《Acting The Part (Completed)》The Broken Couple/ Bret
% CHAPTER 46 %
I take a deep breath. This is it. I'm going to finally see her again. I'm planned this out perfectly. Nothing is going to go wrong. I won't let anything go wrong. Not after what we've been through. I haven't seen her since sophomore year. As soon as Love Me Till The End was over, we practically never talked to each other again. What will she look like? Will she look different? Or will she have stayed the same? My stomach has butterflies just thinking about seeing her again.
I've been tracking her for a few months now. It was really hard, considering the fact that after Love Me Till The End, Taylor dropped off the celebrity charts. She was nowhere to be seen. Not even the best paparrazi crews could find her. She finally made a move though. Well, Whit did. She's auditioning for the Flyboys play.
I smile, remembering how Taylor said she had never really been interested in plays. Now she's auditioning for one. How ironic. It's not like I'm stalking her though. I've just been trying to find the perfect opportunity to swoop in and claim her. I know she hasn't been seeing anyone. It's evident in the way she's staying away from public places. Taylor was never afraid to show herself unless she was hurting.
I've got the perfect opportunity tonight though. Right before she goes in to audition, I'll catch her. I check my watch. The auditions will be in 45 minutes. I need to get a move on. Taylor is going to want to be on time, even if her best friend is dragging her into this. I just hope she hasn't changed too much. My whole plan is going off of what I knew her as when we were 15. It's been about three and a half years, considering the fact that we were both very close to turning sixteen. I never even got to get her a present.
I know Taylor blames it all on herself for letting things go wrong. I just want her to know I forgave her a long time ago. I shouldn't have been as impatient. I should have tried harder or given it some time. We could have eventually figured things out. I just want to show her that we can both have another chance at this, if she'll have me. There is still that one doubt flitting in my mind, saying she won't say yes. It's taunting me, as if it knows something that I don't, but I know if I dwell on it, it'll drive me crazy.
I just miss Taylor's voice, her laugh, that perfume she always wore, her hair, her eyes... I want to see her. This may be my only chance. Her acting skills are really good and if she makes it, which she most likely will, I may not see her for a long time. By then, she may have found someone else. New York is a city of surprises. You'll find yourself doing things you never thought you would ever do.
I grab my keys to my 2013 Chevy Malibu, which I've grown quite accustomed to over the years and speed through the California traffic. All the while, Little Mix is playing on the radio, making me think back to that one car ride Taylor and I took to the beach with our friends.
"Oh soo Whit is like the best friend ever! She bought me a Little Mix cd and can you say excited?! Because I can say excited..." Her smile makes me smile.
We leave the house at 6 o'clock. While on the road, we eat breakfast and listen to that girl band called Little Mix. Can I say lame? If Taylor would have heard me say that. I would be six feet under for even saying 'lame' and 'Little Mix' in the same sentence. She's obsessed.
"Oh my gosh! Crank it up Bret! It's Wings by Little Mix!!" She starts to sing the song. "Mama told me not to waste my life! She said spread your wings," she flaps her arms like a bird, "my little butterfly!" She belts out more lyrics and I groan.
"This is torture!" I say.
Tay swats at my arm. "You're ruining a perfectly good song Bret! Come on sing with me!"
The memory fades and I shake my head with laughter before taking a turn and getting off on the next exit. I just happen to pass by the place where we first auditioned for Love Me Till The End.
She walks in with all the confidence that makes a girl so worth knowing. My eyes immediately begin to look her up and down, happy by how great this day was turning out. My dad had made me audition for this movie as soon as he found out I was into acting, which I never wanted to happen. I rarely showed my acting talents to anyone. I mean I was always interested, but this wasn't exactly the career I wanted to pursue.
But here is a girl that knows what she wants. I can respect that. Right after I "accidentally" bump into her so I can get a better view of that nice ass.
I walk over to her, making sure to look like I'm not paying attention to where I'm going. My dad has showed me all of these techniques on how to pick up ladies. The only times they don't fall for it is if they're lesbian or if they are just mad crazy women. Those are the chicks you don't fall for. My dad told me that mad crazy women will have you all over the place.
Then I bump into her. Her stuff falls.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I didn't even see you there-"
"Oh don't think you can get away with that around me loser!" I freeze. "Next time, you won't even get close to touching this ass ever again so don't even try!" She saw right through me. How did she do that? I try playing it off still.
"What are you trying to imply? That I only came over here to feel you up?!"
She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Don't even try to deny it. I saw you checking me out from the moment I walked in. Next time, try doing it a little more discreetly," she says with a huff. "Or just don't do it at all! Because I'm sure as hell not going to let you get very far with those wandering eyes of yours. Don't think you can just come in her and say sorry and I'll automatically become a damsel in distress and you'll sweep me off my feet to have your way with me! It ain't happenin! Sorry isn't going to get me in bed with you and if you haven't realized it by now, you're in for a rude awakening! I'm pretty sure I could sure you for what you just did!"
I'm that dumb I just decide to still try to play it off. "What did I just do?"
"You're such a pig! Npw look at the mess you made! All of my script is strewn helplessly across the floor at my feet. Why don't you pick it up, jackass? Or are you just going to let people step all over them?"
I just stare at her with my mouth agape. Damn. She's pretty wordy. She's got a mouth on her. Suddenly she gives a huge sigh and rubs her temple.
"Why do I even bother? We both know the answer already. You're not going to pick them up and if you do, it's only because you want to look up my skirt. So just walk away like a good boy because I'm not giving you any entertainment tonight!"
I slowly walk away from her. Do I really not look like a virgin? Because I swear up and down that I am. Unless someone's been drugging me. When I'm at a safe distance, I take a quick peek in her direction. She's a smart girl. She saw right through my lies and even pointed out to me what I was doing. What if my dad is wrong and mad crazy women along with lesbians aren't the only girls who don't fall for those tricks. All I know is that she has peaked my point of interest and I really want to get to know her better.
I can't believe how I've changed over the years though. Really just the months. All it took was a few months with Taylor and I became a changed man. It was for the better. Who in my old life could believe that I'm chasing after a girl like this? No one but Luca. He's been the one who had to deal with me after she broke up with me. He's back in Paris now, but I think he's coming back in about a year because he likes it in California. I honestly like Paris more, but whatever. We all have different tastes and preferences. Mine just happens to be blond and a smart mouth. Get it?
I arrive at the Art center 5 minutes late. "Dammit!" I mutter. I look around the halls, trying to see if I can spot her, but there are so many people standing in so many different lines that I can't see past 50 feet. Plan B. Fit in.
I grab a pamphlet and walk up to a lady sitting at the front desk. "Excuse me ma'am. I'm a photographer for the..." I look at the pamphlet real quick, "Arts and Sciences Convention going on right now. I'd like to have a map so I can find my way around. I can't be distracted. I don't believe the lighting in the cafe is the best so I just want to look around a little."
"I'm sorry sir, but we've got another event happening at the moment. You could come back in a few hours-"
"Debra needs me now," I say in somewhat of a harsh tone.
"I'm sorry sir?"
"Debra? You don't know The Debra Wilder?" No recognition crosses her face. Funny, because Debra isn't real.
"No sir I don't."
"She's only the best photographer in San Diego! She came all the way over here to meet me. She doesn't like to be kept waiting. My career could be at stake and you're over here blabbering about some other event that's going on?!"
Her face turns red and she starts shuffling some papers around. "Here's you map sir. You're right here." She points to a spot on the map that says Main Lobby."
I take it with a quick thank you and am off. As I walk, I pass a television, showing everyone that's on stage. My heart begins pounding faster. There she is. I could recognize that face and body anywhere. She's currently auditioning. My pace quickens and I wipe the bead of sweat that made its way down my face.
Turn right. Turn left. Enter from side door. Suddenly, I'm behind the stage. Taylor is on stage. She doesn't notice me. Not yet anyways. Great. I'm here. Now what? Think Bret, think.
"Next boy!" one of the directors calls.
A guy begins moving onto the stage. I run over to him. This is my last chance. I grab at his hand and tear the sticker off of his shirt that has his little number. With one swift pressure hold, he's down. Learned that from Luca's stepdad. Not bragging or anything. I put the sticker on and walk on stage. Hopefully, no one saw that.
Taylor's eyes widen as wide as saucers. I gulp. Suddenly I'm at a loss for words. What do I say? The directors look over at me and scribble a few things down.
"So you're name is Logan Lerman," one of the guys says nonchalantly. He doesn't look too convinced.
I chuckle nervously. Holy shit, did I just take down Logan Lerman from the Percy Jackson series?! "Yeah that's me." They're too far away to really know if it's him or not. I look over at Taylor. Her mouth is still wide open and so are her eyes. Once she catched my gaze, she quickly looks away and closes her mouth.
"So turn to page 87 in you scripts and-"
"You came back!" Taylor interrupts. Her eyes are searching, searching for something.
I almost laugh. She still remembers. Well, so do I. This is the "You came back" scene from Love Me Till The End.
"You came back," she says again, almost pleading this time. She wants me to answer.
"Why wouldn't I? You're the love of my life Emily. I will always come back for you."
I walk closer to her and her eyes begin to water. "What about Stacy?"
"What about her? She's never going to be in our live's again. You are the only one that matters. The only one that can make me feel whole. I couldn't bare to live another day without you." I take her hands in mine. "And if you'll have me, then I'll make sure every day counts."
She begins to sob uncontrollably. I envelope her in a hug, feeling the part of me that was missing become whole again. She was all that I was missing. I just hope she feels that way about me as well.
"Yes," she says. "I'll give you another chance. Please forgive me! All those things I said, I didn't mean them-"
"Cut!" A judge yells. "Is this in the script somewhere? Or am I missing something? This is a historical aciton movie, not some sissy chick flick."
I chuckle. "Even in World Wars, people confide in romance."
"Okay just get off the stage!" Someone yells. It's the real Logan.
"Oh, we're in trouble!" I whisper to Taylor, who giggles madly like a school girl and we rush off stage.
Once we're outside, she falls into a fit of giggles. "I haven't had so much fun in years!" she says breathlessly.
I smile. "Umm, so I sorta meant it with my words back there, but I never said it officially. Taylor Bradwick, will you be my girlfriend?"
A radiant smile is on her face. The angels have been too kind, letting one of their own come down here for me. "Yes. I'll be your girlfriend, Bret Mendoza."
unedited! But COMPLETED!!!
omg if it wasn't so late, I would be crying right now!! I finished!! And it's amazing!!
Thank you guys so much for all of the support! vote, comment and follow!!
Thank you!
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