanner said impressed.
"Now if she changes it's attack points, via a card effect, then that card is destroyed." Sakura said finishing Tanner's sentence.
"Yeah. And now not even her Black Rose Dragon can save her now."
"Don't be so sure, Tanner." Yusei said while watching the match with the blond still in his arms. She was now asleep breathing peacefully, but every time Yusei would move a little she would grip his shirt tighter.
"My turn, I draw! And now I'll summon Rose Knight. My next combo shouldn't be a surprise to you! Didn't you say you've been studying me the last few years?!" Akiza's monsters started to prepare to be synchro summoned. "Instead of offering to help, you call me a monster. So it's only fair that I answer with a monster of my own." Roses started to dance around Akiza with a glow behind her. "I synchro summon, Black Rose Dragon!" Yusei groaned when pain started shooting in his right arm.
"There is nothing you can do that will surprise me. I know your each and every move!" The Commander bragged. "Just face it Black Rose! You can't win!"
Akiza's hair curler fell to the ground as power erupted from her. Her hair was now swaying to it. "Someone told me that all I need to do is believe in myself and my powers to be used for good. So I am through hiding behind a mask!" Akiza looked up at Koda with determination, but he looked unfazed. "I'm going to show everyone in this arena my true powers! And win this duel!"
"Good luck because with my equip spells and monsters, I'm untouchable!"
"I activate Black Rose Dragon's special ability. If I take a plant type monster in my graveyard and remove it from play, your monster's attack points are now zero!"
"That's what I was hoping for! Now my equip spell activates!" Suddenly light beams shot to Black Rose Dragon destroying it. Fire suddenly raged behind Akiza as she looked at the Commander with rage.
"That's a nice spell. But I still activate my trap card, Rose Curse! You've spent so much time studying my past, that you never stopped to look at the me I've become. And now your life points are going to pay for it. My Rose Curse is a new card, one you could've never profiled." And just like that rose petals defeated Commander Koda.
"She won." Sakura said in shock.
'With that match over it's time for our next competitors! Hopefully they give us another exciting match!'
"I think that's my cue to leave." Sakura said going to Yusei and the sleeping blond. She knelt down to handed Yusei a pack of herbs from her pink pouch. "She'll probably have a migraine when she wakes up. These are herbs that I grow in the family shrine. When ever my brother would get a panic attack I would mix these in hot water. It'll help sooth her mind and calm her down." Yusei nodded and took the pack from her hands.
"I'll walk you to the entrance." Tanner offered but she shook her head.
"No thank you. I need you to help Yusei mix the herbs. Besides, a lady can escort herself out." Sakura said smiling.
"All right. But I'll definitely be cheering for you. So do your best."
"Good luck Sakura. Thank you for your help." Yusei said.
"You're welcome. And I will try my best." And just like that Sakura exited the garage. Tanner knelt down next to the two and took the pack of herbs. He started inspecting it and got up.
"I think I'll head to the competitors lounge to make this. You keep an eye on her." Yusei nodded as his friend left. After a few minutes, Yusei heard groaning and the grip on his shirt lessen. He looked down to see Cat's eyes fluttering open.
"Are you okay?" Yusei asked. She looked up and just realized he was holding her! Panicking she immediately pushed back and fell to the floor on her but.
"W- what... Why w- was I- Rrgh!" She put her hands on her forehead and scrunched up in pain. "Ugh did you happen to get the number of that truck?"
"Sakura said you would have a migraine when you woke up, so Tanner went to go make something for you." Cat looked around the garage and noticed that the two people were really gone. She looked back at Yusei nervously. "W- what happened?"
"You had a panic attack when Akiza activated Amaryllis' effect." Yusei answered getting up. He held out his hand to Cat and she gladly took it.
"Wow. I guess I have a fear of fire. But why?" Cat said thinking.
"Hey you're awake! Here kiddo, Sakura said to drink this." Tanner said bringing in a tea cup. Cat took it and started drink the tea feeling better.
"Thank you. Let me guess, Akiza won?" Cat asked.
"Yeah. Now it's Sakura's turn." Yusei said going back to work on his duel runner. Cat sat down on the couch to watch the match, while Tanner still stood up facing the screen.
'Now everyone, after a quick clean up from the last match, it's time for the next match! Let's give it up to the beautiful, graceful, elegant, Sakura Hamada!' Sakura lifted up from the platform as the crowd cheered. She bowed nicely and waved to the audience.
"Man is she elegant." Cat said looking at Tanner who had the spark in his eyes.
"Yeah she is." Cat smirked and lifted her backpack from the side of the couch. Opening it she pulled out two bags of chips, opening one, she tossed the second to him.
"Hey lover boy." Tanner caught it surprised and looked at her. She can see his embarrassment in his eyes. "Consider it thanks for, you know, helping me."
"No prob kiddo." She puffed up one cheek and turned back to the screen.
'Now give it up for her opponent, he's the hypnotist with an ink blot to dueling, the man to turn his opponents in a daze, Hypnosis Jones!' As the crowd cheered no one appeared from the platform. Everyone suddenly grew confused even Sakura, Yusei, Cat, and Tanner.
"Uh... Can he do magic tricks too?" Cat asked.
"I don't know. Where is he?"
'What?... Oh okay... Alright... I'm sorry folks but Hypnosis Jones has gained a case of food poisoning. But don't worry, Director Goodwin has given us a replacement duelist.' The platform went back up with a new man. He had dark blue hair and dark green eyes. Under his eyes were weird line marks. He also wore a steampunk style hat with a suit and best and gloves. He took off his hat and bowed then threw it up. While it soared through the air it exploded into fireworks.
Everyone in the audience ooed and awed at the show. "Hello everyone! My name is Trickster! I hope to all give you big smiles." Trickster said smiling. "On and don't worry about my hat, for if you all look under your seats you'll all find wonderful hats." Everyone in the audience looked under their seats and saw hats similar to his. They all put it on with smiles, even the MC wore one. "They all look wonderful, but sadly they all suit you people better. I do like the one Ms Sakura is wearing though."
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