《The LGBTQ Magic dimension》part 1:(Mxb) Kiss Me boss!
I go by the name Argent Reigns.
I'm a 19 year old secretary in a massive tech company.
And No. I didn't sleep with the boss.
No I didn't get in with connections.
The only thing that might of helped is my computer savvy.
I can repair anything that has a battery.
It started when I was 6 years old and I fixed my dads phone.
That had been dead for as long as I can remember.
We couldn't afford much back then.
I was too young to understand that we were poor.
I fixed my dads phone and gave it to him to try.
He was so happy that he kissed my cheeks.
That day he gave me all the broken electronics in the house and I fixed them.
Because of this my dad saved alot of money and instead focused on getting a proper job.
"You are my good luck charm my son!
Ever since you were born good things have been happening to me!"
He lifted me up looking at me with so much joy and pride.
He than decided to open a small repair shop for me.
I fixed watches, phones, TVs, computers and laptops.
The broken phones were my money maker.
Soon we were able to move out of my old dingy neighborhood.
Being introverted I didn't care much about the move.
Beside our new place had a gym and my own bathroom.
My dad had just scored a job as a nurse finally putting his qualifications to use.
I was home schooled thank goodness!
But things turned upside down when I got a job in a different city.
My mom encouraged me to take it.
"Boy even if you got a job to go monitor the moon you better take it."
My mom said ruffling my hair.
"You are too handsome to be broke.
You got your father's gorgeous looks."
Said his mom winking at me.
She just had to make it weird.
She must of read my mind cause she laughed when she saw my face.
That was a year ago.
Now I had my own privacy.
I worked as a secretary in the day, and a club dancer at night.
Don't judge me, a man's gotta eat.
Anyway that was how I met my boss.
He was the one who gave me generous tips and offered me a job.
I never thought I would work in a gay club, but I like the "bros only" theme.
I never imagined that bros will kiss bro and grind to music against other bros.
That didn't bother me one bit.
I had a body guard incase any body saw me in my underwear and got ideas.
I ramble sorry.
Point is I'm surviving and don't need anything from anyone.
Everything was going great.
they took a wrong turn when I got accused of stealing someone's iPad.
No one had interest in checking the cameras,
this girl that had been working in the company for years framed me.
I had refused to go out with her and rejected her loudly out of frustration.
She wasn't my type and I didn't appreciate her pushing me.
"You Fired."
My boss said, voice void of emotions.
Why would he believe a person like me?
who had been working a few months?
No one knew much about me, since I pretty much kept to myself.
So I wasn't surprised when no one defended me.
Fuck all these bustards!
If they feel I don't belong here than I won't beg them.
My work will carry me.
I packed all my things ready to go.
I took one last look at the building and made for the door.
Than suddenly someone stopped me.
I turned around to see it was my bosses son Devin Hale.
"I talked to my dad and I proved your innocence!"
Said Devin Hale catching his breath.
He looked at me with apologetic eyes.
While everyone else threw me under the bus,
Saying that they didn't know me enough to trust me.
I ran into his arms and cried.
I acted tough and backed my things but the truth was....
I really needed this job.
"T-Thank y-you so much Sir! You have no idea-"
I stopped talking because I just realised that I'm hugging the bosses son.
I pulled off him so fast like he was suddenly made of fire.
Dusting him off of the creases I made.
I adjusted my clothes as well and broke into a greatful warm smile.
"Thanks again Sir, and sorry for eh Uhm you know."
I said wanting to ground to swallow me whole.
"It completely fine. Infact my wife is hosting a party.
You should totally come."
Said Devin Hale with a glint of mischief in his eyes.
His lying. I'm a human lie detector.
And I know his lying.
Than my eyes travelled to his wedding ring.
Why do I feel hurt? It's not like I can date him his not a girl.
"Alright I'll be sure to attention."
I said as I waved him to show him that I'm done talking.
"I'm counting on it."
Devin Hale said.
I didn't have to look back to know that
He was smiling.
Ofcorse I'll attend.
This guy just saved me from getting the boot.
I owed him one kinda.
I got to my desk unpacked my belongings.
I was too engrossed to notice Harry fucken Hale!
My boss boss!
The one incharge.
I took one look to the right side of me.
And I fell off my chair.
When the fuck did he get here?
He watched on amused as I helped myself to my feet.
"M-Mr Harry! What a.... Uhm.... sur-surprise!"
I laughed trying to hide my fear.
Harry just stared at me longer than I liked.
I boldly clapped my hands to get his attention.
"I came to personally apologize for the misunderstanding.
Miss Jocabs just got fired for framing you.
Someone in your work station,
told me in confidence that she had a thing for you.
Why didn't you tell me?
Why did you keep quiet and not clear your name?"
Said the boss.
pretending like he gave me room to defend myself.
If it weren't for Devin Hale I would be unemployed with a bad reputation.
"It's all in the past now boss.
I personally don't like recalling bad events when the damage has been done.
I move on and I'd like for you to move on as well."
I said plastering the fakest smile I could master.
So now you believe me?
Convenient since your son asked you to investigate before firing me.
Lucky for me that Devin was his weakness.
Ugh why is he still looking at me?
Doesn't he have a company to run?
"Uhm Boss is there anything else I can do for you?"
I asked making sure to hide my annoyance.
I don't care how good-looking he looks.
He just fired me!
But damn does he look good.
His hair looks damp and abit messy but it works.
The wine red suit and silk red shirt,
Paired with a gold chain and earings.
Gave him mafia vibes.
Dangerously hot heartbreaker.
Nothing wrong with acknowledging a good looking bro.
Miss Jacobs pulls us back to the world of the living with her voice.
"Here is my letter of resignation.
Argent........... I'm really sorry for my actions.
I was hurt by your rejection and I wasn't thinking clearly."
Said Miss Jacobs blushing as she made to touch my hands.
I didn't move.
She laced our fingers as a tear fell from her eye.
Her hands are my size just softer and alot warmer.
Our boss pulled us apart glaring at Miss Jacobs.
She was very attractive,
and looked like she was in her early 20s meanwhile she was in her late 40s.
and had that innocent thing going on with cute chubby cheeks.
"I'll be sure to tell your husband..... that he lost his wife of 10 years...
to a teenager.... hahahahaha."
Said my boss with an ice stone face.
The laughter was heard yes.
But no amusement was on his face.
More like a serial killer laugh.
This man is giving me chills.
Miss Jacobs was paralyzed by shook.
"Yes Mr. Argent your admirer is a cheater.
Too bad her husband thinks so highly of her."
Said Mr. Harry,
clicking his tongue looking at Miss Jacobs like she was vomit on the floor.
Miss Jacobs looked at me with desperation.
Like she wanted to clarify something.
"We are separated! He won't sign the divorce papers!"
She said trembling all over.
Poor thing.
She wants protection and thought I could challenge her husband.
She frozed completely not expecting me to hug her.
Than snuggled into me as she hugged me back.
If she wasn't I sore loser I might has gone out with her.
I could get use to her soft warm big breast that are press to my chest.
My hand went passed her waist out of curiosity.
She had ass for days!
Under different circumstances I would be exploring her body with my mouth.
But he just had to go there... getting me fired.
I rubbed her back till she was calm and stroked her hair.
Kissing her forehead I took a step back.
She was no doubt gorgeous.
But she did get me fired.
"Maybe if you didn't get me fired we could of tried something.
But the length you went to get back at me didn't sit well with me.
I'll always see you as someone who tried to get me fired."
I said with a gentle voice laced with hatred.
Miss Jacobs instantly flinched.
"I guess I deserve that.
Could I get another hug for the road."
Miss Jocabs said with hopeful eyes.
This demon women has a cuteness that is out of this world.
I found myself arms out walking towards her to hug her.
She's so cute.
My boss pulled me by my collar clicking his tongue.
"You virgin boys are amazing.
Look how close you were to hugging a snake!
Edward be sure to put her picture on the wall.
Along side the enemies of the company.
Miss Jacobs is not welcome here and anyone who gets in contact with her will get fired!"
Said Mr. Harry with an ear bursting load voice.
Wow he looks so scary right now.
He clicked his tongue turning to look at me.
Than he broke into a small smile surprising everyone in room.
Including myself.
"I expect to see you tonight at my son's place.
I hope we can put the past behind us."
Said Mr. Harry smiling gorgeously at me.
Wow you so handsome when you not angry.
I smiled back genuinely this time.
"It's water under the bridge."
I said looking away feeling hot for some reason.
Time flew, it was time for us to leave.
Hold on chocolate chip cookie dough icecream!
Daddy is on his way home.
He has been thinking about his baby all day!
I smiled as I gathered my things.
I have a sweet tooth and couldn't wait to indulge.
I got home shawored,
Making my way to the kitchen.
One towel around my waist and the other on my hands as I dried my hair.
I opened the fridge seeing my first love waiting for me obediently.
"Hello sweetheart! Daddy is always happy to see you."
I said feeling my mood lift instantly.
I took a spoon from the drawer and put a scoop in my mouth.
"Mmmmmh you taste so damn good baby."
I moaned as the cold delicious treat entered my mouth.
Mouth orgasm.
I need to buy a ring and marry this icecream!
A knock from the door interrupts me.
"Ugh who the fuck could it be?
Interrupting in a time like this?
Sorry baby....
Let daddy get rid of who ever is at the door.
Be a good little one and stay here."
I said to my chocolate chip cookie dough icecream.
Yes I sound like a lunatic.
And No I don't care.
Groaning and dragging my feet I go to see who the idiot is.
"M-Mr Harry Sir!
I wasn't expecting you here."
I said looking at the boss.
He is one attractive man.
All black.
Black puma track suit and black Vest.
Wow his tattoos!
Full sleeves on each arm
After admiring his body with my eyes.
I look up to see him all smug, smiling so arrogantly.
"Argent not bad, you in amazing shape for a boy your age.
Anyway am I supposed to stay here forever or you going to let me in?"
Said Mr. Harry with sass.
"Sorry Boss please come in.
Make yourself at home!"
I said not meaning it one single bit.
Harry fucken Hale waltz in like it was his mother's house!
Heading straight for the kitchen.
No. No. No.
Not my baby!
"BOSS! wait! Please don't ea-"
My voice was completely gone,
when I saw him eat my chocolate chip cookie dough icecream.
It was too late.
He had walked in and stole the love of my life.
I felt emotional for some reason.
Anyone who came over always ASKED if they could have some.
But I'm a monogamous.
I don't share.
I Threatened the boss holding a knife.
The spoon froze mid air and he looked at me confused.
Than he bursted out laughing before giving my icecream back.
What the fuck?
It's almost finished!
I glared at him as I ate what was left.
It wasn't enough to satisfy me.
Not surprisingly since it's a ONE man dessert.
"Hahaha this is fascinating!
You almost killed me for icecream!"
Mr. Harry laughed throwing his head back.
"I like you Argent, you a boy of surprises.
Get dressed I came to drive you to my son's party."
Said Mr. Harry as he opened my fridge.
This motherfucker!
Where does he think he is?
I might as well just pull off my towel.
Since He really has no respect for other people's things.
I run upstairs to get dress.
I throw on a yellow polo shirt ,
and my Adidas track suit pants that is black,
Finish off with my black soaks and yellow sneakers.
Lastly I wear my new earrings.
They are abit girly and dangle when I move but I like them.
When I comes to what I like I don't care about people's opinions.
I make my way down stairs ,
only to have my heart broken into a thousand pieces.
My brownies!!!!!!
His eating my chocolate fudge brownies!
Okay Argent this is your boss.
You can't kill your boss.
I snatched the plate from him glaring at him.
Eating the last two brownies again feeling unsatisfied.
I think it's obvious why at this point.
"What a selfish kid, first the icecream now the brownie. Hehehe"
Chuckled Mr. Harry as he cleaned himself with my emergency wipes.
"Can we just go before you finish my groceries."
I said as charming as I could trying to make it seem like I'm joking.
I wish I was!
"Fine Fine let's go, lock the door behind you I'll meet you in the car."
Said Mr Harry.
Lock the door? Behind me?
No I'm going to leave it wide open because I got everything I own for free.
I'll also leave a map to direct the thief to my hidden cash!
I clicked my tongue as I locked the door.
How old does he think I am?
I get into his car and notice that it's the latest model of the Lamborghini.
Meh okay I'm impressed but I won't show it.
I looked at Mr. Harry to see why he won't start the car.
And get startled.
His already looking at me. Yes I got attention growing up.
But never this much.
Now that I recall I only get attention after fixing electronics.
How weird is it to not have to do anything to get attention.
Just show up.
The feeling was amazing.
I felt like I was enough.
Caught up in the moment.
I don't know if it's my boss's sweet scent.
The fact that he is a meal in his casual clothes.
Or that he has so much love in his eyes.
But I kissed him.
Yes I fucken kissed a man.
Funny how I imagined going on a date with a pretty girl.
Hugging her and getting to know her.
Than work my way to kissing her.
Here I was kissing a man!
Not just any man but my fucken boss!
I can kiss and say goodbye to my job.
Him being single and gay doesn't mean his easy.
He could have sky scraper standards.
But I can't seem to stop.
His flavour is addictive mint mix berries thing going on.
His lips are too soft to belong to a man as scary as him.
I climb on his lap straddled him as I grinded on him.
I pulled away and we both gasped and I went right for his neck.
God the man smells so good.
Caramel ice with ocean waves scent.
God damn!!!!
He moaned as I sucked on the base off his neck going for his collar bone.
I pulled away abit to look at his eyes to check for something.
Atleast I'm not the only one whose turned on.
We took off our clothes fast we were soon naked.
He flipped us over with him on top.
His mouth on mine and hands going anywhere and everywhere.
I slide my hand to touch my dick that was painfully pulsing in need.
He slapped it away.
Like that would stop me.
I glared at him in a warning.
Not expecting him to jerk off my dick.
What a bloody delight it is to be on the receiving end!
It's so much better when someone else is doing it.
I tilted my head back to get a better look at the hunk on top off me.
So pretty. I bet he looks like his mom.
No disrespect to his dad but what are the odds off his dad being handsome?
His hot wet mouth around my dick.
Guys also did this?
Imagine that!
"Mmmmmmmh" I moaned.
Grabbing the locks of his soft hair.
As he swallowed all of me.
A knock to the window had me frozen Rigid like a doll.
"What's wrong Kid?"
Said Mr. Harry not liking my response.
I point to the window with shaking hands.
"Hahahahaha you stressing for nothing kiddo.
Devin can't see you. But he knows it's my car.
Looks like he came to see what held us up."
Mr. Harry said making me instantly relieved.
That right!
The black tinted windows around the car Ofcorse he can't see us.
Phew! Fear has shut down a person's brain.
I didn't want to stop.
I carried on kissing my boss with a new hunger.
He pulled away getting dressed and signalling me to do the same.
Once we were dressed he rolled down the windows.
Devin Hale pov.
Dad rolled down the windows looking relaxed.
How rare.
An ice King like him was always "in a mood".
A bad mood to clarify.
Right now his eyes were dilated.
Lips bruised and gosh his hair.
Than he broke into a smile scaring me to death.
"Hi son what can I do for you?"
He asked smiling his "get lost" smile.
No way!
Him and Argent?
But Argent made it clear to me that he was straight.
But then again my father had a talent of confusing men.
He had a beauty of a woman.
Long black lashes, ice blue eyes and plump pinkish red lips.
And his build is muscular.
Argent never stood a chance to begin with.
Even if he was straight.
That 2% gayness will turn into a 100% once he's been with my dad.
Not want to trigger the demon in my father I handed him a small container.
It had some condoms, lube and a vibrating dildo.
Don't judge us, we look out for each other.
"Alright dad I get the picture, but I'll be expecting y'all in a few hours."
I said smirking at my dad.
Big mistake cause now his staring daggers at me.
What a moody man, I'm only joking!
Let me leave before I make an enemy out of my father.
I must say they make a cute couple.
I waved and bid them good bye before leaving.
Harry Hale's pov
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