《friends with benefits? Vinnie hacker》2.


*skips to the day you move*

was 11:50 and thomas is going to be here any minute, you grab all your bags and take one last look at your room and walk downstairs to wait. whilst you wait you decided to post a pic of yourself on your insta story.

your about to post it when you hear your doorbell ring, you jump up all excited and walk to the door, it was thomas

————————————————————————he chuckles to himself

: ah yes i can't wait! i'm a bit nervous too

- you'll be completely fine, there's no one you don't know... well maybe a few people but they dont bite.

- oh i hope not

you grab your bags and walk towards thomas's car.

let me take your bags you go sit in the car.

you do as he says and sit in the passenger seat of his very clean car and put your seat belt on.

*skip to arriving at the house*

you get out the car and is instantly amazed by how big the house is.

you and thomas walk into the house and you see many different influencers.

- omg omg omg is that y/n??

- it is indeed

you instantly giggle as you feel mias hands wrap around you.

- welcome to the house um i'll be giving you a tour and introducing you to a few unknown influences cool?

- cool

- michael can you help me with y/n bags?

- oh hey y/n nice meeting you i'm michael

- nice to meet you too aha

michael gives you a quick wave then walks out to help thomas with your bags.

mia walks you to the living room where everyone is sat

- if you don't already know this is the new house member y/n

- that's my baby!!!


avani runs up to you and gives you and hug

then addison runs up to you hugs you

- bad bleep back up and let me see my bae

you instantly burst out laughing and all you 3 have a group hug.

you meet the rest of the house but mia is acting strange she keeps looking around in a confused way

- mia is everything okay?

- hmm someone's missing

- i mean thomas and michael are getting my bags maybe your thinking of one of them?

- no no someone is definitely miss- that lazy bitch vinnie

- vinnie?

- he's always upstairs in his room either asleep or on his game. i'll be back let me go get him

she walks towards the massive stair case and as she's walking up she's yelling vinnies name

there's a huge mirror right next to a window and you decide to look at your outfit you chose whilst you wait for mia to come back

^^^what you were wearing

you hear mia running back down the stairs and you smile

- he's coming now such a lazy thing

oh god

you hear footsteps walk down the stairs, you instantly turn your whole body towards the stairs and look up to see a tall man with browny orange hair, hazel eyes, he has tattoos on his arm and chest. you can see them clearly since he's not wearing a shirt.

he reaches half way down the starts and yawns then scratches the back of his head.

you bite your lip from how attractive and hot this man is... you start getting hot

he looks at you dead in the eyes and smiles, he then walks towards you and licks his lips whilst looking you up and down.

- took you long enough


- shush it you i was streaming and you didn't tell me she was coming today

- i did you just don't listen

vinnie giggles and looks back at you licking his lips again god he was fucking hot

- like something you see hmm?

- huh what

- y/n umm you were staring

you start to go red in the face

- i'm vinnie btw

- um i'm y/n

- you seem nervous

- i'm not nervous i'm hungry

vinnie stairs into your eyes

- is that if your "hungry"

- yup

- what you fancy then i'll get it for you pizza? pasta? tacos?

- don't get me started on tacos

- i'm getting you tacos

he starts walking back up stairs and you sign out of relief

i can't believe i'm drooling over someone i just met omg come on

- better bring me back some tacos

- who said i was going with him

vinnie comes back down the stairs with a hoodie on.

- i said your coming so let's go

he grabs your arm and leads you out the house

- me and y/n are getting food won't be long.

- bye

- byeee y/n


you turn to face vinnie and he's smirking

- michael fuck off we just met

you laugh and get into vinnies car

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