《Acting The Part (Completed)》That's What Best Friends Are For/ Taylor



I inhale the sweet California air. Bret is not going to ruin my happy mood. Not today at least.

I had already set up the photos of Lorelei and I on my nightstand. Gosh that kid is so adorable. I find myself missing her already, but work is work and I've got to work. I wouldn't know who I was if I didn't go to work.

I have on one of my new outfits: a striped Abercrombie sweater with skinny jeans and Toms. I have to admit that the outfit is pretty cute, even though it doesn't exactly matter because I'll be in different clothes in less than five minutes. Still, I like to look good, no matter how short of a time it'll be for. I brush my blond hair and let it flow freely down my back. It's not that long, but whatever. I don't like super long hair anyways. It's a pain to keep out the tangles.

I walk through the lots before finally making it to the make-up artists house. Derek had said we're in the Reminiscence scene. What the hell does that mean? I shake my head at his unprofessional ways before sorting through my clothes. There we go.

I find the outfit I'm looking for and walk into the changing room. A girl is waiting there for me already. She's supposed to help me with the corset. I shed my clothes and let the girl tighten my corset. I don't think I ever want to star in an old setting movie like this again. I can barely breathe.

After getting on this ridiculous outfit, I grab my actual clothes and walk out the door with the girl that tightened my corset. I never even got her name. How awful. I don't have time to ask now though. Derek is very precise with his time. My feet find themselves walking to the make-up artist area before I plop myself in the chair.

Genevieve, my lovely artist, puts on thin black eyeliner and voluming mascara before dabbing some cherry red lipstick on my lips. My eyes scan over my face in the mirror as she finishes me up. My eyes stand out more, and so do my lips. The foundation on my skin makes my face look so eve and perfect. It's like I have no flaws, even though I know that just under the layers of foundation, right above my left eyebrow, is a tiny zit, proof of my imperfections.


When Genevieve swivels the chair around, I catch Bret's eye. Lovely. He's been watching me this entire time. I ignore him and walk out of the building.

"Hey are you Taylor?" an unfamiliar voice behind me asks.

I turn around and look at the boy. He looks around my age, with handsome striking features and brown hair. His pale blue eyes look at me in wonder. I had never seen him around the set before. Was he a new background person? That was funny. I didn't know we needed any background people for this scene. Then again, what clue did I have about Derek's plans?

"Yes, I'm Taylor. Who are you?"

The guy smiles, happy that he found me I guess. "Bret's best friend. He said he was going to introduce me, but I just couldn't wait, so I went ahead," he beams.

I frown. He's Bret's best friend? Then why would he want to talk to me? Bret must have told him that we didn't really get along. Besides, this guy is all hyper and Bret is all...Bret. How can these two be friends? "What's your name?" I ask.

"Luca. I'm from France actually."

I smile and nod. "I can tell. You've got a tiny bit of an accent there."

He beams again. In a way, he's like Lory. He's got a childlike demeanor around him. "You noticed?!"

I frown again. Well duh I would notice. No one in California is going to have a French accent. "How'd you meet that over confident self absorbed jerk with a big ego?"

Luca's smile falters. "What do you mean?"

I decide to inform him on the news that Bret obviously forgot to mention to his best friend. "Well you see, Bret and I aren't exactly friends with each other. Hell, we're not even friendly! You just don't seem like you would be friends with a guy like that."

"Bret is more chill than you think. He just takes some time opening up, especially to girls. It's just his way."

I roll my eyes. "Last time I checked, he was all over that chick Jenna like she was a fucking moon pie." I quickly covered my mouth. "Excuse my language. It's a habit."


Luca chuckles. "You're funny."

I grin. "Why thank you. I'm flattered."

"Hey maybe I could be like a spy for you and tell you all the stuff Bret's doing," he says while winking.

I snort. "I'm not a stalker Luca, and if I were, I definitely wouldn't choose someone like Bret to stalk. I'll see you around though," I tell him and walk off before he can say anymore outrageous hints about Bret and the guy that he supposedly is.


Bret sits down on the bed. "Emily?"


He scoots closer to my side. "Remember when we were little kids and my father would let us go to that small pond 3 miles down and swim?"

I look off in the distance as I smile, as if remembering something way back in the past. This was most likely where Derek had gotten that cheesy "Reminiscence" shit from. I turn to Bret after a little. "Why yes I do."

Bret pretends fidgeting around with his hat before saying, "Would you like to go there some time soon?"

I look at my lap sadly. "Oh I don't know if I could. My mother wants me to cook for the feast tomorrow and...well I'm a lady now."

Bret snakes his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek lightly. I can feel a tiny spark where his lips had touched my skin. Ugh, it irks me how much I like that spark. "Every lady deserves to be happy," he says. "It'll be just you and me. No one will know."

I look at him thoughtfully. "Well what do I wear?"

He then grins mischievously. "Something you can get wet in."

"And cut!" Derek yells. "Finally," he mutters. "A scene where they don't fight."

I shove Bret off of me. "Away you filthy beast!" I say in sort of a joking manner. I don't know why I'm in such a joking mood right now. I wasn't when we started the scene.

Bret ignores me and goes to high five Luca instead, who had been watching with gleaming eyes.

"That was awesome man! Good job!" Luca states. Then he comes up to me and surprises me with a bone crushing hug. "Way to go Tay! That was some amazing acting!" He then leans into my ear and whispers, "Better watch out. I think 'Mr. Hayden' was looking at your cleavage."

I laugh out loud as if he said something funny, but the truth is Bret is so paying for that later. No one looks at my cleavage like that and gets away with it.

Bret scratches the back of his head. "So you two have met huh?"

I nod. "This dude is so much more humorous than you!"

Bret's eyes darken. "I'm not trying to be humorous with you. I'm not trying to be your friend. You're just fun to play with sometimes."

I scowl. "So you think I'm fun to play with? That I'll just be your toy whenever?! Well watch out Mr. Ego, because I'm bringing you down."

I walk away right after, not even bothering to turn back to see how much I affected him. Bret is a selfish jerk. I don't understand how Luca can be friends with him. They must have known each other for a very long time if Luca is willing to stick by that dick's side. I can't believe Bret just thinks its okay to annoy me like that. I thought things would settle down after Winter break. I guess not.

"Taylor! Where are you going?! Head to the trailer. We're working on another scene!" Derek yells into his megaphone.

I sigh. Of course. I can't wait til Spring break. And didn't the Winter Break just end?


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