《friends with benefits? Vinnie hacker》4


(kinda smut warning)

it was the next day, you didn't sleep very well since your mind was just set on vinnie, you couldn't stop thinking about him. you sat up on your bed and went through all your socials then you walked downstairs into the kitchen to make breakfast. you wasn't super hungry so you just ate cereal.

as you were eating you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, you look down and see vinnies arms wrapped around you.

: morning (he spoke in his deep raspy voice)

: hey

: sleep okay?

: not really but i will hopefully soon.

he let go of you and turned you around so you were now making eye contact, his curly hair was all over his face and he wasn't wearing a shirt. he then grabs you and pulls you close to him, your face inches apart.

: v-vinnie what you doing?

: i see the way you look at me

he smirks and brings you closer to his body.

: w-what?

: don't play dumb baby, you always stair at me huh?

: b-but i-

before you can finish what your saying he presses his lips on yours kissing you slowly. you wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist picking you up. your legs then wrap around his waist.

the kiss turns into making out. his hands run down your back then stop at your ass, he smacks it making a loud noise. you moan into the kiss. he pulls away and smiles you then hide your face into his neck. he just holds you tightly.

you start to hear footsteps coming so you jump down and carry on eating your cereal, vinnie walks towards the cupboards and starts looking for his mug.

: morning you two

: morning

: i heard a loud noice almost like a clap sound, did you know what it was?


you cough then look at vinnie, his eyes turn wide.

: i just dropped my spoon

: ooh okay

vinnie starts to giggle, he begings to make his coffee.

you finish eating your cereal and put your bowl and spoon into the sink then go upstairs to get ready.


^^^your outfit

^^^ your makeup


once ready you scroll through insta checking everyone's feed and stuff, you get a notification from Nikita dragon.



hey girl.

hey babe!


so it's my birthday soon

and i was wondering if

you and the hype house

wanna come to my party ;)

ofc! i'll go and tell

them now xx


okay hun, btw it's

tomorrow night

okay bab


you go down stairs to see everyone there.

: hey bitch your just in time! vinnies gunna teach us how to skate!

: oh i wouldn't need to watch since i already know how to skate

vinnies eyes went wide as he looked you.

: omg you know how to skate?

: yeah... since i was like 6-7, runs in the family i guess


: michael fuck off

you start laughing and grab vinnies board to show the different tricks you can do,

once finished you turn to everyone and see that there mouths were wide open especially vinnies.

: come on pick your jaws off the floor i have a announcement, nikita has invited us all to go to her party.

: when is it?

tomorrow night

: we're all going no questions asked!

: i can't wait, i need to find what i'm going to wear!

: i'm with you on that one!

they both run up stairs and everyone just starts taking about the party. you look at vinnie and he's just staring at you, you smile and pick up his board and give to him, before you turn around and walk upstairs he hugs you and whispers in your ear.


: never told me you could skate, you looked fucking hot y/n

he looks back at you then you look him up and down.

: there's a lot of things i can do that you don't know of... yet

you wink at him then walk towards the stairs to go to your room. you decided to post on insta since you do every day.





caption: fuck being good ima bad bitch 😌


liked by nickaustin and 69,981,45 others


: holy shit this girls hot

^^ : i love you

: baby girl 😍

: oh my god-

^^ : 🚢🚢🚢

^^ : fuck off

: umm vinnie back up she looks like a whale

^^: whales are massive! must be taking about my ass 😋

^^ : fuck sake y/n 😂😂

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