《friends with benefits? Vinnie hacker》17


it's around 9am

you wake up to see vinnie sat up with his head in his hands, you rub your eyes then sit up. you place your head on his neck and wrap your arms around him.

: hey is everything okay?

: no not really

: what's happened vin

you kiss his neck and rub his back, he looks at you and just stares into your eyes with a blank expression, you smile at him, he doesn't smile back.

: what's happened babe

vinnie takes a deep breath and looks away

: my ex texted me last night...

: what?

: she said she misses me and she wants me back

you say nothing but just stare at him, he looks back at you, his expression now apologetic.

: wait so what did you say back?

: i said idk since i want you but-

: but you also want her

vinnie looks away, you get up and grab a shirt and put it on, you grab jack and begin to walk out the door.

: y/n wait i'm sorry

: sorry for what? wanting the girl who hurt you? go ahead but i'll never do anything to hurt you vin remember that! she cheated on you and guess what she'll probs do it again so enjoy her stretched pussy

you walk out the door and go straight to your bedroom, you place jack on the floor and he runs straight to his food bowl. you put dog food in the bowl and he eats it.

you hear footsteps coming towards the door so you lock the door.

: y/n it's me let me in

you open the door and mia jumps on your bed, you stand there looking at her with your arms folded.

: i heard vinnies going out tonight with his ex, i'm sorry

: i don't care it's not like we were dating mia


: i know

: he just used me i guess the fucking dick

: that means we haft to get pay back!

: us? you mean i? i haft to get payback.

mia giggles slightly, you look over at jack to see he's fell back asleep.

: i have an idea!

: go ahead

: tonight thomas is inviting some friends over, almost like a little party, you haft to wear something revealing and flirt with everyone so vinnie gets jealous!

: omg you fucking legend! when is everyone coming over?

: around 6ish they normally leave after midnight

: perfect

you get up and wash your face and brush your teeth, you then run to your closet and find something you can wear, once you found it you chucked it on your bed.

: wow that's going to make him drool

: good i want him miss me

vinnie was out picking up his ex for the little hang out we're having, you thought this was the chance to get ready.



: bitch you look stunning

: says you girl!

: mia, y/n everyone's here

(he shouts from downstairs)

you walk out your room and hear music, you walk down the stairs and see all the boys looking your way with there mouth open, you see vinnie sat down on the couch next to a girl probably his little ex, he looks at your body and bites his lip but you just ignore him.

: sorry we're late yano girls always wanna look good.

: yeah you look good

: yeah

: wow

you walk over to the couch and see , you go and sit next to him.

: y/n!!

: kio long time no see

he gives you a hug and you look back to see vinnie giving you a death stare, you smile at him then look at the girl he's with...

ofc it's emily, you roll your eyes at her but she just smiles at you.


: so you must me y/n

: yup that's me

: i'm emily

: cool

: vinnie i thought you said she's nice

: i am nice... to the people i like

kio spites out his drink and starts laughing, you start laughing too.

: why don't you like me?

: maybe because you open your legs for every boy apart from vinnie

: what the fuck? you stupid bitch you don't know anything about me

: and that's a good thing , i'm getting a drink see you stretchy

you wave at emily and walk over to the empty kitchen, you grab a drink and sit on the kitchen counter.

you sip your drink and a shadow appears in the corner of your eye, you look to see vinnie walking over to you, he opens your legs and stands in between them.

: wtf are you wearing?

: i'm dressed like a stripper

: that's not funny

: i didn't say a joke

you look down and started to play with his necklaces, you look at his lips for a bit then his eyes.vinnie bites his lip and puts his hands on your waist,

he goes up to your ear.

: stop teasing me baby girl, it makes me wanna make you jealous, i'd fuck you right now on this kitchen counter in front of all these people but i've got a girlfriend now, stop trying to make me want you

: or fucking what?

vinnie just stares at you and walks out. you smirk and carry on drinking your drink.

he doesn't know what i have planned for him...

dm me for any requests xx

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