《War of the Sexes》Chapter 13


A crash sounded from above causing everyone to jump. All of our attentions were on the door the sealed us off from the above world. I noticed as the two men before me exchanged glances. John looked at me then back to the door.

My eyes jumped between the two guys, heart pumping like crazy. Footsteps sounded from directly above us. None dared to move for fear of being


A muffled voice sounded, deep. It was deeper than any voice I'd heard so far. I couldn't make out any of the words, but I could tell he was speaking

quickly. The footsteps disappeared, silence filling the basement.

Suddenly, I felt hands grabbing my upper arms. I was forced up, falling into a chest. I looked up to see Clayton glaring down at me. Quickly, I backed

away, glancing over at John. He motioned for us to follow him.

John quietly started to move towards the opposite wall. Clayton grabbed my arm, pulling me with him as we tip-toed over. My leg stung slightly from

the cuts as we moved, but the bleeding had stopped.

A sliver of light appeared against the wall, lighting up John's face. His eyes flashed slightly as he opened a door I had never noticed had been there.

The footsteps returned, causing all of us to freeze in our spot.

John shook his head, slipping out the door. Clayton pulled me along as we left the basement. I stumbled, catching myself on the door handle.

Quietly, Clayton closed the door behind us. John motioned towards a wooded area to our left. Clayton nodded.

Quietly, we snuck around the side of the house. I noticed John was much farther ahead of Clayton and me. I quickened our pace, only to have an arm

hold me back.

I looked up at Clayton, confused as to why we needed to stay far behind John. He simply shook his head at me, keeping me back.


"When I say so, take off running after John. Don't stop for anything" Clayton whispered in a barely audible voice. I watched as John slowly wandered

out and away from the house.

He looked back at Clayton who gave me a slightly nudge forward.

I turned around, looking at him. His eyes were wide, hands urging me forward.

I took off, running blindly towards where John had been before. My breathing quickly became panted, muscles sore from lack of moving for so long.

I kept running until I hit something hard, stopping my dead in my tracks. I groaned, falling backwards. I reached my hand out trying to catch myself,

only to slip and land painfully on my butt.

I bit my lip, holding back a scream of pain.

John looked down at me in disgust as Clayton met up with us.

"Let's go" John said, turning around and walking away.

"Where?" Clayton shouted after him, reaching a hand out for me. "Where the hell do you expect us to go?"

"You think I know?" John turned around "We just have to get out of here if you want to keep her"

Anger boiled up in me as I stood up, following the two boys.

"I don't want to keep her!" Clayton snapped "You think I want to risk my life for some girl?"

"Then why are we keeping her?" John shouted

"Because she..." Clayton trailed off, unsure of how to finish. I had to admit, I was horribly insulted by that. I didn't understand the conversation entirely

but I would have liked a reason why I was being forced through all this

"Exactly" John spat, giving me a dirty look "Now let's go. We need to wait until they abandon the house before we can leave"


Clayton nodded, sitting down on a rock. I looked around, noticing we were in a small clearing. A few trees had been cut down to make an area where

the sun could easily show through. I cautiously sat down on a tree stump.

John never took his eyes off me as he rested against the one opposite me.

"Start talking Leech" John snarled at me. Leech? Did he think I was a vampire or something? "Who sent you?"

"I d-don't know what you're t-talking about" I stuttered in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes you do. Who sent you to our Side" John growled

"No one! I don't even know what you're talking about!"

"John-" Clayton started

But John ignored him, "Start talking or I'll cut your throat out"

That's when I lost it. A girl could only handle the abuse for so long. I let out a small cry of anger before my eyes began to water. I stood up, crying

out,"I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know who sent me here because I don't even know what 'here' is! I have no memory of anything before

seeing you two showed up and kidnapped me! I don't know why you hate me or why we had to run! And I'm confused , scared and hurt so please, just stop

yelling at me!"

John growled, standing up "You don't call the shots here"

"John, dude, chill" Clayton said, standing up too. "I think she might be a reject"

John's eyes roamed down my body, his face still showing disgust "They wouldn't reject someone like her"

"You don't know how they work"

"I know enough!" John shouted "They always keep the pretty ones!"

"You don't know if that's the reason they'd reject her!"

John turned to me, "Were you rejected?"

"Rejected from where?!" I cried out

"From the Girl's Side!"

"The what?"

John looked at Clayton "Am I stuttering or something?"

Clayton rolled his eyes, shaking his head no. I looked back and forth between the two boys before asking the question that had been lingering on the

tip of my tongue.

"Uh..." I started, "What's the girl's side?"

"Are you serious?" Clayton asked, cocking an eyebrow while I nodded silently. He look at John "I don't think she's aware that we're split"

"Who's split" I dared to ask

"The boys and the girls" John responded.

I blinked "Wh...what?"

~~Author's Note: Thank you everyone who's reading(: I'm so freakin' happy I have people who like this(: Sorry it took a while to get out!~~

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