《MCYT smut》Chapter 1 -Dreamnoblade-
3rd person POV
Dream stumbled through the snowy forest tripping on rocks and branches as he stumbled through the shaded wood. He glanced up and cried out in relief. There was a clearing up ahead. Finally. He kept tripping towards the hope of salvation clutching his side. He wasn't quite sure how he'd hurt it. The events had been a blur. The bleeding had mostly stopped by now but he had lost a lot of blood before that had happened. He grinned as the light of the clearing came closer. Almost there. Then it went black.
Techno POV
I heard a yelp from deeper in the forest as I cut down trees. Who was way out here? I swear if it was Quackity again. I grumbled under my breath as I went to investigate. I did not expect to find a bleeding man in a cracked smile mask and dirty lime hoodie. Of course there was only one person who would be dressed like that but he was in prison. Unless...
'He broke out'
'Bad prison'
'Haha nerds'
'Kill him'
'LMAO Sam sucks at this warden thing'
'He's hurt'
'Help him'
'Finish him'
I sighed quietly and tried to tune the voices out. It worked... sort of. Well at least they'd told me what I'd needed to know. That was a first. Normally they were very unhelpful if it didn't involve killing someone. I knew they were right though. They always were. They seemed to know everything about everyone. To bad they didn't share that knowledge. I gripped the hilt of my sword and watched as the clearly injured man stumbled towards the edge of the forest. I noticed him grin as he got closer to the edge. Then he collapsed.
He looked like he'd be out for a while so I rushed towards his unconscious figure. The infamous Dream escaped an inescapable prison and ran all the way to the tundra. Huh. Did not expect to find that out today. I moved his limp hand to inspect the wound. Yikes. Creeper poison. Must have been Sam. Surprised he escaped. The cut was long and resembled a scratch from a cat but much larger. The blood was bubbling and the skin was charred black directly around the cut and red welts formed around that. He had numerous other cuts and bruises even a few ripped muscles but currently I was focused on the creeper cut. Creepers all had poison claws on their four feet but with the way their skeleton is built it is very hard for them to use it as a weapon. But Sam was a creeper hybrid. He could retract his claws and apparently they were just as poisonous as a pure creepers claws.
'Burn cream'
'Might have ingredients for antidote'
'Cold water'
'Cant stitch'
'Skin needs to heal'
'Strong regen pot in chest downstairs'
'Save him'
'Keep him alive'
'You can't let him die'
I frowned. Not one voice was saying any of the usual gibberish or blood thirsty demands. They were all giving me advice on how to treat creeper poison and telling me to not let him die. Well that was another first.
Slinging the unconscious body over my shoulder I sighed. This would be a long night. I trudged through the snow back to my cabin. Once I got inside I laid the sleeping figure on the couch and got a fire going. That would help wouldn't it. Heading downstairs I grabbed some blankets for after I treated his injuries and the special regeneration potion I kept for emergencies. I suppose this could count as an emergency. I headed back up the ladder barely managing to not drop anything. I placed the blankets to the side and started treating the wounds.
First the creeper poison. Creeper poison would heat someone's blood causing the heart to speed up and the brain to shut down. Then it would burn away the skin surrounding the point of entry. From there angry red welts would pop up. They were extremely painful and helped keep the body temperature high. So I had to cool him down. Easy enough.
It was not easy enough. The fever this man had was insane. I put out the fire and placed home made ice packs around the wound, on his forehead, and around his heart. It had sort of worked but not much. I applied burn cream to the welts but I was nervous to touch the charred skin. What if it was like charcoal and fell right off. It sure looked like charcoal. I finally gave up and grabbed the regen potion. I poured some of the pink substance onto the blackened skin and let out a small breath of relief when it didn't wash it away completely. The potion immediately started working. The skin lightening and little sign of the welts or the burned skin left. Even the cut it's self was a bit smaller. I felt his forehead and grinned as I realized the fever had gone down. It wasn't completely gone but enough to tell me that his blood had also cooled. I'd have to brew more of those potions. They worked wonders.
Wrapping his abdomen I bit my lip slightly. He was pretty. Well built and scarred but not to much. I shook my head. What in the world was I thinking. I finished treating and bandaging his other injuries before sitting in the chair next or him and falling asleep.
Dream POV
I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I jolted up and instantly regretted it. My side throbbed as I sat up. It wasn't as bad as it had been but it was still painful. I looked around and spotted the remains of my mask on a near by side table. I looked at myself and blinked. I was healed up and bandaged. Was I in another server maybe? Surely there was no one on the SMP that would help me.
I looked around once more this time glancing behind me and froze. Technoblade was sleeping in a chair near the couch I was laid on. He looked so pretty asleep. His normal pig mask was off to the side and his long bubblegum pink hair had fallen out of its braid. Longer eyelashes laid on pale scarred skin. He was wearing a white button up that i could see through slightly so I moved on quickly. He had a loose red belt on though it was falling off slightly and dark gray pants. They fit his legs fairly tightly and I wondered for a split second what was under there.
Blushing madly I looked around the rest of the room. There was a fireplace by us and a dining table a few feet behind the couch. Around the table were four chairs. Sad considering the fact there was only one resident. There was a kitchenette along the wall by the table and a ladder going both up and down in the corner. Across from the kitchen were basic work stations. A furnace and blast furnace. A crafting table- an anvil a grindstone and a few other things. I looked back to Techno only to meet crimson red eyes. They were so pretty. Like rubies laying in the pale snow of his face. His nose was like a button but at the same time not to small and his lips- his lips were beautiful. They were full and a pale pink and I wondered for a moment what they tasted like.
"Good morning" his voice was deep and monotone as always but it had a gravelly tone from sleep and oh I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. I mentally cursed myself. I knew I'd liked him for a while but this was out of hand. It had never been this bad. I think.
"Morning" my voice was scratchy and a bit higher then normal. It also felt cold. As soon as I thought that I realized my entire body was cold. As soon as this registered I shivered. I noticed Techno's expression soften into one of worry.
"Are you alright? Are you cold?" He was so caring it would have made me smile if I wasn't so god damn cold. Maybe a fire would help. Or cuddling with a certain someone- no we weren't going to think about that. No.
"Ya I'm fine. It's just absurdly cold in here." I noticed my teeth chatter a little as I spoke. As soon as I spoke my discomfort Techno stood and went to light the fire. His back was to me and I couldn't help but notice he had a nice ass. Wait did I really just think that. Gods I needed to get my head under control. After the fire was lit Techno stood and stretched. He was still facing away from me and I noticed the rest of his body. How everything moved and it was mesmerizing. He was so pretty. No pretty wasn't the right word. He was hot. There. I said it. Well thought it but it still counts. He looked towards me again.
"Want some breakfast?" I nod unable to find words as I meet his eyes. They were like drops of blood staining a white paper and they were beautiful. I watch him as he nods back and turns to the kitchen. I watch him make the food and to be quite frank I'm enjoying the view.
Techno POV
I wake up and see Dream sitting up and surveying the room. His blonde hair is a a mess and emerald green eyes remind me of jungle leaves. He has a light dusting of freckles over his nose and his lips a thin but look soft. I wonder what it would be like to feel them. Shit I need to stop thinking about him like that. I know I've liked him since the moment we met but I can't let him know that or he'd use it against me. Plus there's no way he'd like a nerd like me. He's to well him for that.
I focus back on Dream just in time to see him look back at me. He freezes. After a split second he makes eye contact and I am entranced. His eyes are greener the the purest emerald in the mountains but clearer then the sea. He's gorgeous. I snap out of it after a moment.
"Good morning" is all I say. Gods I could have said anything and that's it. No you don't want him to know you think he's hot and kind and fierce and absolutely perfect. You can't let him know you think that. Theres no way he'd feel the same anyways.
"Morning" he replies and boy was his voice adorable. It was a bit higher then normal and it sounded like he was squeaking out his words. It was enticing. It sounded so plain yet at the same time it sounded like wind chimes in a light breeze or a melody of birds on a nice summer day. I notice him shiver slightly. Was he cold? What was wrong?
"Are you okay? Are you cold?" I asked almost frantically. Shit! There was no way he wouldn't know now. Oh why did I have to ask like I actually cared! Oh wait because I do actually care.
"Ya I'm fine. It's just absurdly cold in here." God damn it! Of course it was cold! We were in the tundra and I'd put out the fire due to his fever last night. Gods I'm an idiot. I noticed his teeth click together softly as he spoke. That wasn't good. Standing quickly I went to the fireplace. Grabbing the flint and steel I kept there I struck it a few times until it sparked. Once the fire was lit and was going to stay lit I stood and stretched. Sleeping on the chair was not the best idea now was it. Turning to look at Dream again I stifled a yawn. How late was it last night after treating his injuries?
"Want some breakfast?" I was proud of myself for sounding casual about it when internally I was freaking out. He seemed a bit off. Did I do something wrong? He met my eyes and I froze for a split second. His eyes were like jade in a mountain cave or forests breaking an otherwise barren landscape. They were beautiful. Just like everything else about him. I snapped out of it as he nodded. Grinning I went to the kitchen to cook. I felt eyes on me but honestly I don't mind one bit.
I made eggs, toast and potatoes all while feeling Dream's gaze on me. I smiled to myself. Maybe he liked the view. No what was I thinking there was no way he felt the same way.
I froze for a moment. This voice was a lot louder then the majority of the voices. There were louder ones yes but they were rare. And this one had a point. Maybe. If he did feel the same way... well I don't know to be honest. The possibility was so absurd I wouldn't know how to react. Shaking myself slightly I continued platting the food. I turned with both plates in my hands. Giving him a cheesy over-emphasized bow I spoke in the most posh tone I could muster.
"Breakfast is served." It was all I could do to not burst out laughing. As I straightened up I saw Dream smiling at my absurd act. It looked like he was also biting back laughter.
"Why thank you." He spoke in an equally over the top posh voice. That was my breaking point. I snickered as he took the plate. He giggled as well and it was magical. His laugh was like tiny bells ringing in the night.
We ate in a comfortable silence. I was lost in my thoughts. It was nice until they wandered to Dream. My mind kept thinking about everything we could do. The rational part of me reminded the rest of me it would never happen because for the last time there was no way he felt the same. That didn't help at all. The rest of me kept thinking about what the voice had said and giving 'what if's'. That voice was weird. I'd never heard it before but it felt different. Like it knew something. Yes the voices tended to know close to everything as a collective but not on their own but this one felt like it knew absolutely everything.
I finished before Dream and waited for him to finish too. I wondered what he was thinking about. If on the off chance it was anything like what I was thinking about. It probably wasn't. But maybe. Just maybe. Oh well. A man could hope.
Dream finished shortly after. I grinned and stood again taking his plate to the sink. As I turned around I finally caught him staring. He flushed pink and began stuttering out an apology.
"I'm s- sorry! I wasn't- It wasn't what it looked like! I wasn't staring! I- oh who am I kidding. I was staring sorry." He sighed and slumped down. I smirked slightly. Maybe he did feel the same. You know considering how flustered he'd gotten when I caught him staring and considering he stared the entire time I cooked. I decided to test something.
"Oh? What were you staring at?" My smirk widened as I spoke. Purposely lowering my voice as I spoke the second sentence. Dream seemed to freeze as he processed my words. After a minute he looked up at me blushing furiously.
"I- Um- Well I- nothing?" It came out as more of a question and I could tell he knew he was caught. Maybe he'd been hiding his own feelings too.
"Uh huh. And are you perhaps lying?" I kept my tone low and stepped closer to him. I still wanted to try some things even though I was now fairly certain he felt the same as I did. He gulped when I asked the question. Intimidation at its finest if I do say so myself. He shrunk down eyes wide as I leaned closer to him. Holy he was even cuter when he was scared. Though to be fair he was cuter when he was flustered as well and he was still flustered is it might be that.
"N- no? Oh for gods sake yes. Yes I am." He didn't elaborate just sort of... went limp I guess you could say. That wasn't quite accurate but it worked to describe the slump in his posture.
"That's what I thought. Now I'll ask you again. What. Were. You. Staring. At." His glowing emerald eyes met mine before he spoke seeming to finally catch on to what I was doing.
"You." He spoke quietly but it was all I needed to hear. I looked down slightly, leaning closer to him and let myself do something I hadn't done in a long time. I let my emotions show themselves on my face. More specifically I let my feelings for him show themselves. He looked shocked. Like he hadn't been expecting me to share the feelings.
"And why pray tell were you looking at me?" I leaned in closer so we were nearly nose to nose. I wondered if he would take the bait. I certainly wanted him to. I wondered what it would be like to feel his lips on mine. My guess is it would be wonderful. He grinned at me.
"Because of this." He leaned up towards me and locked his lips onto mine. I was right. It was fantastic. His lips though thin were soft and tasted lightly of copper and pine. They were warm and I wanted more. Sliding onto the couch to deepen the kiss I bit his lower lip. To my delight he opened. My tongue immediately went after his, quickly winning any fight for dominance he put up. His mouth tasted oddly like apple and not the food we had just eaten. I didn't mind but a small part of me did find it odd. Not that I spent even a split second listening to that part of me. I was to over whelmed by lust. After a good minute we both pulled back for air.
"I like that reason." I murmured. He grinned again, happy I enjoyed it though I could not think of anyway not to like what had just happened.
"Good. I liked it too." I knew what he was about it do and I decided to beat him to it. Quickly I leaned in and kissed him again. This time I didn't even have to ask for an opening he just provided it. I felt his hands twist into my hair. I wrapped my own hand into his hair to deepen the kiss and let the other go down to the band of his pants. He leaned into the touch but before I did any more I pulled away from the kiss. Our noses were touching and a string of saliva connected our mouths.
"Are you sure about this. How far do you want to go?" I may put up a harsh act but I certainly didn't want him to be uncomfortable or push any boundaries. He looked sad I'd pulled away but also grateful I asked.
"I'm sure. I want you. I want you to go all the way." He spoke to comfort. He could tell I was nervous about over stepping his boundaries. He met my worried gaze and just nodded. That was all I needed. I pushed back into the kiss. My hand was still in his hair so I pushed the back of his head to deepen it once again.
My hand slid up his back and pulled off his hoodie followed by his shirt. The bandages were still there but he didn't seem to be in any pain anymore and they were around his torso and not in the way. My hands pulled from his hair and back as I started unbuttoning my own shirt. Quickly tossing it to the side I pushed him down. Lust clouded my thoughts as I started at him. Gods he was beautiful.
3rd person POV
Techno pushed Dream onto his back and pulled away from the kiss breathing heavy and uneven. Dream was panting slightly eyes completely overcome with lust for the pinkette. They both wanted this. Needed this.
Looking at the bottom once more for confirmation Techno met Dream's forest green eyes. The blonde nodded and muttered something that sounded like a yes. That was all he needed.
Techno leaned to Dream's neck and worked his lips on the pale skin. He left purple marks as he went marking Dream as his. He worked his way down the blondes neck stopping to further abuse spots that made Dream gasp or moan particularly loud. Techno worked his way down Dream's chest before stopping and sucking his nipple. Dream cried out as he did this mind starting to blank.
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