《Acting The Part (Completed)》Some Friendly Competition/ Taylor
% CHAPTER 21 %
I guess we both had fallen fast asleep on the couch together. I look at his sleeping figure. I woke up first I guess.
Bret's breathing is deep, and even as he curls into my neck, I can't help but think he's really something special. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else in the world right now after this incident. He fought for me. He defended me against that jerk... I owe Bret a lot.
I can feel his fingers at the small of my back, pressing a little hard, but that doesn't bother me oddly enough. I look at his face. He looks so relaxed. And his abs are feeling so good against my skin I just- he's got a girlfriend. Meaning he should probably get up and go to school to make out with her and crap. It's not like I care. I just know he shouldn't be here with me.
"Wake up you piece of poop," I say as softly as possible, still cracking a smile as I say it though.
He starts smiling too. "There's only one person that would greet me like that." He opens his eyes to look at me. "And its you, Taylor."
I laugh, not too hard, but just enough to get the point across. "Why thank you." He turns around so his whole body is facing me. I realize we're getting a bit too comfortable. "You should get to school. I'm sure your girlfriend's worried," I say sternly.
His gorgeous smile fades. "We have school today," he says in realization.
I nod. "Now get going! I have a Power Point to make."
"You're staying here?" He asks.
"Yeah. I need the rest for acting anyways."
"Oh I've already explained. We're getting a 2 week break."
I squint my eyes at him. "Okay. That's a relief I guess."
"Since when did school come second?" He asks.
"Since I nearly got raped in a closet," I say nonchalantly. Inside it all stings though, but I'm not going to show that side to Bret. Not now.
Bret's mouth opens and closes like a fish before he says, "I didn't mean it like that. I meant... Never mind. I'll probably make it worse." He puts a hat on before taking it back off. "I think I'll stay with you. "After all, we said we'd make the Power Point together."
I close my eyes, trying to remember his girlfriend's name. "Well what about Ashley?"
Bret chuckles. Did I get her name wrong? "I had thought it was Ashley, too, but sadly it's Amanda. I'm pretty sure she would have hit me if I had done that. Well all the same, you come before any of my girlfriends." He stares into my eyes as he tells me and even though Bret's a great actor, I can see clearly that he is telling the truth.
Knowing this makes me blush a little. I put my head down so he won't see it. A taken man should never see another woman blush mad like this. All the same, he lifts up my chin with his forefinger, making me meet his eyes. I feel like he's about to cheat on that Amanda girl with me. Some part of me is flattered, but the serious me knows the cost. Still, I just want him to hold me. Forget about everything from before. I want his arms around me, protecting me from harm, like he did yesterday. That's why I push him away.
"Let's go make that Power Point then." I look at a clock on the wall. It's 9:45. I have the whole rest of the day with Bret. How does that make me feel? Horrible.
We both head up the stairs together. I open up my laptop.
"We're using your computer?"
I nod. "Yes since mine has the pictures and stuff." I am aware that I'm about to spill my life to the one guy I thought I hated most.
I open up the computer and turn it on. After its done loading, I type in the password. Once it gets to my page though, I hesitate. Am I doing the right thing by showing Bret? What if he wants to use this information to back stab me? I block up my emotions so I'm wearing an unreadable expression and turn to face him. Then I sigh and drag my mouse to the pictures icon.
So many pictures. There are so many. They're labeled as family, friends, hobbies, me. I smile unexpectedly. This was my life before I became an actor, before I could hide unhappiness, before all of that. I had still wanted to become an actress, sure, but that was just a faraway dream.
I click on family and a tear rolls down my cheek. Lorelei. Oh Lorelei. Bret looks at me and smiles gently. "You should be glad you have a family."
I face him as more tears come out. "You don't?"
He's silent before he words hid thoughts carefully. "I have a dad, but he's a really big tourist. He flies all over the world to view the girls there." His eyes widen as he realizes how bad that sounds.
I crack a smile. "Well now I know where your ambition comes from."
He gives off a slight smile. "Well I'm not...desperate enough to do that. I just let them come to me." He laughs shakily. "You know, up until right now my dad was actually my role model. See, my mom left a while back and I guess to relieve the stress he went to view other girls. He has girlfriends all over the world."
Wow, Bret is actually opening up to me and telling me all this stuff. I never knew what exactly went on in his life or how he ended up with the mindset he had today. I never knew what made him Bret, until now.
I nod my head slowly. "Interesting." I then turn back to the pictures.
"Is that the girl?" He asks.
I look back at him. "Pardon?"
"Is that the girl who hugged you when winter break was over and you were coming back?"
I smile. "Yes it is. This is Lorelei. She's my halfsister." As I drone on and on about my family, I realize I'm not making a mistake. Showing people who you are isn't bad. Bret has his own family matters. He's not going to mess with mine.
We find some great pictures of my parent's in the end. I want to make a slideshow on the cover page with some horizontal photos to welcome them.
"The background should be light pink and then in baby blue, we'll write at the top, 'Happy 9th anniversary!' Of course we're changing it to 7 once those kids have seen," I explain.
Bret just watches me while I voice my ideas. He knows a lot more about Power Point than I do, so he helps put the slideshow on the front and also helps with some transitions. We pick out a love song on iTunes for the ending.
"Could we do like a recording of me saying something to them?" I ask.
He nods. "Sure. What slide?"
"The second one." He sets up the recording thing and clicks the start button. "Hey mom and dad," I begin. "I just wanted to wish you guys a happy anniversary. I'm so sorry I can't be around to celebrate it with you, but all the same, I hope you have a wonderful day together you two. Do something special. You deserve it. With love, your daughter Taylor."
More tears are falling now. "I miss you guys so much." I then stop the recording and lay my head against Bret's shoulder. He strokes my hair softly.
"Quand on est triste, nous les rendons heureux. Quand on pleure, nous les faisons sourire. Ainsi vous soyez heureux et le sourire le petit," he mumbles into my hair and keeps stroking.
"What's that?" I ask him and wipe away some tears.
He smiles sheepishly. "It's just some French I learned. Luca is from France, you know? The country my dad resides in most is France. So I picked up on some words. I said 'when one is sad, we make them happy. When one cries, we make them smile. So you be happy and smile little one.'" He blushes a little.
I smile gently. "Is it like a nursery rhyme?"
"Sort of." He wraps his arms a little tighter. "I've always liked it," he adds faintly.
"I like it too."
The doorbell then rings. Just like that, Bret and I release each other, even though I really just want to hold onto him forever. Why am I acting this way? I mean, I know I'm emotional because of...but Bret? Why of all people am I acting like this towards him?
We trod down the stairs one after the other, so if someone was watching, they wouldn't think we had been in each other's arms moments before. Not like anyone was watching.
Bret opens the door and immediately breaks out smiling. "Hey Luca!"
"I knew you'd be home!" Luca laughs. "What up Tay?"
I shrug. "Making my parent's anniversary gift."
"That's awesome! Can I hang out with you guys for a little? I've barely been able to since France."
Bret and I nod. "Come in."
Once inside, all three of us get comfortable on the couch. "Anyone know what kind of videogames Derek left here?" Bret asks.
We all shake our heads no. "Tay could you check?" Luca asks innocently.
I grumble. "Why don't you do it?"
"Because you're closer."
"Wow what a loser," I joke.
"Taaaaaayyyy!" He wails.
"Fine." I get out of my very comfortable position on the couch and walk over to the movies. Bending down to reach the box, I hear a low whistle. "Perv," I growl.
I bring out the movie box and turn around before throwing it in Luca's lap.
"Merci," he says with a French accent, bowing his head dramatically. He then shuffles through the box with Bret.
"Aha!" Bret exclaims, picking up a game case from the mixture. "This one! Tay, you wanna play with us?"
I blink. Bret had never called me Tay before. I shake it off though. He's my friend. Of course he'd call me that. "Yeah sure. Is the Xbox connected?"
Both boys groan. "You do it," Luca says.
"Lazy ass," is my only reply.
"But Taaaaayyy!"
I smirk. "Guess you don't want to play then, huh?"
They both groan. "Come on Luca! Just go plug it in!" Bret says desperately.
"Why don't you do it?!"
"You're closer."
I shake my head laughing. "You two are silly. I'll be upstairs. Call me when the Xbox is connected."
They do that trademark groan again before bickering amongst themselves. I snicker. Perfect.
I head back up to finish the Power Point. All I'm going to do is type a couple of words.
I open up a new slide and begin typing.
Thanks for being there for me. You guys are the best parent's I could ever have hoped for.
- love, Taylor.
I then search through all the family pictures again and look for a family photo, one where we are all in it, even Lorelei.
I choose one of when I'm 13. Lorelei is just an infant then, making it so much cuter. My blond hair is parted in two ponytails and I'm wearing the most ridiculous outfit ever, but I don't care. This photo represents our bond the best. We are all care free and there is no tension. It's perfect.
After attaching it, I save the Power Point.
"Tay!!!" I hear someone scream at the top of their lungs. "Xbox is ready! We created your character for you too by the way for being such a great help!"
I sprint down the stairs and snatch the first controller I see, which happens to be Luca's.
"Hey! Not fair!"
I smirk. "Play with my character. I'll play with yours."
Luca's head droops. "But-" Bret bursts out laughing. Luca tries grabbing for his controller. "You don't understand Tay! I...want the controller in command."
I face the tv and am met with a horrible face. Bret is now rolling around on the floor, not containing his howls of amusement one bit. My mouth is agape. I squint my eyes at the figure. On the tv is the most hideous avatar I have ever seen and guess who's name is scrawled at the top? Mine.
"Luca!" I say menacingly.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry okay! It was all Bret's idea! He...I didn't know you were going to...yeah! Please don't hurt me!" He finishes, but I'm already pounding on Bret.
"Ow!" Bret cries as my fists pummel his back. "I'm sorry Tay! I thought it would be so hilarious!" He gulps and winces. Right move.
I pin him to the ground and think. A devilish smirk greets my face as I come up with the most brilliant plan. "Luca. Keep your controller. I'm having Bret's. And he'll have mine. It's serves him right for doing that."
Luca immediately lunges for his controller and hands me Bret's. "There you go!"
Bret growls. "Luca I thought you were on my side!"
I put my arm against Bret's collarbone, ignoring the sparks I feel with our skin contact. It's so easy to put aside now that I'm used to it.
"Sorry Bret," Luca mumbles.
I look Bret right in the eyes. "Now when I let go, you better grab my avatar's controller and play with it. No editing the avatar. No deleting the avatar. No messing with the avatar at all. Swear on it." He gulps. "I said swear on it!"
"I...I swear...I swear I won't edit, delete, or mess up Taylor's avatar til the next game."
"Good enough," I grumble.
I get off him and tighten my hold on Bret's controller. He in return tightens his grip on my controller. Game on.
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RESOURCES [cover design by DarkAngelGraphics] Want some resources? From pngs, to psds and more, here to help you, you can find everything and more in here!
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